IX International Strawberry Symposium

- Division Vine and Berry Fruits
- Division Horticulture for Development
- Division Horticulture for Human Health
- Division Plant Genetic Resources and Biotechnology
- Division Protected Cultivation and Soilless Culture
- Commission Agroecology and Organic Farming Systems
- Working Group Strawberry Culture and Management
Online articles
A transgenic approach to investigate the role of a mannose binding lectin gene on strawberry (Fragaria ×ananassa) resistance to fungal pathogens
- L. Ma
- D. Gebremichael
- Z. Mehari
- F. Negrini
- S. Sabbadini
- B. Mezzetti
- E. Baraldi
Juvenile runnering in F1 hybrid strawberry and its effect on inflorescence numbers
- A. Dale
- T. Taghavi
Improving strawberry cultivars for the future
- J.J. Medina
- M.T. Ariza
- D. López
- J.A. Gómez-Mora
- E. Martínez-Ferri
- C. Soria
Gene expression profiling of leaves in conjunction with a floral bud differentiation process in cultivated strawberry 'Akihime'
- S. Otagaki
- K. Koembuoy
- H. Takahashi
- S. Isobe
- S. Matsumoto
Efficiency of selecting strawberry genotypes resistant to fungal root and crown diseases while infecting germinating seeds
- R.M. Puhachov
- T.N. Kamedzko
- I.G. Puhachova
High-throughput monoclonal antibody array generation and its application in metabolomics of cultivated strawberry
- L. Guan
- M. Zhao
- T. Tian
- H. Yu
- Q. Wang
Botanical and phenological analysis of wild strawberry in JAAS
- Fuhua Pang
- Mizhen Zhao
- Jing Wang
- Huazhao Yuan
- Weijian Cai
Investigation and classification of the five tetraploid Fragaria species native to China
- J. Zhao
- L. Xue
- X.D. Che
- S. Jiang
- J.J. Lei
- H.P. Dai
Pollen observation of wild Fragaria species native to China using SEM
- K. Luan
- S. Jiang
- Y. Zheng
- H.P. Dai
- J.J. Lei
- L. Xue
Cultivars developed in the strawberry breeding program of Fresas Nuevos Materiales S.A.
- F. Pistón
- J.M. Arenas
- A. Refoyo
New strawberry breeding lines with low susceptibility to anthracnose in southwestern Spanish conditions
- C. Borrero
- A. Refoyo
- F. Pistón
- M. Avilés
New strawberry breeding lines with low susceptibility to Phytophthora crown and root rot in Huelva, Spain
- C. Borrero
- A. Refoyo
- F. Pistón
- M. Avilés
Silencing of strawberry pathogen defence related candidate genes by using specific strawberry fruit ripening-related promoters: an intragenic approach to improve fruit quality and resistance
- J.J. Higuera-Sobrino
- R. Blanco-Portales
- E. Moyano
- A. Rodríguez-Franco
- J. Muñoz-Blanco
- J.L. Caballero
Use of RAPD and SCAR markers for identification of strawberry genotypes with red stele resistance genes Rpf1 and fruit rot resistance genes Rca2 in the hybrid progenies
- M. Sturzeanu
- M. Ciuca
- D. Cristina
- A.G. Turcu
Genome-wide prediction of powdery mildew resistance in the octoploid strawberry
- R. Tapia
- L.F. Osorio
- S. Verma
- S. Lee
- V.M. Whitaker
The origin and subgenome dynamics of the octoploid strawberries
- A. Liston
- T.-L. Ashman
Assessment of strawberry pre-breeding material for crown rot resistance and root traits by high-throughput screening
- T. Haikonen
- J. Davik
- M. Rantanen
- P. Parikka
- J. Näkkilä
- S. Karhu
- M. Alsheikh
- S.H. Hjeltnes
"Professor Staudt Collection": fruit diversity in Fragaria virginiana Miller and Fragaria chiloensis Miller
- Y. Wolfsteiner
- C. Waesch
- D. Schreiber
- A. Kögler
- T. Wenke
- S. Wanke
- F. Zakrzewski
- C. Neinhuis
- R. Drewes-Alvarez
- H. Wagner
- E. Rietze
- K. Olbricht
Breeding potential of underutilized Fragaria species
- K. Olbricht
- D. Ulrich
- V. Waurich
- H. Wagner
- D. Bicking
- U. Gerischer
- R. Drewes-Alvarez
- X. Gong
- M. Parniske
- N. Gompel
- L. Bräcker
- N. Bölke
- S.S. Lesemann
- S. Buschmann
- C.M. Ritz
- P. Gruner
- I. Pinker
Spider mite symptomatology in a segregating F2 population in Fragaria ×ananassa Duch.
- H. Wagner
- V. Waurich
- A. Ludwig
- E. Rietze
- E. Thomas
- K. Olbricht
Resistance evaluation of two-spotted spider mite in the genus Fragaria L.
- H. Wagner
- A. Knorrn
- K. Olbricht
'Rendezvous': portrait of a new European strawberry cultivar
- K. Olbricht
- H. Wagner
- U. Gerischer
'Malling™ Allure' and 'Malling™ Champion': two new strawberry cultivars from NIAB EMR, United Kingdom
- A.B. Whitehouse
- A.W. Johnson
- K.J. Hopson
- A.J. Passey
- D. Sargent
Recent progress in strawberry breeding and genetics at NIAB EMR, East Malling, UK
- A.B. Whitehouse
- A.W. Johnson
- H.M. Cockerton
- C.F. Nellist
- B. Li
- F. Wilson
- K.J. Hopson
- A.J. Passey
- R.J. Harrison
Whole genome assembly in a Japanese strawberry cultivar, 'Reikou', and comparison with wild Fragaria genomes
- K. Shirasawa
- C. Chung
- D. Boncan
- H. Hirakawa
- F. Maeda
- T. Wada
- T.F. Chan
- S. Isobe
Improvement of strawberry for potential anthocyanin content and bioactive compound producing cultivars through breeding program
- M. Sirijan
- P. Chaiprasart
Generating novel strawberry pre-breeding material from a Fragaria × ananassa backcrossing program with F. virginiana subsp. glauca inter-specific hybrids
- B. Mezzetti
- L. Mazzoni
- R. Qaderi
- F. Balducci
- M. Marcellini
- F. Capocasa
'Francesca', 'Lauretta', 'Silvia' and 'Dina': four new strawberry cultivars for northern and southern European cultivation conditions from the Marche Polytechnic University breeding programme
- B. Mezzetti
- L. Mazzoni
- F. Balducci
- M. Marcellini
- S. Schrey
- L. Linnemannstöns
- F. Capocasa
RNAi-based approaches to induce resistance against grey mould disease in strawberry
- S. Sabbadini
- L. Capriotti
- H. Jin
- A. Ricci
- G. Giovanetti
- B. Mezzetti
Isolation and phenotypical characterization of the FT-like genes in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa)
- S. Sabbadini
- A. Gaston
- A. Potier
- B. Denoyes
- R. Cappelletti
- G. Giovanetti
- B. Mezzetti
The sugar transporter system of strawberry: genome-wide identification and expression correlation with fruit soluble sugar-related traits in Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne germplasms collection
- H.T. Liu
- Y. Ji
- Y. Liu
- S.H. Tian
- K. Duan
- X.H. Zou
- J. Yang
- C. Dong
- Q.-H. Gao
Evaluation of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) cultivars in Estonia
- A. Kikas
- M. Vinogradov
- L. Arus
- P. Laurson
- A.-V. Libek
Advances in F1 hybrid day-neutral strawberry breeding at ABZ Seeds, Andijk, The Netherlands
- G. Bentvelsen
- A. van der Vange
Drought tolerance of strawberries as related to reaction type and water content and redistribution in leaves
- D.B. Shokaeva
Profitable day-neutral strawberry cultivar and planting date combination for year-round strawberry fruit production in the Southern Cape, South Africa
- P. Parehwa
- G.C. Linsley-Noakes
- J. Jordaan
- J. Pauw
Low tunnels for season extension of day-neutral strawberries in the US Pacific Northwest
- J. Fernandez-Salvador
- E. Chernoh
- A. Pheil
- B. Renne
Productivity and fruit quality of 'Clery' strawberry affected by planting density in a soilless growing system
- J. Milivojević
- D. Radivojević
- Dj. Boškov
- D. Milosavljević
- V. Maksimović
- J. Dragišić Maksimović
The influence of stolon harvest frequency and nitrate: ammonium ratio on asexual reproduction of day-neutral strawberries (Fragaria ×ananassa 'Albion')
- X. Shi
- R. Hernández
- M. Hoffmann
Performance of wood fibre as a substrate in hydroponic strawberry production under different fertigation strategies
- T. Woznicki
- K. Kusnierek
- A. Sønsteby
Effect of summer planting time on strawberry productivity and quality
- N. Magazin
- M. Apić
- B. Milić
- M. Miodragović
- J. Kalajd¿ić
- G. Popara
Strawberry production (Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne ex Rozier) in coconut fiber slabs under greenhouse, a teaching tool
- E. Cedillo
- L.P. Martínez
- P. Castro
- F.D. Contreras
Use of containerized transplants to increase growth and production of day neutral strawberries under organic management
- J. Fernandez-Salvador
- T. Barker
- E. Chernoh
- K. Poblador
- S. Tao
Chilling requirement of strawberry June-bearer 'Opera'
- E.J. Meulenbroek
- P. Lieten
Reuse of drain water with a first-flush-system on strawberry trayfields drastically reduces the use of groundwater
- D. Baets
- P. Melis
- S. Laurijssen
- T. Van Delm
Winter manipulation of photoperiod and chill to enhance the perpetual flowering nature of 'Soprano'
- N. Gallace
- P. Lieten
Autonomous UV-C application to deal with low and high powdery mildew disease pressure in strawberry
- S. Laurijssen
- P. Melis
- D. Baets
- T. Van Delm
Current status of strawberry industry in China
- J.J. Lei
- S. Jiang
- R.Y. Ma
- L. Xue
- J. Zhao
- H.P. Dai
Cultivation performance and flowering behavior of day-neutral 'Portola' strawberry in solar greenhouse
- J. Dong
- G.X. Wang
- C.F. Zhong
- L.L. Chang
- J. Sun
- R. Sun
- H.L. Zhang
- S. Liang
- W.H. Qiao
- R. Li
- Y.S. Gao
- Y.Q. Wei
- S.Q. Zheng
- Y.T. Zhang
The effect of light intensity and duration on yield and quality of everbearer and June-bearer strawberry cultivars in a LED lit multi-tiered vertical growing system
- K. Swann
- P. Hadley
- M.A. Else
- S. Pearson
- A. Badiee
- C. Twitchen
Behaviour of everbearers 'Portola' and 'Verity' in response to treatment with Prohexadione-Calcium
- N. Gallace
- P. Lieten
Nitrogen fertilization in the nursery: effect on strawberry tray plant yield and performance
- P. Lieten
- N. Gallace
Effects of temperature and photoperiod on photosynthesis in everbearing strawberry
- R. Rivero
- A. Sønsteby
- K.A. Solhaug
- O.M. Heide
- S.F. Remberg
Evaluating the state of the Oregon strawberry industry in 2019
- J. Fernandez-Salvador
- E. Chernoh
- C. Bobo-Shisler
Current status and future prospect of strawberry production in East Asia and Southeast Asia
- T. Nishizawa
Comparison of flower bud differentiation in strawberry in different latitudes and altitudes
- C.F. Zhong
- Y. Zhang
- Y.S. Qiao
- J.C. Song
- J. Dong
- G.X. Wang
- P. Shi
- D.X. Zhang
- J.H. Wang
- L.L. Chang
- J. Sun
- R. Sun
- Y.S. Gao
- H.L. Zhang
- Y.Q. Wei
- J. Yang
- Y.T. Zhang
Current strawberry research in Belarus, review
- N.V. Klakotskaya
- R.M. Puhachov
Benefits of using silicon as a nutrient in sustainable strawberry production
- B. Liu
- C. Asiana
- H. Wileman
- X. Jin
- A.M. Hall
Effect of different slit numbers of plug tray cells on growth parameters in strawberry transplants
- J.N. Ndikumana
- Y.H. Lee
- N.I. Park
- S.J. Hong
- Y.R. Yeoung
The evaluation of some Italian strawberry genotypes in Romania
- M. Sturzeanu
- G. Baruzzi
- P. Sbrighi
- M. Calinescu
Development of strawberry flower initials: timing and response to nitrogen application and temperature conditions at northern latitudes
- M. Rantanen
- M. Pohjola
- S. Karhu
Growth, yield and fruit quality of organic day-neutral strawberry in field and low tunnel settings in the southeastern United States
- S. Gu
- T.S. Rana
Low tunnels increased early-season yield of organic June-bearing strawberries in southeastern United States
- S. Gu
- A. Ballard
Application of eco-friendly practices alternative to soil chemical fumigation: preliminary results on strawberry
- D. Giovannini
- M.L. Maltoni
- F. Stagno
- P. Sbrighi
- A. Minuto
- A.P. Lanteri
- L. Lazzeri
- F. Brandi
- R. Matteo
- G. Baruzzi
Good experiences with everbearing strawberries cultivated in running tunnels
- S. Schrey
- L. Linnemannstöns
Design of a new planting system to produce strawberry out of season in central Mexico
- P.A. Dávalos-González
- A.E. Jofre-Garfías
- R. Aguilar-García
Strawberry iron-manganese chlorosis: a mathematic model to understand the phenomenon
- R. Aguilar-García
- P.A. Dávalos-González
- A.E. Jofre-Garfías
Strawberry cultivar response to plant density using tray plant in macrotunnel
- P.A. Dávalos-González
- R. Aguilar-García
- A.E. Jofre-Garfías
Optimisation of the micropropagation protocol of cultivated strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.)
- L. Barat
- J. Perrotte
Rotation length, crop rotation, anaerobic soil disinfestation and mustard seed meal affect organic strawberry yield and soil-borne disease incidence in California
- M. Zavatta
- J. Muramoto
- M. Mazzola
- C. Shennan
Circular use of nutrients in soilless strawberry cultivation: spent growing media as key element
- B. Vandecasteele
- F. Amery
- L. Blindeman
- R. Visser
Yield and dry matter allocation in soilless strawberry with sheep manure compost
- H.E. Alvarado-Raya
- R. López-García
- G. Calderón-Zavala
Yield quality of vertically grown strawberries in greenhouse and open area
- K. Kampuss
- I. Sivicka
- D. Sergejeva
- S. Kampuse
Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) for disease and pest management and automating UV-C delivery technology for strawberry
- F. Takeda
- W. Janisiewicz
- B. Short
- T. Leskey
- A. Stager
Between-row treatments for weed management in day-neutral strawberry plantings in the northern United States
- E.E. Hoover
- E.S. Tepe
- S. Poppe
- N. Dalman
- A. Petran
- F. Forcella
Research on the influence of temperature on the strawberry blossom weevil - Anthonomus rubi (Herbst)
- L.B. Neagu Frăsin
Strawberry crop in extreme climatic zones of Chilean Patagonia
- M. Gambardella
- E. Contreras
- C. Gomà
- J. Grez
Physiological process related to low flowering in Chilean white strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis (L.) Mill. subsp. chiloensis f. chiloensis)
- J. Grez
- E. Contreras
- S. Sanchez
- M. Gambardella
The effect of temperature, photoperiod and cultivar on strawberry growth, development and yield in out-of-season glasshouse production
- S. Read
- M.A. Else
- P. Hadley
- C. Twitchen
Establishing micropropagation protocols for new strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) breeding lines
- S. Sabbadini
- M. Marcellini
- B. Mezzetti
- F. Capocasa
Preliminary results of different strawberry cultivars in multi-cropping soilless cultivation
- F. Capocasa
- F. Balducci
- L. Mazzoni
- M. Marcellini
- V. Pergolotti
- B. Mezzetti
Evaluation of strawberry genotypes response to reduced water irrigation trial in southern Spain
- B. Mezzetti
- A.C. Galvez
- T. Cera
- M. Marcellini
- F. Capocasa
Preliminary results of soilless cultivated strawberry cultivars in the autumn-spring cycle in the mid-Adriatic area
- F. Capocasa
- F. Balducci
- L. Mazzoni
- M. Marcellini
- R. Qaderi
- B. Mezzetti
Micropropagated strawberry mother plants for high quality frigo and plug plants nursery production
- F. Capocasa
- J. Giuliani
- S. Sabbadini
- F. Balducci
- M. Marcellini
- D. Bernardini
- O. Navacchi
- G. Leopardi Dittajuti
- B. Mezzetti
Life cycle assessment of strawberry soilless cultivation and packaging: an Italian case study
- A. Ilari
- F. Capocasa
- S. Fabrizi
- G. Toscano
- E. Foppa Pedretti
- D. Duca
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum on strawberry fruit yield and quality
- G. Roccuzzo
- F. Stagno
- C. Frassineti
- M.L. Maltoni
- A. Assirelli
- P. Sbrighi
- G. Baruzzi
Quantitative analysis of cultivation environment effects on growth and yield during summer and autumn everbearing strawberry production (cultivar ‘Suzuakane’)
- Y. Iwasaki
- M. Eguchi
- M. Isozaki
- T. Sugiyama
- K. Iwabuchi
- N. Nishimura
- T. Aoki
- K. Furuta
Effect of organic fertilizer on growth of strawberry cultivar 'Sonata'
- A. Avetisyan
- M. Hokhanyan
- K. Herdt
- L. Lund
- A.L. Hykkerud
- L. Jaakola
- I. Martinussen
Collaborative development of a national strawberry research and outreach project for underserved growers
- C.R. Rom
- H. Friedrich
- J. Ruiz-Menjivar
- M. Swisher
- J.B. Samtani
- C.A. Chase
- J. Lea-Cox
- A. McWhirt
The effect of temperature and light intensity on rate of strawberry fruit ripening
- C. Twitchen
- M.A. Else
- P. Hadley
Open and protected cultivation of strawberry in Armenia
- S.S. Hovsepyan
The effect of LED illumination on flower differentiation of strawberry short-day cultivars in winter production season
- M.M. Codrea
- T. Valdiviesso
- C.M. Oliveira
- V. Mitre
- P.B. Oliveira
- M.G. Palha
Grower acceptance of new end-of-life management strategies for plastic mulch in strawberry systems
- L.W. DeVetter
- J.R. Goldberger
- C. Miles
- J. Gomez
Four layer strawberry cultivation
- M. Hofkens
- P. Melis
- S. Laurijssen
- D. Baets
- T. Van Delm
Effect of irrigation regime on yield and plant growth of 'Sonsation' strawberry grown in an open field in Estonia
- P. Põldma
- L. Mainla
- K. Karp
- M. Maante-Kuljus
- A. Koort
- U. Moor
Overcoming dormancy of achenes and physiology of strawberry treated with plant regulators
- R.A. Zeist
- J.V. de Resende
- A.R. Zeist
- R.V. Botelho
- J.H. Verhalem-Arantes
- L.A. Ovalles Morillo
Sustainability of strawberry nurseries and fruit production in relation to fumigation practices in Europe
- N. de Tommaso
- J.M. López Aranda
- N. Greco
- M. Saporiti
- C. Maccarini
- A. Myrta
Soil pest management in current California strawberry production: a review
- O. Daugovish
- S. Knapp
- T. Gordon
- S. Fennimore
- J. Muramoto
- M. Bolda
The inhibition of Colletotrichum acutatum by monochromic pulsed and non-pulsed radiation at different time durations
- N. Rasiukevičiūtė
- A. Brazaitytė
- A. Valiuškaitė
- V. Vaštakaitė-Kairienė
Essential oils as bio-fungicide against strawberry Colletotrichum acutatum
- N. Rasiukevičiūtė
- A. Valiuškaitė
- A. Morkeliūnė
- N. Uselis
Soil-borne diseases increasing in Finnish strawberry production
- P. Parikka
- S. Latvala
Comparison of defence responses of detached leaves of local strawberry cultivars against grey mould disease
- Ö.F. Bilgin
- Ş.H. Attar
- H. Günaçtı
- S. Kafkas
- N.E. Kafkas
Scouting of pests and beneficials is essential in application of IPM strategy in strawberry
- J. Smessaert
- D. Baets
- P. Melis
- T. Van Delm
Selecting tolerant strawberry germplasm to the fungus Macrophomina phaseolina
- S. Youssef
- A.A. Shalaby
- B. Pickel
- M. Maymon
- M. Borenstein
- N. Dai
- R. Cohen
- S. Freeman
Basamid effectivity against strawberry soil-borne pests in Europe
- A. Santori
- J.H. Zinser
- M. Yokota
- A. Ronca
- A. Minuto
- A. Myrta
The impact of planting material and soil fumigants on charcoal rot of strawberry in Australia
- D.J. McFarlane
- S.W. Mattner
- A.O. Gomez
- D.R. Oag
'Red Leaf': a new disorder in Australian strawberry plants
- J. Kristoffersen
- M. Paynter
- F. Constable
- A. Gomez
- J. Neal
- T. Hung
Induction and suppression of the defense response mediated by two fungal derived molecules in strawberry plants
- R.H. Tomas-Grau
- N.R. Chalfoun
- V. Hael-Conrad
- S.M. Perato
- G.G. Martos
- M.G. Martínez-Zamora
- J.C. Díaz-Ricci
Systematic grid-based detection and quantification of six major strawberry pathogens for nursery fields
- Thien Ho
- J. Buhler
- M. Meyer-Jertberg
- J.C. Broome
In vitro evaluation of fungicides against Cylindrocarpon destructans, Rhizoctonia fragariae and Pestalotiopsis spp. in strawberries
- P. Lieten
- S. Van Kerckhove
- W. Van Hemelrijck
Modern substrate cultivation offers possibilities for a minimum of residues in strawberry
- P. Melis
- S. Laurijssen
- D. Baets
- M. Hofkens
- T. Van Delm
Postharvest hexanal vapor applications on strawberry fruit
- A.T. Öz
- N.E. Kafkas
Effect of sudangrass biosolarization on Verticillium dahliae populations in coastal California
- T. Jacobs
- A. Tubeileh
- S. Steinmaus
Influence of forced air cooling regimes on postharvest quality of strawberries during the marketing period
- D.A. Neuwald
- S. Dietsche
- F. Büchele
- R. Wood
- B. Pansera-Espíndola
- D. Kittemann
- J. Wünsche
Comparison of two strawberry postharvest handling strategies: rapidly cooled or non-cooled fruit to the distributor
- D.A. Neuwald
- M. Grötzinger
- R. Wood
- D. Kittemann
- J. Wünsche
A comparison of major taste- and health-related compounds among newly released Italian strawberry cultivars
- D. Milosavljević
- V. Maksimović
- J. Milivojević
- J. Dragišić Maksimović
Is multivarietal brand a viable solution to valorize and extend marketing of strawberries?
- T. Mendes da Silva
- C. Peano
- N.R. Giuggioli
Role of strawberry cultivars on some quality parameters
- M.A. Sarıdaş
- S. Paydaş Kargı
- E. Ağçam
Health-promoting properties as a target for selecting strawberry cultivars in breeding programmes
- E. Martínez-Ferri
- L. Cervantes
- C. Soria
- T. Forbes-Hernández
- F. Giampieri
- P. Reboredo-Rodríguez
- M. Battino
- M.T. Ariza
Strawberry postharvest shelf life is related to total acid content and fruit firmness
- F. Pistón
- A.G. Pérez
- C. Sanz
- A. Refoyo
Identification of volatile compounds of Turkish local strawberry genotypes using various extraction techniques by GC/MS
- G. Nogay
- İ. Ürün
- Ş.H. Attar
- S. Kafkas
- N.E. Kafkas
Organoleptic and functional characteristics of some local Turkish strawberry cultivars
- I. Ürün
- Ş.H. Attar
- G. Nogay
- F. Elgudayem
- S. Kafkas
- N.E. Kafkas
Storage of halved strawberry fruits affects aroma, phytochemical content and gene expression
- R. Dhorajiwala
- C. Roberts
- S. Dimitrova
- A. Baldwin
- D. Davoli
- R. Ludlow
- S. Tu
- S. Jones
- N. Spadafora
- C. Müller
- H. Rogers
Correlation analysis between plant phenotype and fruit soluble sugar content of different strawberry cultivars
- C.F. Zhong
- J. Tie
- Z.Y. Liu
- P. Tao
- H. Wan
- Y. Wu
- J. Dong
- G.X. Wang
- L.L. Chang
- J. Sun
- R. Sun
- Y.S. Gao
- H.L. Zhang
- Y.Q. Wei
- Y.T. Zhang
Antioxidant effects of strawberry extract on HepG2 stressed with an oxidant agent
- F. Giampieri
- D. Cianciosi
- J. Ansary
- L. Regolo
- T.Y. Forbes-Hernandez
- M. Battino
Characterization of the nutritional and phytochemical content of 'Romina' strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) and evaluation of its cytotoxic effects on ovarian cancer cells
- R.S. Haq
- T.Y. Forbes-Hernandez
- J. Ansary
- L. Regolo
- D. Cianciosi
- M. Battino
The preventive effect of strawberries against the onset of common human diseases induced by oxidative stress
- D. Cianciosi
- J. Ansary
- L. Regolo
- F. Giampieri
- T.Y. Forbes-Hernandez
The anticancer activity of strawberry
- J. Ansary
- T.Y. Forbes-Hernandez
- L. Regolo
- D. Cianciosi
- F. Giampieri
Specialized metabolites profile of strawberry fruit during flash-freezing
- J. Šic Žlabur
- B. Duralija
- Z. Emanović
- N. Mikulec
- S. Voća
Comparison of five essential oils on postharvest strawberry fruit quality
- T. Taghavi
- G. Bahamdan
- M. Bell
- H. Patel
- E. Taylor
- R. Rafie
Phenylalanine ammonialyase and invertase activities in strawberry fruit during ripening progress
- D. Ayvaz Sönmez
- I. Ürün
- D. Alagöz
- Ş.H. Attar
- Z. Doğu
- B. Yeşil
- A. Woźniak
- M. Labudda
- Z. Zydlik
- P. Zydlik
- K. Rutkowski
- J. Kęsy
- P. Jeandet
- I. Morkunas
- S. Kafkas
- N.E. Kafkas
Quality assessment of strawberry cultivars grown in western Serbia
- J. Tomić
- M. Pešaković
- Ž. Karaklajić-Stajić
- S.M. Paunović
- M. Milinković
- B. Rilak
NIRS as a fast screening technique for total nutrients in strawberry leaves and in spent growing media
- B. Vandecasteele
- C. Van Waes
Development of a new phenotypic roadmap to improve strawberry aroma based on direct injection mass spectrometry
- B. Farneti
- I. Khomenko
- M. Pietrella
- P. Martinatti
- F. Emanuelli
- E. Aprea
- M.L. Maltoni
- G. Baruzzi
- F. Biasioli
- L. Giongo
Effects of plant type and calcium cyanamide dosage on yield, nutritional and nutraceutical traits of strawberry in Sicily
- L. Sabatino
- G. Caracciolo
- B.B. Consentino
- C. Prinzivalli
- F. D¿Anna
What can we learn from consumers' perception of strawberry quality?
- S. Predieri
- N. Lippi
- G.M. Daniele
Strawberry phenolic extract increases lifespan in C. elegans
- M.D. Navarro-Hortal
- J.M. Romero-Márquez
- A. Varela-López
- T.Y. Forbes-Hernandez
- L. Rivas García
- J. Llopis
- C. Sánchez-González
- J.L. Quiles
Changes in the content of metals of strawberry after preparation of phenolic-rich and anthocyanin-rich extracts for use in biomedicine and nutrition
- L. Rivas García
- J.M. Romero-Márquez
- M.D. Navarro-Hortal
- A. Varela-López
- T.Y. Forbes-Hernandez
- J.L. Quiles
- J. Llopis
- C. Sánchez-González
Investigating the composition and the anti-proliferative mechanism of a strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) methanolic extract on in vitro murine breast cancer cells
- L. Mazzoni
- T.Y. Forbes-Hernandez
- F. Capocasa
Variation of polyphenol and vitamin C fruit content induced by strawberry breeding
- L. Mazzoni
- R. Qaderi
- M. Marcellini
- B. Mezzetti
- F. Capocasa
The effect of storage conditions on the quality of everbearing strawberry cultivar 'Capri'
- N. Cvelbar Weber
- J. Jakopic
- D. Koron
Strawberry fruit quality with the increased iron application
- B. Duralija
- D. Mikec
- S. Jurić
- B. Lazarević
- L. Maslov Bandić
- K. Vlahoviček-Kahlina
- M. Vinceković
Volatile components in three strawberry cultivars with white flesh
- L.L. Chang
- Y.T. Zhang
- J. Dong
- R. Sun
- J. Sun
- C.F. Zhong
- H.L. Zhang
- S.Q. Zheng
- G.X. Wang
The hunt for the purple strawberry: change in anthocyanin profile leads to a colour change from red to burgundy
- T.J. O¿Hare
- H.T. Hong
Understanding consumer preferences for new market entry: a study of strawberry consumption in Jakarta
- R.E. Roberts
- B. Eslick
- D. KC
Anthocyanins in wild relatives of strawberry (Fragaria L.)
- K.E. Hummer
- T.T. Hoai
- R.W. Durst
Updates on Italian strawberry breeding programs coordinated by CREA
- G. Baruzzi
- L. Ballini
- M. Birolli
- G. Capriolo
- A. Carullo
- G. Faedi
- M. Funaro
- N. Gimelli
- S. Magnani
- M.L. Maltoni
- P. Sbrighi
- P. Turci
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