XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: II International Symposium on Plant Breeding in Horticulture

- Division Plant Genetic Resources and Biotechnology
- Division Horticulture for Human Health
- Division Ornamental Plants
- Division Temperate Tree Fruits
- Division Temperate Tree Nuts
- Division Tropical and Subtropical Fruit and Nuts
- Division Vegetables, Roots and Tubers
- Division Vine and Berry Fruits
- Commission Banana
- Working Group Horticultural Biotechnology and Breeding
Online articles
Peach genomics and breeding programs at Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, CAAS
- W. Lirong
- L. Yong
- Z. Gengrui
- F. Weichao
- C. Changwen
- C. Ke
- W. Xinwei
Polyembryony in the interspecific hybrids between apricot and almond
- H. Sun
- J. Zhang
- L. Yang
- F. Jiang
- Y. Wang
Comparative study of the content of phenolic compounds in olive fruits and leaves for possible use in breeding programs for the functional selection of olive cultivars
- C. Sanz
- A. Belaj
- J.L. Tortosa
- A.G. Pérez
Selection of service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) genotypes naturally grown in Tokat region
- Ö. Öz Atasever
- R. Gerçekcioğlu
- A. Yılmaz
Apricot breeding for late flowering in Nikita Botanical Gardens
- V. Gorina
- V. Korzin
- N. Mesyats
Resistance to Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
- C. Hsu
- S. Lin
- Y. Wang
- Y. Chan
- L. Lee
- D.W. Barchenger
- L. Kenyon
- S. Kumar
Development of long pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) lines resistant to Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)
- I. Çelik
- R. Özalp
- N. Çelik
- I. Polat
- G. Sülü
Tolerance and resistance of onion (Allium cepa) to stem and bulb nematode (Ditylenchus dipsaci)
- E. Yavuzaslanoglu
Characterization of a RIL population for the development of new melon cultivars resistant to races 1, 2 and 5 of Podosphaera xanthii from accession PMR6, and initiation of QTL mapping
- M. Unlu
- A. Unlu
- F. Boyaci
- R. Kurum
- I. Polat
- A. Kitapci
- N. Onus
Evaluation of Turkey quince genebank for resistance breeding to fire blight disease
- M. Sahin
- A. Mısırlı
- H. Ozaktan
- E. Kucuk
- S. Gokkur
- D. Aksoy
- C. Safak
- A. Cavdar
Effects of different rootstocks on seed yield and quality of triploid watermelon grown in greenhouse
- S. Hussein
- N. Sari
Evaluation of heterosis on yield and fruit number of hybrid bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in unheated greenhouse condition
- V. Gözen
- R. Özalp
- I. Çelik
Effect of different vernalization duration on seed yield in white head cabbage
- S. Murat Dogru
- O. Karaagac
- H. Kar
- M. Ozbakir Ozer
Screening of somatic hybrids of celery (Apium graveolens L.) and carrot (Daucus carota L.) with the chloroplast marker DcMP
- S. Bruznican
- T. Eeckhaut
- E. De Keyser
- J. Van Huylenbroeck
- D. Geelen
Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of 146-2 Russian apricot and plum rootstock with the gfp gene
- L.Y. Mourenets
- A.S. Pushin
- S.V. Dolgov
Marker-free apple plants expressed the supersweet protein thaumatin II gene driven by plant promoter
- V.R. Timerbaev
- T.Yu. Mitiouchkina
- S.V. Dolgov
Transferring of rolabcd genes in some citrus rootstock through Agrobacterium rhizogenes
- D. Donmez
- O. Simsek
- S.L. Malfa
- Y. Yalcin Mendi
- T. Yesiloglu
- Y. Aka Kacar
Transformation of Kalanchoë and oilseed rape with ORFs 11-15 from Agrobacterium rhizogenes
- B.T. Favero
- H.B. Hansen
- R.K. Rangslang
- Z. Liu
- J.N. Hegelund
- R. Müller
- N. Kodahl
- H. Lütken
Identification of traditional eggplant heirlooms for conservation and sustainable commercial production
- H.F. Boyacı
- A. Kabaş
- R. Özalp
- M. Gölükçü
- A. Unlu
Effect of grafting on morphology of Solanum melongena and Solanum torvum Sw. hybrids
- S. Curuk
- I. Cegil
- S. Doksoz
Collection, characterization and conservation for sustainability of traditional local pepper genotypes
- R. Ozalp
- I. Celik
- H.F. Boyaci
- A. Kabas
- M. Golukcu
- A. Unlu
Development of double-haploid lines in Galia-type melons (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis) using in vitro colchicine treatments
- S. Pamuk
- N. Sari
- I. Solmaz
- I. Mancak
The South African mango breeding programme: gaining momentum towards the release of promising new cultivars
- C.F. Human
- S. Willemse
- A.D. Sippel
Breeding Leucospermum hybrids for potted flowering plant production, landscape uses and for cutflower production in the tropics; genetic factors contributing to plant architecture
- K.W. Leonhardt
- M.G. Wright
Aegean Agricultural Research Institute processing tomato breeding studies
- A. Kahraman
- S. Mutlu
- M.A. Haytaoğlu
- S. Binbir
Chromosome doubling of Cichorium intybus L. haploids through protoplast regeneration
- J. Van der Veken
- T. Eeckhaut
- J. Baert
- O. Maudoux
- C. Notté
- S. Werbrouck
- J. Van Huylenbroeck
Innovative F1 hybrid method enables testing of large number of line to line crossings for combining ability
- B. Bohanec
- J. Jakše
- K. Rudolf Pilih
- N. Štajner
- J. Murovec
Selection of medlar (Mespilus germanica L.) genotypes naturally grown in Tokat province in Turkey
- A. Yılmaz
- R. Gerçekcioğlu
- Ö. Öz Atasever
The most valuable features of flowering ornamental plants for breeding under the conditions of the south of Russia
- V.K. Zykova
- Yu.V. Plugatar
- Z.K. Klimenko
- L.M. Alexandrova
- I.V. Ulanovskaya
- N.V. Zubkova
- N.V. Smykova
- S.A. Plugatar
- Z.P. Andryushenkova
- D.K. Kuzmenko
- E.N. Karpova
Breeding and preservation of genetic resources of carrots (Daucus sativus Röhl.)
- R. Karkleliene
- D. Juskeviciene
- A. Radzevicius
Determination of some morphological and quality traits of Turkish local tomato genotypes
- A. Kabaş
- H.F. Boyacı
- R. Özalp
- M. Gölükçü
- A. Unlu
Study on combining ability and heterotic pattern in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
- V. Gözen
- L. Keskin
- A. Eren
Hybridization breeding program for resistance to monilinia (Monilinia laxa) on apricot
- N. Acarsoy Bilgin
- A. Mısırlı
- Y. Evrenosoğlu
- L. Yolageldi
- A. Erdogan
Fruit characteristics of fire blight resistant F1 pear population
- K. Mertoğlu
- Y. Evrenosoğlu
- A. Mısırlı
- N. Acarsoy Bilgin
Development of diamondback moth resistant transgenic cabbage and cauliflower by stacking Cry1B and Cry1C Bt genes
- P. Kalia
- R. Aminedi
- J. Golz
- D. Russell
- P. Choudhary
- S. Rawat
- S. Bansal
- F. Tenazas
- A. Singh
- A. Panwar
- V. Kalia
- T. Behera
- R. Bhatacharya
Or gene led enrichment of β-carotene in Indian cauliflower to tackle malnutrition
- P. Kalia
- P. Muthukumar
- R. Sharma
- R. Asha Devi
- K. Sharma
- S. Saha
Black persimmon: a very unique and valuable germplasm in China
- F. Su
- L. Jin
- C. Li
- X. Pei
- Y. Yao
- S. Yang
- X. Liu
Glucose performs better than fructose, sucrose, and diluted nectar for germination of banana pollen
- A. Waniale
- S.B. Mukasa
- A.K. Tugume
- R. Tumuhimbise
- J. Kubiriba
- R. Swennen
Association between blue mold resistance and qPCR-based molecular markers in apple
- M. Ahmadi-Afzadi
- H. Nybom
- C. Kirk
- D. Chagné
The study of ornamental peaches' winter hardiness in the Crimean steppe zone
- T.A. Latsko
- L.D. Komar-Tyomnaya
Genetic predisposition of some apple progenies to burrknot
- E. Kaçal
- G. Öztürk
The tolerance to cracking of early ripening sweet cherry hybrids
- I. Demirtaş
- M. Aydınlı
Particularities of inheritance of ripening time, yield capacity and vulnerability to powdery mildew by peach
- A. Smykov
- O. Fedorova
- I. Ivashchenko
Estimation of introduced apricot cultivars drought resistance by the intensity of leaf chlorophyll fluorescence
- V. Gorina
- V. Korzin
- N. Mesyats
Evaluation of distant hybrids of almond with peach and nectarine
- S. Tsiupka
- E. Shoferistov
- I. Ivashchenko
Molecular cloning and expression analysis of the transcription factor gene ChCBF from hazelnut (Corylus heterophylla Fischer)
- X. Chen
- W. Guo
- L. Xu
- L.S. Zhang
- Q.Z. Liu
Analysis of the genetic diversity for the Juglans hopeiensis cultivars by FISH-AFLP markers
- X. Chen
- W. Guo
- L. Xu
- Q.Z. Liu
In vitro testing of apple tetraploids for resistance to fire blight
- M. Podwyszyńska
- I. Sowik
- J. Puławska
Performances of genotypes selected from Tokat natural service tree (Sorbus domestica.) population (Selection II)
- Ö. Öz Atasever
- G. Kepenek
- R. Gerçekcioğlu
Obtention of tetraploids in bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) and citron (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) by shoot immersion method using different colchicine doses and application times
- M.D. Kombo
- N. Sari
- I. Solmaz
Morphological characterization, plant growth, yield and pod properties of some winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) genotypes
- B.B. Kabalci
- N. Sari
New eggplant hybrids obtained at VRDS Buzau and the evaluation of their production potential in open field and protected conditions
- C. Bratu
- F. Stanica
- C. Vinatoru
- B. Zamfir
- E. Barcanu
Effect of genotype on microspore culture of eggplant (Solanum melongena L.)
- B. Ozdemir Celik
- A.N. Onus
Selection of useful purple sprouting broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. Italica Group) cultivars for cultivation in Japan
- H. Hadano
- K. Tsuge
- M. Kato
- S. Motoki
A new watermelon cultivar - 'ShanNong No.4'
- J. Ma
- X. Zhang
- Y. Zhang
- H. Li
- C. Wei
- J. Yang
- X. Yang
- Z. Wang
Oryzalin application times and doses on tetraplodization in citron (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides)
- M.D. Kombo
- N. Sari
- I. Solmaz
- M. Namli
Breeding and cultivar improvement of snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) for productivity and resilience under drought stress
- S. Sofkova
- E. Topalova
- V. Petkova
Positive effect of low dose gamma on morphological and biochemical properties of horticultural plants
- K. Ulukapi
- A.G. Nasircilar
Mutation breeding of butterfly pea
- S. Thumdee
- N. Chareonlertthanakit
- P. Chuaoen
- C. Tiyayon
Fruit quality of processing peach cultivars in the collection of Nikita Botanical Gardens
- O. Fedorova
- A. Smykov
- I. Ivashchenko
- V. Fedorov
Yellow passion fruit genotypes reaction to woodiness disease (Cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus) in field conditions
- G.S. Miranda
- O.K. Yamanishi
- J.R. Peixoto
- M. de S. Vilella
- M. de C. Pires
- D. da S. Nóbrega
Selection of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) collections based on seed minerals and total phenolic content
- A.S. Gerrano
- W.J. Van Rensburg
- M. Bairu
- S. Amoo
- S. Venter
Strategies in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) hybrid breeding
- A. Gémes Juhász
- Zs. Sági
Related Acta Horticulturae
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