Online articles
Comparison and comprehensive evaluation of fruit quality of different blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) cultivars
- Binghua Liu
- Kaifang Wang
- Dengchao Zhao
- Min Jia
- Xiaofang Wang
- Jing Liang
- Xiuge Shu
- Lei Sun
The productivity of some southern highbush and rabbiteye blueberry cultivars under Turkey conditions
- H. Celik
Transcriptome analysis of vegetative shoot apex between a thorny blackberry cultivar and its less-thorn variant
- C.H. Zhang
- Z.Z. Huang
- H.F. Zhao
- W.L. Wu
- L.F. Lyu
Influence of drought stress on the leaf morphology and physiological characteristics in blackberry (Rubus L.) seedlings
- H.Y. Yang
- C.H. Zhang
- W.L. Wu
- L.F. Lyu
Comparative analysis of fruit characters and nutritional quality between five blackberry (Rubus L.) hybrid strains and their parents
- Z.J. Huang
- Y.L. Wei
- W.L. Wu
- W.L. Li
- L.F. Lyu
Performance of seven blackcurrant cultivars under two soil maintenance systems
- V. Laugale
- J. Lepsis
- S. Dane
- S. Strautiņa
Effect of water stress on blueberry cultivation in pots
- K. Lepaja
- L. Lepaja
- E. Kullaj
Blackberries: a model for integrating research with outreach and education to farmers and the public
- P.L. Byers
- A.L. Thomas
- E. Nichols
Effect of processing methods on quality of blackberry juice
- Huifang Zhao
- Lianfei Lyu
- Weilin Li
- Wenlong Wu
Generation of strawberry hybrids population through selection potential of anthocyanin-rich cultivars for breeding intervention
- M. Sirijan
- K. Sujipuli
- N. Pipattanawong
- P. Chaiprasart
Study on fruit volatiles of strawberry varieties from China, Japan and the United States
- Jing Dong
- Guixia Wang
- Chuanfei Zhong
- Linlin Chang
- Jian Sun
- Kun Shi
- Rui Sun
- Hongli Zhang
- Shuang Liang
- Yuntao Zhang
Application of gibberellic acid and CPPU increases berry size and yield of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) 'Spartan'
- H. Fujisawa
- Y. Kawai
- K. Ishikawa
Plant growth, yield and fruit quality of Fragaria × ananassa genotypes under supplemental LED lighting system and substrate cultivation
- M.G. Palha
- F. Pestana
- C.M. Oliveira
Flower production and effect of flower harvest on berry yields within six American elderberry genotypes
- K.G. McGowan
- P.L. Byers
- S. Jose
- M. Gold
- A.L. Thomas
Categorization of Lycium barbarum nutrient disorders and substrate pH values
- P. Cockson
- I. McCall
- B. Whipker
Antioxidant activity, organic acids and bioactive compounds of Andean blackberries (Rubus glaucus Benth)
- S. Horvitz
- I. Arozarena
- D. Chanaguano
Comparison of the changes in texture and cell wall polysaccharide composition during ripening of Fragaria x ananassa and Fragaria chiloensis fruits
- T. Nishizawa
- Y. Kondo
- T. Aikawa
- J.B. Retamales
- A. Lavín
Flesh temperature during impact injury and subsequent storage conditions affect the severity of colour change caused by red drupelet reversion in blackberries
- M. Edgley
- D.C. Close
- P.F. Measham
The effect of foliar calcium application on key (post) harvest quality attributes in Rabbit-eye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei)
- S.A. Rivera
- S. Sofkova-Bobcheva
- A. East
- D. Hutchins
- H. Kerckhoffs
Year round production of the primocane raspberry 'Kwanza'
- K. Herckens
- M. Boonen
- D. Bylemans
Strawberry 'Flair' and 'Felicita' suitability for forcing under high tunnel
- I. Kalniņa
- S. Strautiņa
- V. Laugale
Genotypes of Italian strawberries with potential for cultivation in Brazil
- A.A. Kretzschmar
- A.F. Richter
- A.M.R. Molina
- A.F. Fagherazzi
- F. Grimaldi
- L. Rufato
A well-balanced nutrient solution for raspberries
- M. Boonen
- K. Herckens
- D. Bylemans
Vegetative growth for three Mexican strawberry cultivars grown in two bed systems
- H.E. Alvarado-Raya
- R. Rivera-del-Río
- A. Ramírez-Arias
- G. Calderón-Zavala
Determination of fruit growth in 'Nero' and 'Viking' aronia cultivars
- S. Poyraz Engin
- C. Mert
Field performance of 'Bluecrop' highbush blueberry in a soilless growing system by using different fertilizers
- J. Milivojević
- D. Radivojević
- J. Dragišić Maksimović
- S. Urošević
- D. Koron
- V. Žnidaršič Pongrac
Harvest season and some fruit quality characteristics of strawberry under protected and open field conditions
- A. Kandemir
- D. Mısır
- L. Demirsoy
- D. Soysal
- H. Demirsoy
The effects of pH level and calcium carbonate on biomass and mineral uptake of blueberry grown in tissue-culture medium
- G. Tamir
- A. Bar-Tal
- S. Zilkha
- A. Rotbaum
- A. Oren
- G. Freund
- N. Dai
Selection of mulberry (Morus alba) in Giresun province, Turkey
- E. Aydın
- E. Er
- S.Z. Bostan
- N.A. Uslu
- A. Turan
The results of blueberry (Vaccinium) cultivars evaluation in West Georgia conditions
- Z. Bobokashvili
- E. Maghlakelidze
- L. Ujmajuridze
- Z. Uznadze
- I. Mdinaradze
Delay of raspberry harvesting season with successive primocane pruning
- D. Koron
- N. Weber
Small fruit breeding tendencies in Lithuania: a review
- A. Sasnauskas
- R. Rugienius
- I. Mazeikiene
- V. Bendokas
- V. Stanys
Nitrate/ammonium ratio and electrical conductivity in blueberry quality
- M.N. Bolaños-Alcántara
- J. Pineda-Pineda
- R. Castro-Brindis
- M. Vargas-Hernández
- E. Avitia-García
Effect of the application of an edible coating on the quality of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) during postharvest storage
- J. Rodríguez-Nieto
- L. Jarquín-Enríquez
- D. Vázquez-Celestino
- D. Rivera-Pastrana
- E. Mercado-Silva
- D. Dufoo-Hurtado
Artificial shortening of day length to advance the flower initiation period of 'Sonata'
- P. Melis
- K. Stoffels
- M. Vervoort
- T. Van Delm
Effect of foliar potassium fertilization on yield and fruit quality of strawberry, raspberry and blueberry
- A. Bamouh
- H. Bouras
- A. Nakro
The effects of flower removal on summer and fall fruit production of 'Albion' and 'Sweet Ann' strawberries
- L. Demirsoy
- D. Soysal
- A. Lizalo
- H. Demirsoy
A study on environmental factors affecting strawberry yield using pattern recognition techniques
- M.H. Na
- W.B. Jeon
- Y. Cho
- H.-R. Lee
- Y. Park
- W.H. Cho
- D.-H. Kim
Phenological description of three Mexican new cultivars of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) in vegetative propagation grown on volcanic gravel
- H.E. Alvarado-Raya
- R. Rivera-del-Río
- A. Ramírez-Arias
- G. Calderón-Zavala
Comparison of strawberry (F. × ananassa Florida Fortuna) volatiles using various SPME fibers by GC/MS techniques
- E. Kafkas
- D.A. Sönmez
- İ.B. Oğuz
Comparison of volatiles in various raspberry fruits by HS/SPME/GC/MS techniques
- E. Kafkas
- D.A. Sönmez
- İ.B. Oguz
- Ş.H. Attar
Evaluation of some horticulturally important morphological traits of Turkish wild Vaccinium species
- M.M. Bozdag
- N. Sultana
- S. Serçe
Evaluation of fruit firmness among the segregation population strawberries developed from 'Ottoman' × 'Camarosa'
- S. Serçe
- K. Gündüz
- S. Çürük
Flower bud formation in the strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) planting materials grown on different locations
- E. Şahin
- K. Gündüz
- S. Serçe
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