Online articles
Effect of different growing media in hydroponic culture on the yield and biological quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
- K. Kowalczyk
- M. Mirgos
- K. Bączek
- M. Niedzińska
- M. Gajewski
Effects of plant strengthening agents on horticultural crops
- S. Kastner
- H.-P. Kaul
- J. Balas
Different scion/rootstock combinations influence the yield and quality of grafted watermelon fruits
- N. Kacjan Maršić
- D. Znidarčič
- M. Jakše
Yield of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in ecological production according to environment conservation
- M. Cvijanović
- G. Dozet
- G. Cvijanović
- V. Đukić
- M. Vasić
- V. Popović
- S. Jakšić
Responses of hydroponically-grown common bean to N-starvation combined by root inoculation with N2-fixing bacteria
- C.K. Kontopoulou
- S. Giagkou
- E. Stathi
- D. Savvas
- P.P.M. Iannetta
The effect of urea and urea with urease inhibitors on tuber yields and starch content in potatoes
- T. Lošák
- J. Hlušek
- L. Musilová
- M. Jůzl
- P. Elzner
- R. Filipčík
Safe and sustainable fertilization technology with using fish water effluent as a new bio-source for fertilizing
- R.E. Abdelraouf
- S.D. Abou-Hussein
- M.A. Badr
- N.M. El-Tohamy
The effect of mulch on morphological and agronomic traits of kohlrabi cultivars
- I. Zutić
- S. Fabek
- B. Benko
- S. Radman
- N. Toth
Summer-autumn cultivation of dill (Anethum graveolens)
- J. Wtulich
- A. Metera
- M. Niedzińska
- J. Gajc-Wolska
Effect of aluminium toxicity on concentration of photosynthetic pigments in two potato cultivars with different aluminium sensitivity
- B. Lazarević
- V. Jurkić
- M. Mušić
- M. Poljak
Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions
- R.M.A. Machado
- D.R. Bryla
Salinity accumulation in the root zones of cucumber under drip irrigation practices
- H. Kaman
- Ö. Özbek
Effects of rhizosphere-treatments with a plant-strengthening agent in combination with different charcoal composts on cucumbers
- R. Kappert
- M. Koyutürk
- J. Balas
Effects of drip irrigation systems on saving irrigated water and yield capacity of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) in the conditions of south-east Kazakhstan
- B.S. Rakhymzhanov
- T.E. Aitbaev
- T.S. Tazhibaev
- T.L. Cholakov
Effects of irrigation based on different moisture levels of growing medium on soilless grown greenhouse tomatoes
- E. Aydiner
- Y. Tuzel
- I.H. Tuzel
- U. Tunali
- G.B. Oztekin
Cultivar and plant density impact on growth and morphometric characteristics of lettuce in floating system
- N. Toth
- R Vrhovec
- J. Borošić
- B. Benko
- S. Fabek
- I. Zutić
- S. Radman
Enhancing water stress tolerance in pepper at seedling stage by 24-epibrassinolid (EBL) applications
- A. Samancıoğlu
- F. Kocaçınar
- A.R. Demirkıran
- A. Korkmaz
Morphology and yield of watercress grown in floating system
- B. Benko
- N. Toth
- S. Fabek
- L. Čoga
- S. Radman
- I. Zutić
Calibration methodology of a hyperspectral imaging system for greenhouse plant water status assessment
- N. Katsoulas
- A. Elvanidi
- K.P. Ferentinos
- C. Kittas
- T. Bartzanas
Isolation and characterization of Colletotrichum coccodes from potato in Bulgaria
- R. Rodeva
- Z. Stoyanova
- V. Manova
- R. Georgieva
- L. Stoilov
An emerging fungal disease on Lactuca sativa in Bulgaria
- R. Rodeva
- Z. Stoyanova
- A. Kacergius
Effects of chloropicrin soil fumigation on pathogenic and beneficial soil microbial populations in tomato production in EU
- J. Pecina
- A. Minuto
- C. Bruzzone
- M. Romić
Efficacy of biocontrol agents and bactericides in control of pepper bacterial spot
- M. Sević
- K. Gašić
- M. Đorđević
- M. Ignjatov
- M. Mijatović
- B. Zečević
- A. Obradović
Resistance of some tomato genotypes to early blight (Alternaria solani)
- S. Medić-Pap
- A. (Ana) Takač
- D. Danojević
- A. (Adam) Takač
- S. Maširević
- S. Vlajić
Analysis of the Croatian vegetables market
- Z. Mesić
- M. Zrakić
- M. Tomić
- M. Cerjak
A network for the conservation of agrobiodiversity of local ecotypes
- G. Timpanaro
- A. Scuderi
- V.T. Foti
The sustainability of biodynamic horticultural production: the case of Po valley
- G. Ferrazzi
- S. Bormolini
- G. Agnelli
- V. Ventura
Home gardens and backyards – suitable area for vegetable production
- J. Červenski
- J. Gvozdanović-Varga
- M. Vasić
- A. Stojanović
- S. Medić-Pap
- D. Danojević
- A. Savić
Marketability of branded young potatoes - opinions of wholesalers
- A.S. Ilak Peršurić
- D. Ban
Economic and environmental analysis of organic early potatoes
- A. Scuderi
- V.T. Foti
- G. Timpanaro
- L. Sturiale
Nitrogen fixation and protein content of five cultivated rare bush bean cultivars
- M. Koyutürk
- J. Balas
Analysis of genotypic diversity in rocket (Eruca sativa) based on agronomical traits
- Si-Hong Kim
- Ngoc-Thang Vu
- Zhi-Hao Xu
- Won-Hee Kang
- Il-Seop Kim
Analysis of genotypic diversity based on leaf morphological traits in rockets (Eruca sativa)
- Zhi-Hao Xu
- Ngoc-Thang Vu
- Si-Hong Kim
- Il-Seop Kim
A glance on the phenotypic diversity among pea (Pisum sativum) local genotypes in Albania
- G. Sallaku
- T. Nasto
- A. Balliu
Phenotypic diversity among faba bean (Vicia faba) local genotypes in Albania
- T. Nasto
- G. Sallaku
- A. Balliu
Effects of salt and drought stresses on physiological and biochemical changes in callus tissues of melon cultivars
- Ş. Kuşvuran
- Ş.Ş. Ellialtıoğlu
- M. Talhouni
- K. Sonmez
- S. Kıran
Mineral composition of kale genotypes grown in three soils
- B. Urlić
- G. Dumičić
- S. Goreta Ban
- M. Romić
Changes of chemical composition of rhubarb during vegetation
- M. Duma
- I. Alsina
- L. Dubova
Photo-selective netting for improved performance of tomato fruit
- Z.S. Ilić
- L. Milenković
- Lj. Sunić
Extended harvest time improves the shelf life of celeriac (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum) through postharvest treatment and storage conditions
- Z.S. Ilić
- Lj. Sunić
- L. Milenković
The effect of vermicompost-derived humic substances on nutrient status and yield of organic potato in field conditions
- A. Osvalde
- A. Karlsons
- G. Cekstere
- L. Vojevode
Effect of fertilization on the nutritive quality of lettuce
- H. Kudić
- Z. Vukobratović
- M. Vukobratović
- M. Veladžić
- D. Bužić
The effect of dehydrated organic fertilizers on the lettuce mineral content
- S. Fabek
- N. Toth
- K. Ćurić
- P. Skrlec
- D.P. Bilić
- L. Čoga
The influence of nitrogen fertilization on growth, yield, nitrate and oxalic acid concentration in purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
- R.V. Santos
- R.M.A. Machado
- I. Alves-Pereira
- R.M.A. Ferreira
Effects of tomato-broccoli intercropping on macro element contents in tomato fruits and leaves under greenhouse conditions
- H. Demir
- E. Polat
Genotype and harvesting period effects on nutritional components of two cherry tomatoes
- K. Papoutsis
- P. Tsouvaltzis
- S. Gkountina
- A.S. Siomos
- A. Koukounaras
The effect of growing medium and controlled atmosphere storage on chemical composition of cherry tomatoes
- M. Gajewski
- K.Z. Mazur
- K. Kowalczyk
- J. Gajc-Wolska
- M. Niedzińska
- K. Krakowiecka
- M. Ziętal
Effect of tomato fruit development stages on yield, fruit quality and heavy metal content
- J. Ćota
- O. Kurtović
- E. Sarić
- A. Hadžić
- J. Zdravković
- M. Zdravković
- J. Ćota
Effects of potassium and iron applications on nutrient concentrations of tomato plants grown in soilless culture
- F. Okturen Asri
- S. Sonmez
The effect of nutrient solution on yield, its quality and the reaction of photosynthetic apparatus of endive (Cichorium endivia) grown in hydroponics
- K. Kowalczyk
- M. Niedzińska
- J. Przybył
- A. Metera
- M.D. Cetner
Lamb¿s lettuce mineral content in floating system
- S. Radman
- J. Ćurko
- N. Toth
- S. Fabek
- L. Čoga
- I. Zutić
- B. Benko
The effects of ozone treatment on quality and biochemical parameters of fresh-cut lettuce
- A. Koukounaras
- M. Papachristodoulou
- C. Chatzidimos
- P. Tsouvaltzis
- D. Gerasopoulos
- A.S. Siomos
EC level affects nutrient contents of pepper (Capsicum annuum) grown on various soil textures
- D.S. Uras
- S. Sonmez
Influence of controlled light condition on developmental parameters of tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum)
- A. Metera
- J. Wtulich
- J. Gajc-Wolska
- M. Niedzińska
- D. Bujalski
- K. Kowalczyk
Studies on some biochemical changes and ion regulation in some tomato genotypes exposed to drought stress
- S. Kıran
- Ş. Kuşvuran
- M. Talhouni
- K. Sonmez
- Ş.Ş. Ellialtıoglu
- F. Özkay
The effects of some osmoprotectant compounds on growth parameters of pea plants (Pisum sativum) under saline conditions
- A. Balliu
- G. Sallaku
- T. Nasto
Evaluation of developmental parameters of tomato seedlings (Solanum lycopersicum) due to various LED light quality
- A. Metera
- J. Wtulich
- J. Gajc-Wolska
- D. Bujalski
- K. Kowalczyk
Callus induction and shoot regeneration of commercial tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) through anther culture
- Prakash Babu Adhikari
- Chul-Soo Yoon
- Won-Hee Kang
Antioxidative enzyme activities, lipid peroxidation, and morphological changes of eggplant genotypes under copper stress
- S. Kıran
- F. Özkay
- Ş. Kuşvuran
- M. Talhouni
- Ş.Ş. Ellialtıoğlu
Effects of spent mushroom compost on seedling quality and nutrient contents of eggplant (Solanum melongena) grown in different growing media
- İ. Sönmez
- H. Kalkan
- H. Demir
Evaluation of effectiveness of Rhizobium leguminosarum strains on broad beans
- I. Alsina
- L. Dubova
- A. Karlovska
- V. Steinberga
- L. Strauta
Effect of water stress on seed imbibitions in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
- S. Aliu
- I. Rusinovci
- S. Fetahu
- N. Bradhi
- K. Bislimi
Status-quo and perspectives of protected vegetables for a sustainable production in South-East Europe
- N. Gruda
- G. Popsimonova
Recent developments of vegetables protected cultivation in Turkey
- Y. Tuzel
- G.B. Oztekin
Current situation of greenhouse vegetable production in Greece
- D. Savvas
- A. Ropokis
- G. Ntatsi
- C. Kittas
An overview of current situation and trends in Albanian vegetables protected cultivation sector
- A. Balliu
- G. Sallaku
The greenhouse vegetables sector development in the Republic of Macedonia
- G. Popsimonova
- G. Georgievski
- D. Dimitrovski
- R. Agić
Potential of protected vegetable production in Kosovo and future perspectives
- S. Kaciu
- I. Babaj
- S. Aliu
- I. Demaj
Current status and prospects of indoor vegetable growing in the Republic of Serbia
- Z.M. Ilin
- B.Đ. Adamović
- S.Z. Ilin
Potential of protected vegetable production in Bosnia and Herzegovina and future perspectives
- L. Karić
- N. Rakita
- D. Maru¿ić
Current situation and future trends of greenhouse vegetable production in Croatia
- B. Benko
- J. Borošić
- V. Simunović
Related Acta Horticulturae
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