R. Agic, G. Popsimonova, A. Ibusoska, Z. Bogevska, M. Davitkovska, B. Ristovska, I. Iljovski, G. Georgievski
Republic of Macedonia has favorable pre-conditions for the development of organic agriculture such as clean regions from industry and pollution and the common use of local inputs in production. Commonly farmers use traditional methods of production based on sustainable use of natural resources, as well as the use of mineral fertilizers and plant protection materials is limited. The organic sector is the fastest growing agricultural sector in Macedonia. The certified area under organic production increased from 226 ha in 2005 to 5,228 ha in 2010 and the number of farms from 50 increased to 562, for the same period. From the total arable land of 415 ha, 1,2% is certified as organic and goes in favor to the targeted 2% set out by the government. Nevertheless, efforts should be done for increasing education of the farmers and consumers about the advantages of the organic agriculture. This would help to develop the market and the supply chains. What remains to be seen is how the producers and associations will meet the market needs and promote organic values among the consumers. “Taking into consideration that Europe has widely open doors only for organic products, it would be necessary to build more serious approach towards the organic agriculture in Macedonia”.
Agic, R., Popsimonova, G., Ibusoska, A., Bogevska, Z., Davitkovska, M., Ristovska, B., Iljovski, I. and Georgievski, G. (2012). PERSPECTIVES OF THE ORGANIC PRODUCTION IN MACEDONIA. Acta Hortic. 960, 263-268
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.37
organic farming, development, perspective, organic area, organic market

Acta Horticulturae