XXX International Horticultural Congress IHC2018: International Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Culinary Herbs and Edible Fungi, IV International Jujube Symposium and VI International Symposium on Saffron Biology and Technology

Online articles
Equisetum hyemale L.: phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant activity
- R.G. Rodrigues-das-Dores
- C. Silva e Souza
- V.F. Xavier
- F.S. Marques
- J.C.S. Almeida
- S.F. Guimarães
- M.C.M. Fonseca
- M.A.N. Sedyama
The potential of using medicinal herbs in haloculture, a case study of the caper plant (Capparis spinosa L.)
- R. Yazdani Biouki
- S. Khajahhosseini
- M.H. Rad
Botanical ingredient adulteration - how some suppliers attempt to fool commonly used analytical techniques
- S. Gafner
- M. Blumenthal
- S. Foster
- J.H. Cardellina II
- I.A. Khan
- R. Upton
Phenolic acids and flavonoids in representatives of genus Lavandula L. grown in southern Russia
- A.E. Paliy
- V.D. Rabotyagov
- O.V. Startseva
- I.N. Paliy
- N.V. Marko
Effects of abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate on the recovery of hail damaged rose geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) plants
- Z.P. Khetsha
- M.M. Sedibe
- R.J. Pretorius
Aromatic rose cultivars in the collection of the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens
- N.V. Marko
- L.A. Khlypenko
- Yu.V. Plugatar
Morphological, phenological and metabolomic profiling of Greyia species
- V. Ing
- R. Kleynhans
- G. Prinsloo
Propagation of Pelargonium sidoides from root cuttings
- R. Kleynhans
- S.B. Khoza
Human gut health relevant antibacterial activity of blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus)
- M. Ghiasy-Oskoee
- H. Hatterman-Valenti
- M. AghaAlikhani
- D. Sarkar
- K. Shetty
- A. Christopher
- A. Espe
Quality of boldo (Peumus boldus Molina) commercialized in Conselheiro Lafaiete, southeastern Brazil
- J.C.S. Almeida
- R.G. Rodrigues-das-Dores
- H.P.V. Mendes
- D.C.C. Paula
Medicinal plants and traditional ethnoveterinary practices by rural community of Lebanon
- N. Arnold-Apostolides
- H. Nasser
- S. Baydoun
Establishing a juniper (Juniperus communis) production industry in New Zealand
- L.H.J. Kerckhoffs
- T. Sneddon
- D. James
- E. Kawana-Brown
- S. Sofkova-Bobcheva
Chemotypic diversity of Rosmarinus officinalis L. in the collection of the Nikita Botanical Gardens
- N.V. Marko
- O.M. Shevchuk
- S.A. Feskov
- L.A. Khlypenko
- L.B. Dmitriev
Indoor living green walls of aromatic plants lit with LEDs
- M. Dorais
- A. Brégard
- C. Ménard
- B. Dansereau
- N. Zyromski
- S. Pepin
Phytochemical characterization of pumpkin seed with antiparasitic action
- I.R. Maldonade
- G.B. Amaro
- R.F.A. Luengo
- R.L.V. Ribeiro
- M.I.O. Lozada
- L.L. Oliveira
- E.R. Machado
Phenotypic evaluation and economic efficiency concerning a basil germplasm collection from S-E Romania
- E. Teodorescu
- R.L. Berevoianu
- F. Burnichi
- C. Petre
Quality properties of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) calyxes as affected by drying process
- J.P. Ledesma-Valladolid
- R. Reynoso-Camacho
- G.M. Nava-Morales
- M.E. Vázquez-Barrios
- D. Vázquez-Celestino
- M.D. Dufoo-Hurtado
- E.M. Mercado-Silva
Comparative study of essential oil and extracts from Artemisia herba-alba Asso. growing wild in Lebanon
- H. Nasser
- N. Arnold-Apostolides
Cannabinoids and terpenoids yields of the ornamental Cannabis sativa L. cultivar 'Divina' characterized by a variegated foliage as morphological marker
- V. Codesido
- M. Marín
- C. Sánchez-Carnerero Callado
- C. Ferreiro-Vera
- S. Casano
Laurus nobilis L., comparative chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oils from fresh leaves, flowers and fruits
- H. Nasser
- N. Arnold-Apostolides
Phytochemical composition and functional properties of dandelion (Taraxacum spp.)
- J. Singh
- R. Metrani
- M. Gomez
- G.K. Jayaprakasha
- B.S. Patil
Edible flower petals grown in Baltic states
- J. Dorožko
Advances of genome sequencing and its applications in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.)
- M.J. Liu
- Z.G. Liu
- J. Zhao
- Z.H. Zhao
- J.R. Wang
- X. Zhao
Advances and achievements on Chinese jujube breeding in China
- P. Liu
- J.R. Wang
- M.J. Liu
- Z.H. Zhao
- Z.G. Liu
Germplasm resources, ethnobotanical uses and phytochemical components of Ziziphus Mill. in Pakistan
- N. Uddin
- Z.G. Liu
- Z.H. Zhao
- M.J. Liu
Selection and multiplication of an elite genotype of Ziziphus spinachristi from seedling populations in Kuwait
- C. Sudhersan
- S. Jibi
- L. Al-Sabah
- D. Al-Baijan
- S. Al-Melhem
Assessment of factors affecting the in-vitro embryo development of Chinese jujube
- H.Y. Ren
- X.M. Du
- D.K. Li
- J.J. Du
- Y.K. Wang
- A.L. Zhao
- X.F. Xue
- G.H. Gong
Breeding of a new Chinese jujube cultivar 'Hamazao1'
- Wenhai Gao
- Zhong Zhang
Study on leaf characters and chlorophyll content of tetraploid Chinese jujube 'Chenguang'
- L.H. Wang
- X.S. Li
- P. Liu
- M.J. Liu
Adventitious roots induction of sour jujube diploid, tetraploid and octoploid
- L. Dai
- R.R. Wang
- J.R. Wang
- M.J. Liu
Main active components and biological activity in jujube fruit
- Lanxing Wang
- X. Zhao
- Z.G. Liu
- Lixin Wang
- F. Stǎnicǎ
- M.J. Liu
- Z.H. Zhao
- L.L. Wang
Advances in research on main antioxidant active components of jujube
- J.J. Liu
- X. Zhao
- Z.G. Liu
- L.X. Wang
- F. Stanica
- Z.H. Zhao
- M.J. Liu
- L.L. Wang
Preliminary results about Romanian consumers preferences on jujube fruits
- F. Stănică
- D.E. Dicianu
- A.C. Butcaru
- L.M. Iliescu
Contrast of biochemical indexes of fruit quality with different weights, maturing stages and parts of the Chinese jujube
- S. Chen
- L.L. Wang
- L.X. Wang
- C.W. Ao
- M.J. Liu
- X. Zhao
- Z.H. Zhao
Study on the changes of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity in Xinjiang jujube leaves
- L. Wei
- L. Zou
- J.M. Shi
- Q.L. Shi
- C.Y. Wu
- H.J. Bai
- Z.H. Zhao
Jujube fruits behavior at controlled atmosphere storage
- F. Stănică
- D.E. Dicianu
- A.C. Butcaru
- M.J. Liu
Analysis of flavonoids content and antioxidant capacity in different Chinese jujube types
- X.F. Xue
- D.K. Li
- G.H. Gong
- Y.K. Wang
- A.L. Zhao
- H.Y. Ren
Investigating the potential use of composted grape marc in the production of Agaricus bisporus
- Z. Sebaaly
- M.A. AlSanad
- H. Seeman
- J. Rizkallah
- N. Shaban
- Y.N. Sassine
Using locally available chicken manure as a substitute to horse manure in compost formulas for growing Agaricus bisporus in Lebanon
- Z. Sebaaly
- M.A. AlSanad
- P. Hayek
- L. Kfoury
- N. Shaban
- Y.N. Sassine
Effects of culture periods on fruiting body formation and bioactive compounds production of Cordyceps militaris
- N. Singpoonga
- B. Sang-on
- P. Chaiprasart
Physical, chemical and biological properties of spent mushroom substrates of different mushroom species
- S. Catal
- A. Peksen
Determining of usability of garlic waste in Pleurotus eryngii cultivation and physical-chemical properties of garlic based substrates at different stages of production
- S. Sanli
- A. Peksen
Challenges and opportunities of growing organic oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on stumps for model forest and chemical and nutritional values
- M.K. Soylu
- M. Özdemir
- A. Öztürk
- E. Uysal
- C. Hantas
Bioconversion of lignocellulosic wastes into eco-friendly and useful products
- R.I. Teodorescu
- F. Stănică
- R.F. Teodorescu
- C.A. Roșculete
- V. Tudor
Ecogeographical variation and new host plants of Pleurotus eryngii species complex in Turkey
- M.K. Soylu
- D. Eşiyok
- K. Boztok
- H. Malyer
Comparison of LED and HPS illumination effects on cultivation of red pak choi microgreens under indoors and greenhouse conditions
- A. Brazaitytė
- V. Vaštakaitė
- J. Jankauskienė
- A. Viršilė
- G. Samuolienė
- S. Sakalauskienė
- A. Novičkovas
- J. Miliauskienė
- P. Duchovskis
Production of saffron in Turkey
- S. Kırıcı
- B. Sevindik
- Y. Yalçın Mendi
Quality of saffron spice: coloring strength
- S. Chaouqi
- M. Lage
- N. Moratalla-López
- M.J. Bagur
- G.L. Alonso
- T. Guedira
Stability of saffron extracts at different pH levels
- N. Moratalla-López
- V. Martínez
- C. Lorenzo
- L.M. Poggi
- A.M. Sánchez
- G.L. Alonso
Valorisation of saffron (Crocus sativus) crop from Aragon region
- A.M. Sánchez
- C. Mallor
- F. Escriu
- V. González-García
- N. Moratalla-López
- A. Gracia
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi association promotes corm multiplication in potted saffron (Crocus sativus L.) plants
- M. Caser
- I.M.M. Victorino
- S. Demasi
- A. Berruti
- E. Lumini
- V. Bianciotto
- V. Scariot
Recent techniques used for saffron quality assessment
- S. Chaouqi
- T. Guedira
- F.Z. Amchra
- F. Zaouai
- A. Benhmimou
- M. Lage
The explant storage conditions effect and the optimization of the in vitro-corms production protocol of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)
- S. Soukrat
- M. Lage
- C. Alfaiz
- Y. Salwee
- F.A. Nehvi
- A. Abousalim
- O. Benlhabib
In vitro regeneration of saffron in the world
- B. Sevindik
- S. Kırıcı
- Y. Yalçın Mendi
Related Acta Horticulturae
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