Online articles
Seeking to attain the UN's Sustainable Development Goal 2 worldwide: the important role of Moringa oleifera
- J.D.H. Keatinge
- A.W. Ebert
- J.d'A. Hughes
- R.-Y. Yang
- J. Curaba
Moringa frequently asked questions
- M.E. Olson
Observations on the adaptability of some species of moringa in Israel
- D. Makin
- E.M. Solowey
Adaptability and horticultural characterization of different moringa accessions in Central Philippines
- H.G. Patricio
- M.C. Palada
Analysis of the oil biosynthesis transcripts of the Moringa oleifera Lam. mature seed embryos using RNA sequencing
- V.A. Panes
- A. Kitazumi
- M. Butler
- R. Baoas
- B.G. De los Reyes
Floral and reproductive biology of Moringa oleifera (Moringaceae) in Burkina Faso, West Africa
- J. Krieg
- D. Goetze
- S. Porembski
- P. Arnold
- K.E. Linsenmair
- K. Stein
Genetic diversity of Moringa oleifera Lam. in Rajasthan, India
- S. Tak
- I.B. Maurya
Surveying and preserving Moringa peregrina germplasm in Egypt
- M.I. Ezzo
- S.A. Saleh
- A.A. Glala
- A.M. Abdalla
- S.M. Adam
Productivity of Moringa oleifera augmented with intercropped tropical legumes
- T.N. Motis
- J.M. Longfellow
- A.D. Jani
- B.J. Lingbeek
- C.J. D¿Aiuto
- J.C.J. Bergen
Biomass yield of Moringa oleifera as influenced by plant density and harvest frequency
- H.G. Patricio
- M.C. Palada
- H.E. Deloso
- D.E. Garcia
Croissance et productivité du Moringa oleifera Lam. en plantation agroforestière au Togo
- K.E. Abotsi
- Y. Fare
- F. Auzanneau
- F. Villon
- N. Métro
- G. Mawussi
- K. Kokou
Diseases and pests of moringa: a mini review
- M.A.U. Mridha
- F.N. Barakah
Efficacy of hard seed shell and wings on seed germination of Moringa oleifera
- M.A. Sharaf-Eldin
- P. Alam
- S.A. Mahfouz
Germplasm evaluation and influence of soil type, plant density and pruning height on biomass yield of moringa in central Vietnam
- H.T.H. Truong
- T.V. Tran
- T.T.T. Nguyen
- P.D. Nguyen
- A.T. Do
Green cultivation of moringa on arid agricultural land in Saudi Arabia
- M.A.U. Mridha
- F.N. Al-Barakah
Influence of pre-sowing seed treatments on the germination of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.)
- S.A. Materechera
Moringa oleifera Lam., a promising crop species for arid conditions of Saudi Arabia and Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori, a native wild species for crop improvement
- N.S. Al-Khalifah
- A.E. Shanavaskhan
Moringa research and cultivation in Niger
- D. Pasternak
- J.D.H. Keatinge
- Z. Mamoudou
Recent advances in production, processing and utilization of Moringa oleifera in Ghana
- H. Adu-Dapaah
- I. Osei-Bonsu
- I. Oduro
- J. Asiedu
Response of moringa plants to foliar application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers
- F.M. Abdelwanise
- S.A. Saleh
- M.I. Ezzo
- S.S. Helmy
- M.A. Abodahab
Survey of insect pests on Moringa oleifera in Samoa
- R. Kant
- R.C. Joshi
- I. Faleono
Yield and quality responses of Moringa oleifera Lam. to nitrogen fertilization
- N. Ratshilivha
- E.S. Du Toit
- J.T. Vahrmeijer
- J.N. Eloff
Enhancing nutrient intake from moringa leaves through adequate consumption patterns
- A. de Saint Sauveur
- M.G. Amenglor
- J. Kinda
- F. Colomban
Anticlastogenic effects of organically grown moringa (Moringa oleifera), lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus), and sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) using micronucleus test
- G.C. Sanchez
- M.D. Dizon
- H.M. Soriano Jr.
Chemical profiling of Philippine Moringa oleifera leaves
- L.G. Lagurin
- M.O. Galingana
- J.D.J. Magsalin
- J.E.S. Escaño
- F.M. Dayrit
Cytotoxic effect of Moringa oleifera on colon cancer cell lines
- F. Reda
- J. Borjac
- R. Fakhouri
- J. Usta
Cytotoxicity effect of water extracts of Moringa oleifera leaves and seeds against MCF-7 cells
- M.H.A. Rahaman
- N.H.A. Kadir
- N.M. Amin
- W.B.W. Omar
Drumstick tree (Moringa oleifera) leaves as a source of dietary selenium, sulphur and pro-vitamin A
- G. Lyons
- C. Gondwe
- G. Banuelos
- C. Mendoza
- A. Haug
- O. Christophersen
- A.W. Ebert
Efficacy of Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) leaves in improving the iron and vitamins A and B status of Filipino schoolchildren
- M.E. Serafico
- L.A. Perlas
- C.R. Magsadia
- J.A. Desnacido
- R.V. Viajar
- E.O. Rongavilla
- G.P. Azana
- T.P. Trinidad
Medicinal uses of Moringa oleifera in southern Benin (West Africa)
- E.E. Agoyi
- F.A.Y. Okou
- E.A. Assogbadjo
- B. Sinsin
Moringa - a vegetable tree for improved nutrition, health and income of smallholder farmers
- A.W. Ebert
- M.C. Palada
Moringa oleifera and inflammation: a mini-review of its effects and mechanisms
- S.J. Ray
- T.J. Wolf
- C.N. Mowa
Moringa oleifera leaves for improving nutrition security and oxidative stress and reducing anemia
- V.S. Nambiar
Phytonutrient values of Moringa oleifera leaves
- J.W. Luoh
- A. Sheu
- W.-J. Wu
- R.-Y. Yang
Ethnobotanical use and commercial potential of Moringa oleifera in Indonesia: an underused and under-recognized species
- J.M. Roshetko
- P. Purnomosidhi
- G. Sabastian
- L. Dahlia
- M. Mahrizal
- E. Mulyoutami
- A. Perdana
- M. Megawati
- R. Riyandoko
- H.T. Maulana
- S. Anggrayani
- E. Martini
Evaluation of natural coagulant Moringa oleifera Lam. in the treatment of dairy wastewater at different pH
- G.A.P. Mateus
- L.A. de M. Pinto
- A.T.A. Baptista
- L. Nishi
- M.R.F. Klen
- R.G. Gomes
- A.A. Araújo
- R. Bergamasco
Farmers’ knowledge, attitude and practices of moringa as nutritional and medicinal food in 'Mymensingh' region of Bangladesh
- M.S.A. Fakir
- M.R. Islam
- A. Sagar
- M.A. Kashem
- M.A. Rahim
Identification and characterization of endophytic fungi associated with the leaves of Moringa oleifera Lam.
- E.S. Carbungco
- N.B. Pedroche
- V.A. Panes
- T.E. De la Cruz
Indonesian consumers' perceptions of daun kelor (Moringa oleifera)
- H. Irawan
- R.C. Patricio
Infrared spectroscopy for the characterization and quality control of Moringa oleifera: a multivariate approach
- C. Rébufa
- I. Pany
- N. Dupuy
- I. Bombarda
Moringa oleifera: potential areas of cultivation on the Iberian Peninsula
- M. Godino
- C. Arias
- M.I. Izquierdo
Moringa oleifera as a model system for undergraduate problem-based learning
- R.M. Bates
- A.J. Bicksler
Progress in research and development of moringa at the World Vegetable Center
- M.C. Palada
- A.W. Ebert
- R.-Y. Yang
- L.C. Chang
- J. Chang
- D.L. Wu
Seed storage conditions influence germination of Moringa oleifera Lam. seed
- E.S. du Toit
- H. Fotouo
- P.J. Robbertse
The potential of moringa in climate change, sustainable livelihood and food security - a review
- N.K. Amaglo
- J. Deng
- N. Foidl
Utilization of Moringa oleifera Lam. in animal production
- J. Briones
- A. Leung
- N. Bautista
- S. Golin
- N. Caliwag
- M.A. Carlos
- J. Guevarra
- J. Miranda
- J.K. Guevarra
- N.L. Pili
- D. Mendoza
- N. De Jesus
Vers un nouveau modèle de partenariat multi-acteur dans l'entreprise sociale et solidaire du moringa au Togo (Afrique de l'Ouest)
- Y. Fare
- N. Métro
- F. Villon
- F. Auzanneau
Related Acta Horticulturae
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