Online articles
Toward repositioning Allium vegetable crops as global commodities: opportunities and challenges for future application of omics and phytomedomics platforms to crop improvement
- M. Shigyo
- S. Fujito
- S. Sato
The performance and profitability of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) as influenced by propagule length and application rates of cattle dung in humid ultisols
- K.E. Law-Ogbomo
- A.U. Osaigbovo
Agronomic efficacy of fertilizer types on some soil chemical properties and sweetpotato production in an ultisol environment
- K.E. Law-Ogbomo
- O.O. Ikpefan
Influence of potting media on the growth and bulb yield of onion (Allium cepa L.)
- A.U. Osaigbovo
- K.E. Law-Ogbomo
- C.N.C. Nwaoguala
Volatile profiling of aromatic African ginger (Siphonochilus aethiopicus) in response to irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels
- S.N. Mokgehle
- S.Z. Tesfay
- H.T. Araya
- C.P. du Plooy
- T.N. Suinyuy
Testing promising genes for pre-selection for drought tolerance in potato
- S. Jameel
- U. Demirel
- Z.N. Öztürk Gökçe
The seasonal variations in inulin and reducing sugar in Jerusalem artichoke 'KKU 50-4'
- A. Dongsansuk
- S. Yodsiri
- S. Jogloy
Commercial sweetpotato production in the highlands of Papua New Guinea
- P. Brown
- K. Hainzer
- T. Best
- J. Wemin
- L. Aris
- C. Bugajim
Chemical composition and yield of onion under different fertilizer regimes
- S.A. Petropoulos
- Â. Fernandes
- V. Antoniadis
- S. Plexida
- L. Barros
- I.C.F.R. Ferreira
A multiple-regression model of bulb onion yield in response to meteorological conditions in Gyeongsangnam province, Republic of Korea
- J. Lee
- B. Min
- S. Yoon
- M. Lee
- H. Kim
- K. Hong
Biodiversity and productivity of potato onions (Allium cepa var. Aggregatum g. Don)
- D. Juškevičienė
- R. Karklelienė
- A. Radzevičius
Host status of some plant species to stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci)
- E. Yavuzaslanoglu
- G. Calıs
Using a lysimetric station to determine the irrigation water requirements for chufa crop (Cyperus esculentus var. sativus)
- N. Pascual-Seva
- A. San Bautista
- S. López-Galarza
- J.V. Maroto
- B. Pascual
The effects of storage temperature and packaging methods on quality of roots and seed yield in purple carrot (Daucus carota L.)
- N. Lokoglu
- R. Yanmaz
Molecular studies involved in biotic stress responses in potato
- İ. Tindaş
- E. Aksoy
Evaluation of edible ginger as a greenhouse crop
- R. Freyre
- S. Flores
- C. Gómez
- P.R. Fisher
The effect of nitrogen and sulfur applications on pyruvic acid content of onion (Allium cepa L.)
- B. Albayrak
- Ö. Lütfü Elmaci
New onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars for long- and short-day periods
- İ. Sönmez
- G. Beşirli
Production of Chinese chive (Allium tuberosum) as potted herb
- S. Alan
- F. Düzgün
- A. Kaska
- F. Celebi-Toprak
- A.R. Alan
Effect of low temperature conditioning on flavor precursors of ‘Coreano’ garlic (Allium sativum L.) "seed" cloves
- B.D. González-Orozco
- D.M. Rivera-Pastrana
- Ma.E. Vázquez Barios
- E.M. Mercado-Silva
- M.D. Dufoo-Hurtado
Effect of the storage temperature and time on native potato quality
- A.C. Silveira
- D. Oyarzún
- V. Escalona
Morphophysiological and agronomic characteristics of potato 'Markies' treated with gibberellin inhibitors
- F.F. Araújo
- T.P. Silva
- M.N.S. Santos
- L.C. Costa
- F.L. Finger
Toxicity of salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid in Raphanus sativus submitted to water stress
- J.P. Ferrareze
- M.S.M. Castilho
- W.G. Sganzerla
- M. Piovezan
Physical and physiological characteristics during storage at cold and ambient temperature of carrot and cenourete® cultivars
- D.V. Chaves
- F.L. Zanatta
- J. Karsten
- F.L. Finger
Polyphenol profile and antioxidant capacity of a traditional Sicilian landrace of the Egyptian Walking Onion (Allium cepa L. var. viviparum)
- F. Branca
- K. Kaczyńska
- A. Niklas
- M.C. Di Bella
- V. Picchi
- R. Lo Scalzo
- A. Tribulato
Developing and deploying non- and low-sweet sweetpotato cultivars for expanding markets
- E.E. Carey
- J. Swanckaert
- E.K. Dery
- D. Akansake
- J. Saaka
- P.E. Abidin
- K. Adofo
- E. Baafi
- K. Acheremu
- E. Adu-Kwarteng
- T. Muzhingi
- M. David
- J. Low
- W. Grüneberg
Physiochemical characteristics of orange fleshed sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas) shelf-storable puree composite bread
- J.O. Owade
- G.O. Abong
- M.W. Okoth
- S. Heck
- J. Low
- T. Muzhingi
Determination of hybrid potential of carrot germplasm
- N. Lokoglu
- A. Ipek
Onion research and development in Bangladesh - present status, problems, prospects and future strategies
- M.N.A. Chowdhury
- M.A. Khan
- S.N. Mozumder
- M.S. Islam
Using sand storage technology: can we store sweetpotato roots for food and vines, thus contributing to food and nutrition security in drought-prone areas?
- P.E. Abidin
- K. Asare
- J. Kazembe
- D. Akansake
- I.K. Dorgbetor
- I. Suleman
- S. Achibase
- S. Imoro
- E.K. Dery
- T.V. Mourik
- E.E. Carey
The effects of drench and foliar application of a commercial seaweed extract on the leaf nutrient content of potato, Solanum tuberosum 'BP1'
- J.R.V. October
- L.M. Raitt
- P.A. Ndakidemi
Analysis of metabolites and expression characteristics of sulfur metabolism related genes in 'Nanou' garlic and common garlics based on LC-MS
- Y. Dong
- L. Wang
- S. Liu
Rizospheric microorganisms associated with coffee plants (Coffea arabica) and their effects in magnetic fields
- G.V. Cano-García
- D.L. Santiago-Contreras
- L. Corlay-Chee
- J.R. Salazar-Cano
Improvement of root vegetables for nutritional quality: case of carotenoids in carrot
- E. Geoffriau
- W. Chevalier
- F. Perrin
- C. Dubois-Laurent
- S. Huet
- L. Hamama
- D. Peltier
Related Acta Horticulturae
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