H. Bourguiba, B. Khadari, L. Krichen, N. Trifi-Farah, A. Mamouni, S. Trabelsi, C. D'Onofrio, J. Egea-Caballero, B.M. Asma, J.M. Audergon
Analysis of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) genetic diversity in the Mediterranean Basin was conducted in order to understand the evolutionary history of the species in this region. In total, 207 native apricot accessions originating from different Mediterranean countries: Algeria, France, Italy, Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey, and representatives of the local variability were selected. This material was analyzed using a common set of 25 monolocus microsatellites distributed throughout the Prunus genome. The studied germplasm showed considerable polymorphism with total alleles numbering 257. According to the geographic origin and the passport data of the material, eleven groups were defined. Genetic variability analysis was assessed within each group revealing a gradient of decreasing diversity from the east to the south-west of the Mediterranean Basin, suggesting a loss of genetic diversity during apricot diffusion. The obtained results will be useful to optimize genetic resources management and conservation at the Mediterranean level.
Bourguiba, H., Khadari, B., Krichen, L., Trifi-Farah, N., Mamouni, A., Trabelsi, S., D'Onofrio, C., Egea-Caballero, J., Asma, B.M. and Audergon, J.M. (2012). GENETIC DIVERSITY ANALYSIS OF MEDITERRANEAN APRICOT GEOGRAPHIC GROUPS. Acta Hortic. 966, 269-274
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.966.43
Prunus armeniaca L., geographic origin, genetic variability, Mediterranean Basin, SSR

Acta Horticulturae