Online articles
The use of a hormone-based foliar biostimulant in processing tomatoes
- P.A. Smith
- C.A. Argerich
The use of foliar applications of abscisic acid (ABA) to reduce blossom end rot (BER) in processing tomatoes
- P.A. Smith
- C.A. Argerich
The effect of rootstock on yield and quality in processing tomatoes
- C.A. Argerich
- P.A. Smith
Decision support system for late blight in tomato and potato
- A.B. Colturato
- L.F.C. Chavier
Circulation of drained solution in tomato hydroponic culture and its influence on crop growth and solution composition
- E.M. Lee
- M.H. Lee
- G.J. Kim
- B.C. Lee
- H.C Lee
- H.H. Kim
- S.B. Park
- S.O. Chung
- J.M. Choi
An evaluation of BOOSTER-MagTM on processing tomato farming productivity
- R. van Merkestein
- L. Mann
- A. Morrison
- J. Geltch
- P. Geltch
- M. Geltch
Comparison of a water supply model with six seasons of cherry type processing tomato
- Z. Pék
- P. Szuvandzsiev
- A. Neményi
- L.A. Tuan
- J. Bakr
- E. Nemeskéri
- L. Helyes
Heat stress detection in tomato under different irrigation treatments
- S. Takács
- Z. Pék
- T. Bíró
- L. Helyes
The simultaneous effect of water stress and biofertilizer on physiology and quality of processing tomato
- L. Helyes
- L.A. Tuan
- J. Bakr
- Z. Pék
Effect of mycorrhizal and bacterial products on the traits related to photosynthesis and fruit quality of tomato under water deficiency conditions
- E. Nemeskéri
- K. Horváth
- P. Pék
- L. Helyes
Organically grown high-lycopene tomatoes: a novel adventure within functional quality
- R. Ilahy
- I. Tlili
- L. Helyes
- M.W. Siddiqui
- M.S. Lenucci
- Z. Pék
- C. Hdider
Use of sensors and spatial variability to fertilization management in processing tomato
- C. Campillo
- J. Carrasco
- S. Millán
- L. Martinez
- M.H. Prieto
Evaluation of grafting for processing tomato production in California's Central Valley
- G. Miyao
- B. Aegerter
- J. Chase
Tomato fruit quality and processing ability are impacted by irrigation regime as well as genotype and maturity stage
- A. Vilas Boas
- D. Page
- R. Giovinazzo
- N. Bertin
- A.-L. Fanciullino
Use of satellite images to differentiate productivity zones in commercial processing tomato farms
- C. Campillo
- J. Carrasco
- J.L. Gordillo
- A. Cordoba
- J.I. Macua
Management of Fusarium oxysporum race 3 in processing tomatoes with chemical and biofungicides and cultivar resistance
- C.S. Stoddard
- T.A. Turini
Climatic characterization of the main processing tomato producing areas of Spain
- A. García-Martín
- M.A. Rozas
- L.L. Paniagua
- E. Ordiales
- J.L. Llerena-Ruiz
The use of by-products from table olive preparation process as fertilizers in the processing tomato crop
- J.I. Gutiérrez
- E. Ordiales
- L. Zajara
- J. Gil
- F. Núñez
- A. Montaño
- M. Rueda
- J.J. Carvajal
- M. Márquez
- R. Pleite
- J.L. Llerena-Ruiz
Effects of innovative biofertilizers on yield of processing tomato cultivated in organic cropping systems in northern Italy
- D. Ronga
- F. Caradonia
- L. Setti
- D. Hagassou
- C.V. Giaretta Azevedo
- J. Milc
- S. Pedrazzi
- G. Allesina
- L. Arru
- E. Francia
Identification and pathogenicity of Pythium species associated with poor growth of tomato plants in the Australian processing tomato industry
- S.E. Callaghan
- L.W. Burgess
- P. Ades
- E. Mann
- A. Morrison
- L.A. Tesoriero
- P.W.J. Taylor
Highlights of sixty years of processing tomato research in California
- D.M. Barrett
- R. Neenan
Selecting tomato for their ability to react and conserve their quality during the process
- D. Page
- A. Vilas Boas
- R. Giovinazzo
- N. Bertin
- A.-L. Fanciullino
- N. Biau
- S. Bureau
Quality improvement of the tomato-based products using infrared tool along the production chain
- S. Bureau
- A. Vilas-Boas
- R. Giovinazzo
- D. Page
Treatment and energy recovery of tomato industry waste by biomethanation
- J.L. Llerena-Ruiz
- A. González-González
- F. Cuadros
- C. Sánchez-Sánchez
- F. Cuadros-Salcedo
- J.A. García-Barrado
Elaboration of ceramic material with sludge from the wastewater treatment plant of the tomato processing industry
- R. Sánchez
- R. de la Torre
- R. Rodríguez
- M. Gómez-Cardoso
- J.L. Llerena-Ruiz
Consumer preferences for local origin: is closer better? The case of fresh tomatoes and ketchup in Germany
- S.G.H. Meyerding
- N. Trajer
Tomato products and cardiovascular disease prevention
- M. Cámara
- V. Fernández-Ruiz
- R.M. Cámara
- L. Domínguez
- M.C. Sánchez-Mata
Food neophobia: Spanish case study related to new formulations based on traditional 'gazpacho'
- L. Domínguez
- V. Fernández-Ruiz
- M.C. Sánchez-Mata
- M. Cámara
Consumer's preferences towards six new Spanish commercial tomato juices
- V. Fernández-Ruiz
- L. Domínguez
- M.C. Sánchez-Mata
- M. Cámara
Reduction of salt in tomato products through the use of seawater
- A. Crespo
- M.J. Riballo
- P. Guerrero
- S. Ortega
- A. Serrano
- J.L. Llerena
- F.J. Béjar
- R. Morán
- M. Masa
- D. Liviano
Evolution of canned natural tomato consumption in Spanish households 2005-2016
- A. Montaño
- A. Martín-de-Prado
- J.L. Llerena-Ruiz
Development of a fermented green tomato base for dressings and sauces with high nutritional value
- R. Santos
- I. Sousa
- A. Raymundo
- J. Santos Silva
- C. Prista
- M. Mota
Assessment of premium quality factors (nutritional, functional and taste) for five Italian tomato cultivars and relative diced tomatoes products
- L. Sandei
- E. Cocconi
- C. Stingone
- R. Vitelli
- M. Bandini
- A. Sannino
- S. Savini
- A. Zanotti
- C. Zoni
Processing tomato by-products re-use, secondary raw material for tomato product with new functionality
- L. Sandei
- C. Stingone
- R. Vitelli
- E. Cocconi
- A. Zanotti
- C. Zoni
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