Online articles
Botanical garden and plant diversity conservation in China
- S.J. Pei
- K. Thammasiri
- Z.W. Yang
Water and nutrient management in botanical gardens and horticulture
- U. Schindler
- F. Eulenstein
Development of the collection of floral-ornamental plants of the Nikitsky Botanical Gardens
- S.A. Plugatar
- Yu.V. Plugatar
- Z.K. Klimenko
- V.K. Zykova
- L.M. Aleksandrova
- I.V. Ulanovskaya
- N.V. Zubkova
- N.V. Smykova
The Nikitsky Botanical Gardens is the center of crop breeding development and biodiversity conservation
- Yu.V. Plugatar
Development of a master plan and a fund-raising plan for the M.S. Swaminathan Botanical Garden in Wayanad, India
- S. Krishnan
- A. Kumar
- M. Swaminathan
The natural and cultural characteristics of the Chinese Botanical Garden Exhibition System
- Zonghui Hu
- Yuting Qi
- Xinyi Hu
- Dandan Zhang
- Peng Yao
- Peiyao Hao
People pollinating partnerships: harnessing collaborations between botanic gardens and agricultural research organizations on crop diversity
- S. Krishnan
- S.L. Greene
- C.K. Khoury
- J. Kuehny
- A.J. Miller
- T. Moreau
- A. Novy
Exposition collection complex of spring-blooming plants presented in the Nikita Botanical Gardens
- I.I. Golovnev
- L.D. Komar-Tyomnaya
- O.I. Korotkov
- E.E. Golovneva
The University of Bologna Botanical Gardens: proposal for a tech-savvy walk throughout history
- A. Minelli
- E. Felice
- I. Pasini
- M.E. Giorgioni
- F. Orsini
From microgarden technologies to vertical farms: innovative growing solutions for multifunctional urban agriculture
- E. Appolloni
- F. Orsini
- N. Michelon
- A. Pistillo
- I. Paucek
- G. Pennisi
- G. Bazzocchi
- G. Gianquinto
A taxonomic key for identifying seeds of undesirable landscape plants
- P.S. Allen
- S.C. Mogensen
Residential garden as green infrastructure: a research-by-design case study in Chiang Mai
- N. Chareonlertthanakit
- E. Yaipimol
- V. Surinseng
- C. Wanitchayapaisit
- P. Suppakittpaisarn
University-trained volunteers use demonstration gardens as tools for effective and transformative community education
- K. Reid
- M. Gable
Design of fire-affected school grounds of special primary and secondary schools
- A.T. Paraskevopoulou
- K. Aggelakopoulos
- E. Stathopoulou
Bridging interdisciplinary knowledge for sustainable urban landscapes: results from the international student competition UrbanFarm2019
- F. Orsini
- G. Pennisi
- A. D'Alessandro
- D. Kratochvilova
- G. Steffan
- M. Paoletti
- G. Sabbatini
- M. D'Ostuni
- A. Trombadore
- G. Gianquinto
Floral visitors of Kluai Bua Si Som (Musa rubra - Musaceae): an ornamental plant in Thailand
- W. Nilapaka
- T. Jenjittikul
- A. Stewart
- K. Tedsungnoen
- S. Chomchalow Swangpol
Identifying obstacles for autonomous mowers in the United States landscape
- A.J. Brown
- P.S. Allen
Reflecting properties of ornamental plants for directing traffic in public park
- S. Soontornyatara
- S. Phanchai
- K. Khaobang
Design of an aquaponic system for integrated fish and plant production in Bologna (Italy)
- L. Settanni
- F. Lombardo
- G.M. Tamborra
- F. Orsini
PINECUBE: technologies for sustainable plant production and urban renewal in Belluno (Italy)
- N. Colucci
- N. Dall'Agnol
- P. De Biasi
- F. Orsini
- N. Tagliaferri
- E. Tonet
Traditions and actual state of flower-ornamental crops' use in landscape design in southern Russia
- S.A. Plugatar
- Yu.V. Plugatar
- Z.K. Klimenko
- V.K. Zykova
- L.M. Aleksandrova
- I.V. Ulanovskaya
- N.V. Zubkova
- N.V. Smykova
Aquagene: a unique conservatory for aquatic plants of India at KSCSTE - MBGIPS, Kerala, India
- N.S. Pradeep
- K.P. Anoop
- P.V. Madhusoodhanan
- S. Pradeep Kumar
Cryopreservation of Fragaria × ananassa using different techniques
- S. Gupta
- P. Tewari
Clematis plants conservation under in vitro genebank conditions
- I.V. Mitrofanova
- N.N. Ivanova
- V.A. Brailko
Structural and functional changes in some species of Lamiaceae family in the process of in vitro genebank development
- V.A. Brailko
- I.V. Mitrofanova
- I.V. Zhdanova
- N.N. Ivanova
Pollen viability and the preliminary study of pollen preservation method of Amorphophallus koratensis Gagnep. (Araceae), the potential exotic ornamental plant
- S. Soonthornkalump
- U. Meesawat
- P. Sutthinon
Conservation of Dendrobium cruentum Rchb. f.
- S. Prasongsom
- K. Thammasiri
- N. Chuenboonngarm
- N. Panvisavas
- J. Narangajavana
- S. Thitamadee
Cryopreservation of Paphiopedilum exul (Ridl.) Rolfe seeds using encapsulation-vitrification and encapsulation-dehydration methods
- T. Imsomboon
- K. Thammasiri
Conservation and clonal micropropagation of rare species Gladiolus palustris Gaudin
- O.I. Molkanova
- Yu.N. Gorbunov
- I.V. Shirnina
Cryopreservation of Dendrobium draconis Rchb. f. protocorms using V cryo-plate method
- N. Jitsopakul
- P. Homchan
- K. Thammasiri
Current status of DOA Genebank Thailand in plant genetic resource conservation and utilization in the year 2019
- K. Pipithsangchan
- P. Sangkasa-ad
- P. Wongchang
- P. Rukkid
- P. Piriyavinit
- S. Dachakampoo
- A. Wongpia
- K. Thammasiri
- P.P. Chareonsap
- D. Narkprasert
Biotechnology strategy of plant biodiversity conservation in botanical gardens of Russia
- I.V. Mitrofanova
- O.I. Molkanova
Shoot multiplication of 'HQC34' hybrid pineapple (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr.) via bioreactor with different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine and MS medium
- L. Valentina
- O. Sittichan
- S. Sripaoraya
Establishment of a protocol for micropropagation of Clausena guillauminii Tanaka
- S. Kanjanawattanawong
- N. Singbumrung
In vitro morphogenesis in endangered plant Seseli lehmannii Degen
- I.V. Mitrofanova
- O.V. Mitrofanova
- M.I. Rudenko
- N.P. Lesnikova-Sedoshenko
- T.N. Kuzmina
An efficient in vitro plantlet regeneration of an ornamental aquatic plant Anubias heterophylla through shoot tip culture
- S. Rittirat
- S. Klaocheed
- K. Thammasiri
- A. Walam
Effects of BA and NAA on shoot multiplication of Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume in vitro
- S. Samala
- S. Taweerodjanakarn
- J. Thipwong
- K. Thammasiri
- P.P. Chareonsap
Effects of BA, NAA, and activated charcoal on micropropagation of Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce
- A. Sapaeing
- P. Sutthinon
- A. Hilae
- N. Wattanapan
In vitro culture of Enhalus acoroides (L.F.) Royle
- Y. Meksuwan
- P. Sutthinon
- R.J. Ritchie
Competent callus induction from shoot segments of Sangmon 'Nuan Rajinee' bamboo (Dendrocalamus sericeus Munro)
- P. Karawak
- K. Obsuwan
- S. Sengsai
- C. Thepsithar
Enhancement of adenine sulfate and growth promoting substances on multiple shoot induction of Sangmon 'Nuan Rajinee' bamboo (Dendrocalamus sericeus Munro)
- P. Karawak
- K. Obsuwan
- S. Sengsai
- C. Thepsithar
Shoot initiation and multiple shoot induction of Sangmon 'Nuan Rajinee' bamboo (Dendrocalamus sericeus Munro)
- W. Sareeyuvaratch
- S. Sengsai
- K. Obsuwan
- C. Thepsithar
Effects of some organic additives on shoot initiation and shoot multiplication of Sangmon 'Nuan Rajinee' bamboo (Dendrocalamus sericeus Munro)
- C. Koolprueksee
- S. Sengsai
- K. Obsuwan
- C. Thepsithar
In vitro propagation and callus induction of Hedychium longicornutum Griff. ex Baker using different explants
- R. Chuengpanya
- N. Chuenboonngarm
- K. Sakchaichanchol
- A. Muangkroot
- K. Thammasiri
In vitro propagation of Juniperus phoenicea L.
- K. Bertsouklis
- A.T. Paraskevopoulou
- N. Zarkadoula
Investigation of micropropagation of the Mediterranean xerophyte Thymelaea hirsuta (L.) Endl. (Thymelaeaceae)
- A.N. Martini
- M. Papafotiou
Effect of plant growth regulators and agar concentration on shoot multiplication and hyperhydricity of Anthyllis barba-jovis
- G. Vlachou
- M. Trigka
- M. Papafotiou
In vitro culture of mandarin orange (Citrus reticulate (L.) Blanco) via organogenesis
- K. Obsuwan
- C. Thepsithar
- C. Chom-ngam
Effects of BA and TDZ for in vitro shoot multiplication of three Hedychium species
- P. Klaharn
- P. Pumisutapon
- K. Songnun
- S. Rodpradit
Phytochemical content and antioxidant activity of leaf extracts from nine bamboo species and determination of flavone C-glycosides by TLC and HPLC
- P. Karawak
- S. Sengsai
- C. Thepsithar
- S. Maksup
Anticancer efficacy of Luisia zeylanica Lindl., an epiphytic orchid from Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, India - an in vitro approach
- S.M. Khasim
- K. Jhansi
- R. Venkatesh
Asexual and sexual propagation of Muntingia calabura L.
- F. Nasution
- C. Yapwattanaphun
- J. Chumpookam
Vapour phase antifungal activity of essential oils and their raw materials against Aspergillus sp., Curvularia lunata, and Fusarium sacchari
- A. Ahebwa
- R. Mongkol
- M. Kanjanamaneesathian
Efficacy of ethanolic extracts of galangal (Alpinia galanga) in inhibiting the mycelial growth of Fusarium sacchari and Curvularia lunata and their phytotoxicity on pak choi (Brassica rapa var. chinensis)
- M. Molika
- M. Kanjanamaneesathian
- R. Mongkol
Improve growth, yield and quality of Jerusalem artichoke tuber by controlled spectral distribution lighting with LED
- T. Seedapalee
- P. Hongpakdee
Site analysis and development of strategy to enhance the identity of Lycabettus Hill in Athens and support sustainable management
- M. Papafotiou
- A.T. Paraskevopoulou
- A. Akoumianaki-Ioannidou
- V. Myroforidou
- M. Galati
- C. Andreopoulou
- A.-M. Vissilia
- K. Choundas
- I. Kontos
- T. Porfyraki
- F. Christara-Papageorgiou
- D. Gogolos
- E. Papakonstantinou
Effect of substrate type and cultivation position on growth and safety to consume of the edible medicinal species Crithmum maritimum L., in an extensive urban green roof in Athens (Greece)
- A.N. Martini
- M. Papafotiou
- Ι. Massas
- N. Chorianopoulou
- I. ¿ivanović
Effect of hydroponic and organic fertilizer on growth, safety, and storage quality of watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
- S. Suvunnaphom
- K. Sananon
- M. Saouy
- S. Kunyamee
Summer condition promoted growth, development, and carbohydrate content in sacred lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)
- S. Suangto
- S. Ruamrungsri
- P. Hongpakdee
Controlled porosity based sub-surface porous vessel (SSPV) structures for irrigating organic farms of fruits and vegetables
- P. Jakhar
- L. Dave
- M. Ahmad
- H. Rathore
- N. Gehlot
- S. Gupta
- R. Satankar
- A. Nighojkar
- A. Plappally
Effect of paclobutrazol on growth of young potted flame tree (Delonix regia (Hook.) Raf.)
- P. Srikoat
- A. Pichakum
- P. Boonkorkaew
- N. Pichakum
Acoustic diagnostics of phytopathogenic damage of the trunk wood of Magnolia grandiflora L.
- V.N. Gerasimchuk
- Yu.V. Plugatar
The effect of preventing transition from mild cognitive impairment to early dementia by hand care treatment in the environment of horticultural therapy garden
- S. Koura
- T. Oshikawa
- R. Semba
- M. Ito
- C. Yoshino
- C. Nishikawa
- Y. Kumura
- A. Ikeda
Comparative effectiveness of various protection systems of the pear from Psilla pyri L. in the Crimea
- E. Balykina
- D. Korzh
- V. Gorina
- L. Yagodinskaya
Physicochemical and prebiotic properties of champedak (Artocarpus integer Merr.) seed starch
- S. Taweerodjanakarn
- S. Samala
- A. Juemanee
Effect of different combinations of NAA and TDZ for shoot induction in vitro culture of Aglaonema simplex (Blume) Blume
- S. Soontornyatara
- P. Klammorn
Effects of time and concentration of ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS) on chia (Salvia hispanica L.)
- S. Thaboran
- D. Ketthaisong
- C. Lapjit
DolomiNet: building a network of vertical farms in the heart of Italian Alps
- E. Appolloni
- C. Vitali
- E. Petricciuolo
- G. Minelli
- A. Cleri
- E. Cleri
- L. Minni
- F. Orsini
Evaluation of phenotyping and genotyping for resistance against Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus (TYLCTHV) validated by Ty-2, Ty-3, and Ty-4 genes in tomato
- K. Krupeu
- S. Techawongstien
- C. Lapjit
Flavonoid contents and antityrosinase activity in various parts of Dendrobium 'Sonia Jo Daeng' and Dendrobium 'Khao Sanan' at different growth stages
- S. Maksup
- K. Obsuwan
Influence of geographical and genetic variation on GABA content in Annona muricata grown in Thailand
- R. Deewatthanawong
- B. Tontiworachai
- P. Kongchinda
- S. Chanapan
- S. Sriwilaiwan
- P. Deewatthanawong
- N. Montri
The effect of salinity on Chrysanthemum 'Amiko red'
- A.T. Paraskevopoulou
- Ε. Mollal-Halil
- G. Liakopoulos
- P. Londra
- K. Bertsouklis
Effects of carnauba wax and temperatures during storage on antioxidants and granulation in 'Manee-Esan' pomelo
- C. Choeichaiyaphum
- R. Nampila
- S. Techawongstien
Effect of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on growth of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) in an aquaponics system
- T. Paising
- S. Techawongstien
- C. Lapjit
Study on organic acid and anti-oxidant properties of Elaeagnus latifolia L.
- C. Niwaspragrit
- P. Ratanachamnong
- M. Munyanont
- R. Deewatthanawong
The results of studying the adaptive potential of the walnut
- S. Khokhlov
- V. Melnikov
- E. Panyushkina
The quality of the DNA isolated from Lavandula angustifolia leaves
- I.V. Bulavin
- V.A. Brailko
- O.A. Grebennikova
- I.V. Mitrofanova
- I.V. Zhdanova
- Yu.S. Khokhlov
Growth of golden oregano on an urban extensive green roof as affected by substrate type and irrigation frequency
- M. Papafotiou
- Ι. Adami
Effect of substrate type and irrigation frequency on growth of the bee-friendly plant Thymus citriodorus on an urban extensive green roof
- M. Papafotiou
- Ι. Adami
The effects of seed coat scarification, priming, and cold stratification on seed germination of a tropical night-blooming waterlily hybrid Nymphaea rubra 'Maeploi'
- I. Khaenthong
- U. Phairin
- P. Mattisinlapin
- S. Subudom
- S. Sripan
- A. Boonthongto
- S. Malaithong
Comparative evaluation of rooting cuttings of five Mediterranean sage species (Salvia sp.) native to Greece
- A.N. Martini
- K. Bertsouklis
- G. Vlachou
- E. Dariotis
- M. Papafotiou
Comparative evaluation of seed germination of five Mediterranean sage species (Salvia sp.) native to Greece
- G. Vlachou
- Α.Ν. Martini
- Ε. Dariotis
- Μ. Papafotiou
Influence of hyperthermal stress on the functional state of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) leaf apparatus
- S. Khokhlov
- S. Tsiupka
- V. Melnikov
- V.A. Brailko
Device-supported spread of experimental results in a rose trial garden
- M.E. Giorgioni
- A. Minelli
- E. Felice
- F. Orsini
Chromatographical profiles and microscopical characteristics of four Callicarpa species leaf samples collected in Thailand
- P. Sithisarn
- S. Muensaen
- S. Jarikasem
A comparison of flooding tolerance of guava tree propagated from shoot layering and seedling
- S. Kongsri
- P. Nartvaranant
- U. Boonprakob
Morphological and physiological responses of Thai commercial pummelo cultivars under salt stress
- S. Kongsri
- P. Usuwan
- P. Nartvaranant
The development of female gametophyte in hermaphrodite flowers of 'Pluk Mai Lie' papaya (Carica papaya L.)
- P. Buathongjan
- K. Thaipong
- A. Krairod
- U. Doungngern
- P. Burns
Successes in distant hybridization of cereals
- V. Upelniek
- L. Ivanova
- N. Kuznetsova
- S. Zavgorodny
Expression of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in ornamental bananas
- P. Kongsawadworakul
- P. Vattanatam
- W. Inta
- U. Viboonjun
- S.C. Swangpol
Biologically active substances of aboveground mass of Artemisia salsoloides Willd.
- O.M. Shevchuk
- O.I. Korotkov
- L.A. Logvinenko
- E.V. Malaeva
Related Acta Horticulturae
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