Online articles
A stochastic rainfall generator model for simulation of daily rainfall events in Kurau catchment: model testing
- R.M. Fadhil
- M.K. Rowshon
- D. Ahmad
- A. Fikri
- W. Aimrun
Analysis of annual maximum rainfall in Kelantan, Malaysia
- J.L. Ng
- S. Abd Aziz
- Y.F. Huang
- A. Wayayok
- M.K. Rowshon
Antioxidant capacity of banana cultivar 'Nipah' (Musa acuminate balbisiana) extracted with different solvents
- N.A. Othman
- R. Shamsudin
- Z. Othman
Antioxidant content and activity in different parts of pomelo [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck] by-products
- S.Q. Chang
- A. Azrina
Changes in quality of fresh-cut wax-apple (Syzygium samarangense) as affected by storage period and cut sizes
- Y. Awang
- N.I. Kadir
- H. Yahya
Changes in stem diameter of blueberries from dormant period to bud opening
- M. Shimizu
- T. Chosa
- S. Tojo
Classification of sweet corn based on storage time after harvest using near infrared spectroscopy
- S. Suktanarak
- P. Supprung
- S. Teerachaichayut
Colour changes during deep-frying of sesame cracker's dough balls
- S.B. Tan
- R. Shamsudin
- A.P. Mohammed
- N.A. Abdul Rahman
Design and fabrication of a direct passive solar dryer for tilapia fish filets
- E.G. Ikrang
- A.A. Whyte
- A.M. Maurice
- C.O. Akubuo
- D.I. Onwude
of maturity stages of oil palm fresh fruit bunches using multispectral imaging method
- T. Groß
- N. Hashim
- S. Khairunniza-Bejo
- S. Abd Aziz
- M. Zude-Sasse
Developing geostatistical mapping tools for precision farming of rice
- E. Jahanshiri
- A.R.M. Shariff
- S. Khairunniza-Bejo
- A. Wayayok
Development of an experimental rig for soil and crop residues management
- B.G. Jahun
- D. Ahmad
- M.R. Mahdi
- S. Sulaiman
Development of coconut-based floating structure for stand-alone solar PV system in the tropics
- N. Fauzan
- M.E. Ya¿acob
- M.N. Mokhtar
- H. Hizam
Development of logistics system model on vegetables agribusiness cluster using discrete event simulation
- T. Perdana
- S. Sanjaya
Different combinations of light spectrum of LED and nitrogen affect the growth and yield of lettuce (Lactuca sativa)
- N. Anuar
- N. Ibrahim
- Y. Awang
Digital growth response maps for assessment of cooling requirement in greenhouse production of tomato
- R. Shamshiri
- H. Che Man
- A.J. Zakaria
- P.V. Beveren
- W.I. Wan Ismail
- D. Ahmad
Effect of ball milling and ultrasonication time on particle size of chitosan for potential nanofiller in food packaging film
- R.A. Shapi¿i
- S.H. Othman
- M. Nazli Naim
- R. Kadir Basha
Effect of growing media from agriculture waste onseed germination of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. 'Sida')
- P. Dittakit
- S. Worada
Effect of low temperature storage on the postharvest quality of minimally processed shallot (Allium ascalonicum L.)
- Y.A. Purwanto
- R.B. Nugraha
Effect of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on physicochemical of fresh-cut bottle gourd
- O. Lailatul Akma
- Z.A. Nur Hanani
Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of mucuna bean seed
- A.F. Alonge
- P.J. Etim
Effect of nitrogen fertilizer to growth, biomass and grain yield of paddy
- S. Khairunniza-Bejo
- Z. Zulkifli
- F.M. Muharam
Effects of chemical surface coating (Rain-ZTM) on the powder yield of spray-drying: a preliminary approach
- N. Ramlan
- N.W.M. Zamri
- M.Y. Maskat
- S. Aizad
- S.I. Zubairi
Effects of legume flours on batter rheology and cake physical quality
- A. Aydogdu
- B.C. Ozkahraman
- G. Sumnu
- S. Sahin
Effects of red and blue spectrum of light emitting diodes (LEDs) on the growth and photosynthesis of lemon basil (Ocimum × citriodorum)
- Z. Mat Daud
- Y. Awang
- F. Ismail
- M.T.M. Mohamed
Emissivity determination of oil palm fresh fruit ripeness using a thermal imaging technique
- S. Zolfagharnassab
- A.R. Mohamed Shariff
- R. Ehsani
Evaluation of microwave drying characteristics of Ficus deltoidea leaves by using thin layer drying models
- H. Mohd Johar
- I.H. Rukunudin
- F.H. Kazsim
- R. Ruslan
Evaluation of total flavonoid content of Labisia pumila leaves based on impedance measurements
- D. Jamaludin
- S. Abd Aziz
- D. Ahmad
- H.Z.E. Jaafar
Extraction and characterization of pectin from sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) peels using alkaline extraction method
- D.N. Abang Zaidel
- N.H. Hamidon
- N. Mat Zahir
Fundamental and empirical modelling of co-current spray drying process - a review
- Z. Abdullah
- F.S. Taip
- M.K. Siti Mazlina
- R.Z. Abdul Rahman
Gel-based proteomic study for differential expression of Hevea brasiliensis root proteins in response to infection by soil fungus Rigidoporus microporus
- N. Siddiqui
- C. Middleton
- C. Ribeiro
- S. Atan
- A. Di Cola
Inculcating herbal plots as effective cooling mechanism in urban planning
- N.F. Othman
- M.E. Ya'acob
- A.S. Abdul-Rahim
- H. Hizam
- M.M. Farid
- S. Abd Aziz
Investigation of physical properties and moisture sorption behaviour of different marshmallow formulations
- E. Kirtil
- A. Aydogdu
- M.H. Oztop
In vitro propagation of olive cultivars ‘Frontio’, ‘Earlik’, ‘Gemlik’
- Q.U.A. Farooq
- A. Fatima
- N. Murtaza
- F. Hussain Ferdosi
Kinetic study of copper (II) removal from aqueous solution onto unmodified kenaf fibre
- R.Z. Maryam
- C.M. Hasfalina
- C.A. Luqman
Livestock wastewater generation and farm management: the gap analysis
- N.N. Nik Daud
- C.S. Anijiofor
Mathematical modelling and validation of oil migration on a model chocolate system using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- S. Cikrikci
- M.H. Oztop
Membership function model for defining optimality of vapor pressure deficit in closed-field cultivation of tomato
- R. Shamshiri
- H. Che Man
- A.J. Zakaria
- P.V. Beveren
- W.I. Wan Ismail
- D. Ahmad
Modelling the streamflow of a river basin using enhanced hydro-meteorological data in Malaysia
- N.S. Dlamini
- M.K. Rowshon
- A. Fikhri
- S.H. Lai
- M.S.F. Mohd
Non-destructive prediction of moisture content of lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle 'Paan') by multiple regression analysis of its electrical and physical properties
- H.T. Huong
- S. Teerachaichayut
Oil quality monitoring during deep fat frying using Raman spectroscopy
- N.U.A. Ibrahim
- S. Abd Aziz
- N. Hashim
Optical method for the detection of moisture content of pumpkin during drying
- D.I. Onwude
- N. Hashim
- K.M. Solehin
Physical and mechanical properties of fresh and sterilized oil palm fruitlets
- C.J. Vincent
- R. Shamsudin
- A.S. Baharuddin
- R. Yunus
Postharvest deterioration of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and associated effects on antioxidant bioactive contents
- O.J. Esua
- N.L. Chin
- Y.A. Yusof
- R. Sukor
Prediction of banana quality attributes and ripeness classification using artificial neural network
- S.E. Adebayo
- N. Hashim
- K. Abdan
- M. Hanafi
- M. Zude-Sasse
Preliminary study on formation of ex situ fouling deposit from palm-based coconut milk substitute and RBD palm oil
- N. Nordin
- R. Karudin
- I.H. Rosli
- N.A. Aziz
- F.S. Taip
- M.A.P. Mohammed
- N. Abdul Aziz
Quality improvement of fresh strawberry (Fragaria sp. 'Earlibrite') through applying salt stress treatment in a tropical environment
- F.F. Mohammad Affan
- I. Wahyuningsih
- M. Maksum
- N. Khuriyati
RGB imaging system for monitoring quality changes of seedless watermelon during storage
- M. Mohd Ali
- N. Hashim
- S. Khairunniza-Bejo
- R. Shamsudin
- W.N.F.H. Wan Sembak
Selected orange-fleshed sweet potato genotypes with high dry matter and beta-carotene contents
- E. Ginting
- R. Yulifianti
- M. Jusuf
Steaming process of paddy to improve quality and reduce glycemic index of parboiled rice
- R. Hasbullah
- L. Pujantoro
- S. Koswara
- E.G. Fadhallah
- M. Surahman
The determination of nitrogen value at various reading points on rice leaf using RGB imaging
- N.A. Bachik
- N. Hashim
- A. Wayayok
- H. Che Man
- S. Saipin
The effect of enriched compost and nitrogen fertilizer on the growth and yield of sweet corn (Zea mays L.)
- D.H. Pangaribuan
- N. Nurmauli
- S.F. Sengadji
The effect of onion skin powder addition on extrudate properties
- B. Tonyali
- I. Sensoy
The influence of dry-blending operational parameters on homogeneity of milk formula powder
- N.S.M. Dali
- N.A. Bakar
- N.A. Aziz
- Y.A. Yusof
- F.S. Taip
The potential of backscattering imaging in evaluating the ripening stages of bananas
- N. Zulkifli
- N. Hashim
- K. Abdan
- M. Hanafi
Thermal comfort differences in poultry houses and its influence on growth performance of broiler strains
- W.N.U. Perera
- C.M.B. Dematawewa
Transforming agricultural supply-chain through postharvest engineering and appropriate technology
- C.P.M. Sianipar
- G. Yudoko
- K. Dowaki
Utility of single nucleotide polymorphism markers in clonal profiling of Hevea brasiliensis
- R. Greenhill
- E. Mollison
- C. Dowman
- L. Johnson
- S.A.M. Arif
- B. Clavijo
- V. Serkiova
- S. Atan
- M. Kolesnikova-Allen
Value chain financing model on shallot commodities using system thinking approach
- T. Perdana
- F. Rahayu
Related Acta Horticulturae
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