The beginning of the new stage in breeding activities on distant hybridization started at the Fruit-Growing Institute at Plovdiv in 1987. Cultivars and selected wild species of Prunus were included in the breeding programme.
The new cultivar Standesto was obtained by conventional interspecific hybridization carried out in 1990, from the parent combination P. Domestica Stanley × P. Armeniaca Modesto. The tree of Standesto is moderate in growth, showing an intermediate plum-apricot habitus.
The long annual shoots are typically mixed, curved by the leaf nodes as in apricot.
The leaves have an intermediate shape, but closer to the plum type.
Fruits ripen in the first decade of August.
They are oval-elongated in shape, asymmetrical, weighing a little over 41 g.
Fruit skin is dark violet-blue, finely fuzzy, thin.
Fruit flesh is golden yellow, moderately juicy, sweet, with slight acidity and a good mixed apricot-plum taste and mixed aroma.
The stone resembles the plum type, free from flesh, representing more than 4% of the total fruit weight. Standesto is a fully fertile cultivar and it bears fruits regularly and abundantly.
It is tolerant to Plum pox virus. Fruits are well accepted by the consumer for fresh consumption, dried or processed into marmalades, jams, etc.
Standesto and all the other plumcots obtained by interspecific combination of P. domestica × P. Armeniaca could reasonably be assigned to a new separate botanical species under the taxonomy name Prunus×domestiaca Zhiv.
Standesto and all the other plumcots obtained by interspecific combination of P. domestica × P. Armeniaca could reasonably be assigned to a new separate botanical species under the taxonomy name Prunus×domestiaca Zhiv.
Zhivondov, A. (2012). 'STANDESTO', THE FIRST BULGARIAN PLUMCOT CULTIVAR. Acta Hortic. 966, 219-222
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.966.34
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.966.34
plumcots hybrid, Prunus×domestiaca Zhiv.