Online articles
Challenges and opportunities for a sustainable agriculture in Brazil
- L.R.G. Guilherme
- A.S. Lopes
- A.P. Corguinha
Creativity in micropropagation: an overview of the AEMP/PEMP story and thoughts on what the future will bring?
- P. Read
- B. Loseke
Acclimatization of micropropagated mature avocado
- J.C.A. Hiti Bandaralage
- A. Hayward
- C. O¿Brien
- C. Beveridge
- N. Mitter
Somatic embryogenesis from oil palm zygotic embryos: the impact of medium components and culture conditions
- S. Weckx
- L. Maene
Embryo rescue of Spondias tuberosa and exogenous application of gibberellic acid
- P.A.A. Santos
- G.S. Dias
- A.M.C. Mendonça
- C.D. Silva Júnior
- L.C. Silva
- M.C. Santana
Cattleya orchids seedlings in vitro performance under artificial and natural light
- R. Farinacio
- R.F. Galdiano
- E.G.M. Lemos
In vitro growth of Cattleya guttata and Epidendrum schomburgkii with acid silicate
- C. Mantovani
- R.F. Galdiano
- J.M. Delgado
- R.M. Prado
- K.F.L. Pivetta
Morphological and physiological effects of two different light sources on in vitro multiplication of chestnut and prickled broom
- J.C. Gonçalves
- A. Skec
- A. Krnjac
- T. Delgado
- D. Frazão
- N. Farinha
- J. Domingues
- T. Coelho
Use of TIBA and BAP on Coffea arabica clones to induce sprouting for micro-cutting
- P.C.S. Angelo
- D.S. Baldim
- P.F.C. Neves
- J.R. Lacerda
- J.M.D. Silva
- I.E. Couto
- I.F. Bueno
- C.H.S. Carvalho
- P.B. Borato
- A.C.R.S. Paiva
Use of in vitro methods to induce autotetraploids in the native forage legume Trifolium polymorphum
- A. Castillo
- B. López Carro
- M. Dalla Rizza
- R. Reyno
Fig virus-free production and survival rate improvement using meristem tip culture technique associated with the encapsulation technology
- E. Yahyaoui
- D. Casamento
- A.M. D¿Onghia
- T. Elbeaino
- D. Frasheri
- M.A. Germanà
Mycorrhizal synthesis between Tuber borchii and Arbutus unedo L. seedlings and micropropagated plants
- F. Plácito
- I. Ferreira
- M. Clemente
- P. Figueiredo
- M.J. Barrento
- H. Machado
- F. Gomes
Morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of some Crimean aromatic plants developed in vitro
- I.V. Mitrofanova
- V.A. Brailko
- O.A. Grebennikova
- A.E. Paliy
- O.V. Mitrofanova
Advance of adventitious root formation and production, and saponin accumulation by in vitro cultures of Giao Co Lam (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)
- P.C. Khai
- T.V. Minh
In vitro establishment and anatomical analysis of Bauhinia holophylla (Bong.)
- V.C. Stein
- M.D. Cardoso Junior
- M.C. Coimbra
- I. Rodrigues-Brandão
- M.S. Pádua
- A.H.F. Castro
Rooting and acclimatization of grapevine hybrids Vitis labrusca × Vitis rotundifolia
- V. Reinhart
- L.A. Biasi
Encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration cryopreservation of Cattleya labiata Lindley, a threatened Brazilian orchid
- R.F. Galdiano
- E.G.M. Lemos
Morphological and physiological features of the miniature rose cultivar 'Rise'n'Shine' under long time culture in vitro and in vivo
- V.A. Brailko
- S.A. Plugatar
- T.I. Pilipchuk
- Yu.V. Plugatar
- I.V. Mitrofanova
In vitro establishment of blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) using different initial explants
- N. Farinha
- J.C. Gonçalves
- M.A. Alves
- T. Delgado
- O. Anjos
- C. Debiasi
Development of an efficient protocol for 'Brazos' blackberry in vitro multiplication
- C.S. Schuchovski
- L.A. Biasi
Seed cryopreservation as an alternative for the conservation of H. sabdariffa L. (Malvaceae) germplasm
- R.M. Moraes
- L.B. Souza
- F.C. Nery
- R. Paiva
- S. Barbosa
In vitro culture of Mentha viridis: quality and intensity of light on growth and production of volatiles
- J.P. Alvarenga
- F.V. Pacheco
- S.K.V. Bertolucci
- S.T. Silva
- T. de Oliveira
- J.E.B.P. Pinto
Micropropagation and histological analysis of Calla lily
- F.C. Nery
- D.O. Prudente
- R. Paiva
- M.C. Nery
- P.D.O. Paiva
- D. Domiciano
In vitro rejuvenation of Hevea brasiliensis
- S. Ghorbani
- E. Mignon
- S.P.O. Werbrouck
Establishment of photomixotrophic cultures for high-scale micropropagation by temporary immersion bioreactors (TIBs) in plant commercial species
- A.D. Arencibia
- A. Gómez
- M.A. Poblete
- F. Orellana
- J.E. Alarcón
- N. Cortez
- M.A. Valenzuela
Culture medium, LEDs and bioreactor to improve
in vitro propagation of red currant
- J. Hautsalo
- S. Rantala
- M. Rantanen
- A. Nukari
Ex vitro establishment and macropropagation of cassava (Manihot esculenta 'Valencia') to obtain disease-free rooted plants
- C. Naranjo
- E. Fallas
Somatic hybridization for transfer of resistance against Asparagus virus 1 (AV-1) from Asparagus amarus into A. officinalis
- E. Klocke
- T. Nothnagel
- R. Krämer
- H. Budahn
Development of Nolana carnosa micropropagation protocol
- P. Morales
- M.J. Montañola
Related Acta Horticulturae
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