Online articles
The Planar Cordon - new planting systems concepts to improve light utilisation and physiological function to increase apple orchard yield potential
- D.S. Tustin
- B.M. van Hooijdonk
- K.C. Breen
Demonstrative simulations of L-PEACH: a computer-based model to understand how peach trees grow
- G. Lopez
- D. Da Silva
- I. Auzmendi
- R.R. Favreau
- T.M. DeJong
Effects of orchard floor management on the peach rhizosphere
- C.L. Fisk
- C. Tu
- S. Hu
- D.F. Ritchie
- M.L. Parker
Simulation of tree growth for three almond cultivars with contrasting architecture with the L-ALMOND model
- G. Lopez
- C. Negron
- M. Cieslak
- E. Costes
- D. Da Silva
- T.M. DeJong
Influence of nursery tree design on early infrastructure development in sweet cherry and apricot cultivars
- C. Scofield
- J. Stanley
- R. Marshall
- D.S. Tustin
Early canopy development and production precocity in new orchard system designs for cherry
- J. Stanley
- C. Scofield
- R. Marshall
- D.S. Tustin
Can greater understanding of macadamia canopy architecture lay the foundation for orchard productivity improvements?
- B.D. Toft
- J.S. Hanan
- B. Topp
- I. Auzmendi1
- J.D. Wilkie
Using functional-structural modeling of carbon acquisition and utilization to understand fruit size distribution in tree canopies
- I. Auzmendi
- J.S. Hanan
The effects of alternative training and planting systems on light relations in mango (Mangifera indica) orchards in Far North Queensland
- P.T. Ibell
- R. Kolala
- C. Wright
- J.D. Wilkie
- I. Bally
The effects of cultivar and training system on vegetative growth of mango (Mangifera indica) orchards in Far North Queensland
- P.T. Ibell
- F. Normand
- R. Kolala
- C. Wright
- N. White
- I. Bally
Shade netting reduces sunburn damage and soil moisture depletion in 'Granny Smith' apples
- L. Kalcsits
- L. Asteggiano
- T. Schmidt
- S. Musacchi
- S. Serra
- D.R. Layne
- G. Mupambi
Xylem manipulation techniques affecting tree vigour in peach and olive trees
- S. Tombesi
- D. Farinelli
- A. Palliotti
- S. Poni
- T.M. DeJong
To investigate the effect of four timings of mechanical pruning on yield and fruit quality compared to a hand pruned control in an intensive 'Gala' M9 orchard planted as a fruit wall
- C.T. Biddlecombe
- A. Dalton
Solaxe and spindle - comparison of two apple training systems
- N. Fajt
- E. Komel
- J. Jakopic
- F. Stampar
- M. Hudina
- R. Veberic
'Gala' apple performance with mechanical hedging in southern Brazil growing conditions
- G.F. Sander
- M. Magro
- T.A. Macedo
- F.K. Peters
- L. Rufato
- A.R. Rufato
- T.L. Robinson
Development and productivity of 'Maxi Gala' apple trees at different planting depths
- T.A. Macedo
- G.F. Sander
- A.R. Rufato
- L. Rufato
- A.A. Kretzschmar
- M. Magro
Canopy factors influencing sunburn and fruit quality of Japanese plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.)
- B. Makeredza
- M. Jooste
- E. Lötze
- M. Schmeisser
- W.J. Steyn
Use of nets in olive orchard management
- E.M. Lodolini
- P. Riolo
- S. Bastianutto
- S. Polverigiani
- R.L. Minuz
- P. Trobbiani
- N. Isidoro
- D. Neri
The effect of different training systems on vegetative and productive performance of 'Maxigala' apple tree in southern Brazil
- A.A. Kretzschmar
- G.F. Sander
- R.D. Arruda
- A.P.F. Lima
- T.A. Macedo
- A.R. Rufato
- L. Rufato
The effects of training systems and crop load on stored starch in young stone fruit trees
- D. Stefanelli
- J. Jaeger
- D. Haberfield
- M. O¿Connell
Effects of apple (Malus × domestica) rootstocks on vigor and yield response on 'Honeycrisp'
- J. Lordan
- G. Fazio
- P. Francescatto
- T.L. Robinson
The performance of Geneva apple rootstocks in the province of Trento
- N. Dallabetta
- M. Giordan
- A. Guerra
- J. Pasqualini
Evaluating more yield efficient dwarfing, semi-dwarfing and semi-vigorous rootstocks for the South African apple industry
- X.I. Siboza
- W.P. Kotze
- N.C. Cook
- W.J. Steyn
Identifying vigour controlling rootstocks for mango
- A. Mizani
- I. Bally
- P.T. Ibell
- C. Wright
- C. Maddox
- R. Kolala
Graft compatibility for new released Prunus rootstocks
- A.E. Salazar
- J. Torrents
- M. Bordas
- J. Val
- M.A. Moreno
Rootstock performance in the 2009 NC-140 peach trial across 11 states
- G.L. Reighard
- W. Bridges
- D. Archbold
- A. Atucha
- W. Autio
- T. Beckman
- B. Black
- D. Chavez
- E. Coneva
- K. Day
- M. Kushad
- R.S. Johnson
- T. Lindstrom
- J. Lordan
- I. Minas
- D. Ouellette
- M.L. Parker
- R. Pokharel
- TL.. Robinson
- J. Schupp
- M. Warmund
- D. Wolfe
Evaluation of some precocious sweet cherry cultivars on some Hungarian bred Mahaleb rootstocks
- G. Bujdosó
- K. Hrotkó
Yield and fruit quality of 'Regina' sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) comparing five semi-dwarfing rootstocks in combination with Kym Green Bush or Vogel central leader training systems
- L.E. Long
- C. Kaiser
- L.J. Brewer
Rootstock and soil management effects on productive characteristics of 'Princess Seedless®' table grapes in Apulia region (southern Italy): first results
- L. Tarricone
- A.M. Amendolagine
- D. Di Gennaro
- G. Masi
- G. Gentilesco
Diversity of scion development in a grafted Pyrus seedling rootstock population
- A.P. Friend
- M. Knäbel
- J.W. Palmer
- R.N. Diack
- D.S. Tustin
Search for a more dwarfing rootstock for 'Conference'
- J. Vercammen
- A. Gomand
- V. Siongers
- D. Bylemans
'Honeycrisp' apple fruit nutrient concentration affected by apple rootstocks
- G. Fazio
- J. Lordan
- P. Francescatto
- L. Cheng
- A. Wallis
- M.A. Grusak
- T.L. Robinson
The performance of different rootstocks in varying soil conditions
- N. Dallabetta
- A. Guerra
- J. Pasqualini
- M. Giordan
Monitoring maturation evolution of 'Maxi Gala' apples by a non-destructive fruit analysis method
- M. Magro
- G.F. Sander
- A.M. dos Santos
- L. Rufato
- A.R. Rufato
- A.A. Kretzschmar
- T.L. Robinson
Chilling requirement and budburst uniformity of cultivar 'Maxi Gala' grafted on different rootstocks
- T.A. Macedo
- G.F. Sander
- M.F. Michelon
- J.F. Carminatti
- A.R. Rufato
- L. Rufato
- T.L. Robinson
Assessing ease of propagation of European pear cultivars and a Pyrus communis rootstock segregating population
- R.N. Diack
- A.P. Friend
- M. Knäbel
- J.W. Palmer
- D.S. Tustin
Performance of different vigour rootstocks in Latvia during eighteen years
- E. Rubauskis
- M. Skrīvele
Peach rootstock differences in tree survival from bacterial canker in the southeastern United States
- M.L. Parker
- D.F. Ritchie
- G.L. Reighard
- B. Clark
- R.M. West
Rootstock effect on soil ecology in a young peach orchard
- C.L. Fisk
- C. Tu
- D.F. Ritchie
- M.L. Parker
- G.L. Reighard
Preliminary evaluation of six Prunus rootstocks for peach in Italy
- A. Scalisi
- R. Lo Bianco
- T. Caruso
- D. Giovannini
- S. Sirri
- F. Fontana
Root distribution, vigor and productivity of European pear grafted on quince rootstocks
- L. Rufato
- B.D. Machado
- M. Magro
- D.S. Souza
- A.A Kretzschmar
- G.F. Sander
- B. Marangoni
- J.S. Hipólito
Use of quince 'Adams' rootstock in European pear crop in southern Brazil
- D.S. Souza
- A.R. Luz
- J.S. Hipólito
- P.I. Mudrei
- A.A. Kretzschmar
- L. Rufato
Influence of rootstock on plum trees performance during the early years after grafting
- J. Lanauskas
- N. Uselis
- D. Kviklys
- I. Gravite
- E. Kaufmane
- E. Rubauskis
Early performance of three plum cultivars on different rootstocks in non-irrigated orchard
- L. Laňar
- M. Mészáros
- J. Náměstek
- J. Kosina
Harvest index of apple and kiwifruit – how high can we go by optimising plant architecture and canopy management?
- B.M. van Hooijdonk
- D.S. Tustin
- G.A. Dayatilake
- M.J. Oliver
- A. Richardson
Apple fruit set is influenced by altered floral bud density but not by reduced carbohydrate reserves
- K.C. Breen
- D.S. Tustin
- J.W. Palmer
- H.L. Boldingh
- D.C. Close
Fruitlet shedding is affected by the position in the apple cluster
- J. Jakopic
- A. Cebulj
- V. Schmitzer
- R. Veberic
Efforts to understand and improve crop load of 'Hass' avocado
- H. Hofman
- J.D. Wilkie
- J. Griffin
- R. Langenbaker
Mechanical selective removal of flowers in a fruit tree canopy
- C. Seehuber
- L. Damerow
- A. Solomakhin
- M.M. Blanke
Inducing sylleptic branching in the interspecific pear 'PremP109'
- A.P. Friend
- R.N. Diack
- R. Lamberts
- J.W. Palmer
- D.S. Tustin
Chemical thinning of 'Conference' with metamitron (Brevis)
- J. Vercammen
- A. Gomand
- V. Siongers
- D. Bylemans
The use of plant growth regulators to increase apical extension growth of first-leaf apple trees
- A.M. Müller
- K.I. Theron
PA and DA meter - providers of the new ripeness index?
- M.M. Blanke
- A. Kunz
Phenology and flowering of the clove tree, an irregular bearing spice crop
- J.T. Razakaratrimo
- M. Jahiel
- V. Jeannoda
- F. Normand
Integrated mango production: objectives and challenges
- F. Normand
- P.-É. Lauri
Horticultural ecophysiology of Tasmanian native pepper
- M.D. Wilson
- R.C. Menary
- D.C. Close
Water and carbon economy in sustainable orchards in Mediterranean environments
- B. Dichio
- C. Xiloyannis
- G. Montanaro
Testing the effect of different light environments and water shortage on apple physiological parameters and yield
- A. Boini
- G. Lopez
- B. Morandi
- L. Manfrini
- L. Corelli-Grappadelli
Analysis of the impact of carbon source-sink relationships on flowering patterns reveals that apple tree growth and functioning are determined by mechanisms occurring at the tree and shoot scales
- B. Pallas
- J. Ngao
- J.-B. Durand
- S. Martinez
- S. Bluy
- J.-J. Kelner
- E. Costes
Sustainable irrigation strategy in organic 'Victoria' table grape in Apulia region
- S.h.B. Al-Fadheel
- V. Verrastro
- G. Gentilesco
- D. Di Gennaro
- A.M. Amendolagine
- L. Tarricone
Increasing phosphorus concentration in soil as a possible strategy to overcome Cu excess toxicity symptoms
- E. Baldi
- A. Miotto
- M. Toselli
- C.A. Ceretta
- G. Brunetto
Towards apple bearing stability in strictly alternating orchard
- D. Kviklys
- A. Čeidaitė
- J. Lanauskas
- N. Uselis
- L. Buskienė
- G. Samuolienė
Colour development of apple with reflective mulches and biostimulants
- H. Schuhknecht
- L. Damerow
- A. Kunz
- M.M. Blanke
Efficiency of fruitlet thinning in 'Granny Smith' apples by use of metamitron
- D. Radivojevic
- J. Milivojevic
- C. Oparnica
- G. Zabrkic
Effect of manure and digestate amendments on apple seedlings in the presence of homospecific residues
- S. Polverigiani
- M. Franzina
- D. Neri
Nitrogen fertilization of 'Chardonnay' grapevines: yield, must composition and their relationship with temperature and rainfall
- G. Brunetto
- L.O.S. Stefanello
- C.A. Ceretta
- R.R. Couto
- P.A.A. Ferreira
- V.G. Ambrosini
- M. Borghezan
- J.J. Comin
- G.W. de Melo
- E. Baldi
- M. Toselli
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