Online articles
Mango rootstock, a review
- V. Galán Saúco
Research advance on the flowering mechanism of mango
- C. Luo
- H.X. Yu
- Y. Fan
- X.J. Zhang
- X.H. He
The status of mango cultivars, market perspectives and mango cultivar improvement for the future
- N. Ledesma
- R.J. Campbell
Preliminary field adaptation and fruit characterization of Mangifera species in Florida
- N. Ledesma
- R.J. Campbell
- T.B. Campbell
- S.J. Suárez
- Y. Aron
Pollen conservation and in vitro germination studies in 'Appemidi' mango
- G.L. Veena
- P.E. Rajashekaran
- M.R. Dinesh
- M. Sankaran
A new mango cultivar 'Yunre-5006'
- Y.Q. Long
- S.Y. Zhang
- D.H. Xie
- Z.H. Zhao
- Y.F. Chen
- X.X. Zhang
- F.M. Zhang
- G.X. Zhang
- W.D. Wang
- B.M. Zhou
- Z.G. Ni
A new mango cultivar 'Yunre-5007'
- Y.Y. Long
- S.Y. Zhang
- D.H. Xie
- Z.H. Zhao
- Y.F. Chen
- C.X. Zhang
- F.M. Zhang
- X.P. Luo
- Z.G. Ni
A new mango cultivar 'azhai Huangxin Mang'
- C.X. Zhang
- F.M. Zhang
- Y.F. Chen
- D.H. Xie
- Y.Q. Long
- H.Y. Zhang
- X.Y. Gao
- Y.C. Zhang
- Z.G. Ni
Nitrogen and carbon management in Australian mango orchards to improve productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
- G.R. Dickinson
- P.J. O¿Farrell
- K.J. Ridgway
- I.S.E. Bally
- B. Masters
- P. Nelson
- A. Pattison
Enhancement of mango production by K-fertilization and watering management based on field capacity
- S. Juliati
- M. Istianto
Water denial to influence mango carbohydrate content
- N.T. Anderson
- K.B. Walsh
- P.P. Subedi
The effects of plant growth regulators on red blush development on peel of mango 'Mahachanok'
- W. Makkumrai
- P. Sutthanugool
- R. Chatbanyong
- T. Sangudom
- C. Daoruang
Effect of source-sink relationships from the branch to the tree scale on mango fruit size and quality at harvest
- I. Grechi
- F. Normand
Effect of crop load on fruit size and nutrients in fruit parts of mango 'Num Dok Mai Sithong'
- S. Isarangkoo
- N. Ayutthaya
- S. Kawphaitoon
- S. Techawongstien
Using machine vision in mango orchard management
- Z. Wang
- A. Koirala
- K.B. Walsh
Technical note: support tools for maturity estimation
- K.B. Walsh
- Z. Wang
- P. Subedi
- A. Koirala
- N. Anderson
- R. Lerud
Using hand-held infrared spectroscopy to guide harvest decisions
- N.T. Anderson
- P.P. Subedi
- K.B. Walsh
Fruit sizing in-field using a mobile app
- A. Koirala
- Z. Wang
- K.B. Walsh
- C. McCarthy
Effects of rain cover cultivation on ecophysiology-factors, yield and fruit quality in mango
- W.T. Xu
- S.B Wang
- H.X Wu
- Y.Y Gao
- Q.S. Yao
- C. Luo
- R.L. Zhan
- X.W. Ma
Fruit abortion of 'Guifei' mango (Mangifera indica L.) affected biosynthesis of carotenoid and polyphenols in pulp
- Z.C. Zhao
- A.P. Gao
- Y.Y. Chen
- J.F. Huang
- H.Y. Luo
- Z.G. Dang
- R.X. Luo
Paclobutrazol in the microbiota of a soil cultivated with 'Palmer' mango tree
- M.B. Oliveira
- R.P. Sales
- A.A. Xavier
- R.C.F. Ribeiro
- M.K. Kondo
- M.X.V. Megda
- M.C.T. Pereira
- I.P. Santos
- J.D. Ferreira
- R.S. Martins
- M.A.C. Mouco
Effects of some cultural practices on mango inflorescence and fruit pest infestation and damage in Reunion Island: recent progress, on-going studies and future steps
- A. Ratnadass
- I. Grechi
- R. Graindorge
- A. Caillat
- A.L. Préterre
- F. Normand
Physico-chemical quality evaluation of commercial mango cultivars of Punjab, Pakistan during fruit ripening
- A.S. Khan
- J. Ali
- S. Ali
- R.N.U. Rehman
- I.A. Rajwana
- M. Amin
Application of pH indicator labelling for monitoring the quality of mango 'Nam Dok Mai See Thong' in modified atmosphere packaging
- W. Kumpoun
- J. Uthaibutra
- P. Raveeyan
Aromatic profile changes of Thai mangoes during heat processing
- P. Ounamornas
- P. Page
- S. Sommano
The technology of improving industrial processing quality of mango puree
- X.N. Kang
- J.B. Ji
- S.P. Wang
- K.Y. Liu
Estimating the impact of the National Mango Board's programs on the United States demand for mangos
- R.W. Ward
- M. Michel
- L. Ortega
U.S. mango performance benchmark
- W. McManus
- R. Muñoz
- L. Ortega
- M. Michel
Improvement on the supply chain of Thai mango for exporting
- T. Sangudom
- C. Wattanawan
- W. Makkumrai
- R. Chatbanyong
- S. Tongtao
Analysis of the mineral composition in fruit pulp of 53 mango genotypes
- X.W. Ma
- W.T. Xu
- Y.G. Zhou
- H.X. Wu
- S.B. Wang
Ionome balance analysis of mango fruit from orchard with and without resin canal discolouration
- C.A. Asis
- L. Meschiari
- C. McConchie
Ethylene synthesis in mango 'Palmer' production
- R.P. Sales
- M.B. Oliveira
- J.M. Leite
- M.K. Kondo
- R.F. Pegoraro
- M.A.C Mouco
- M.C.T. Pereira
- I.P. Santos
- R.S. Martins
- G. Franco
Maturation and quality of 'Palmer' and 'Espada Vermelha' mango fruits in the Brazilian semi-arid
- M.B. Oliveira
- R.P. Sales
- M.C.T. Pereira
- M.A.C. Mouco
- J.D. Ferreira
- R.N. Cano
- M.K. Kondo
- I.P. Santos
- R.S. Martins
- R.F. Pegoraro
Aroma volatile compounds of mango from various regions
- C.B. Wei
- Z.L. Ma
- J. Qiao
Analysis of volatile aroma compounds from mango leaves
- C.B. Wei
- Z.L. Ma
- J. Qiao
Related Acta Horticulturae
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