Online articles
Single-spore isolation protocol for characterization of postharvest pathogens causing bitter rot of apple in South Tyrol
- G. Amaral Carneiro
- S. Baric
Storage spoilage in Swedish apple production and novel ways of predicting storability
- J.M. Sjöstrand
- I.I. Tahir
- H. Persson Hovmalm
- H. Stridh
- M.E. Olsson
The application of information technology to diagnose postharvest diseases of apple
- S. Baric
- G. Guizzardi
- F. Stella
- M. Zanker
Volatiles as biomarker for detection of soft rot during potato storage
- S.H.E.J. Gabriëls
- M.J.M. Paillart
- M.A. Nijenhuis
- B. Brouwer
- F.I.D.G. Pereira da Silva
- E.J. Woltering
Effect of hydrocooling in electrolyzed water on reducing fruit rot diseases and maintaining postharvest quality of rambutan
- K. Sripong
- A. Uthairatanakij
- P. Jitareerat
Dynamic controlled atmosphere (DCA): a chance for sustainable storage of fruit, maintaining quality and better volatile profile
- D.A. Neuwald
- N. Klein
- F.R. Thewes
- V. Both
- A. Brackmann
Extension of shelf-life of Penicillium digitatum infected sweet oranges by vapor heat treatment
- A.T. Aborisade
- O.O. Elufisan
Management of ethylene production, superficial scald and fruit quality in 'Granny Smith' apple using organic oils and ozonised cold storage
- R. Malekipoor
- Z. Singh
- A.D. Payne
Preliminary investigations on the effect of low-pressure treatment on in vitro and in vivo growth of Penicillium sp. in oranges
- J. Archer
- P. Pristijono
- Q. Gallien
- L. Houizot
- M. Bullot
- L. Palou
- J.B. Golding
Apple lenticel rots: state of knowledge on the epidemiology of Neofabraea vagabunda
- M. Giraud
- C. Coureau
- J. Perrin
- P. Westercamp
Black mold of stored onion bulbs caused by Aspergillus welwitschiae
- I. Vico
- M. Lazarevic
- N. Duduk
Bull's eye rot development in storage is related to the timing of apple fruit infection by Neofabraea vagabunda in the orchard in Chile
- M. Lolas
- M. Cáceres
- J.A. Reyes
- G.A. Díaz
Exploiting the effector repertoire of Monilinia fructicola as a breeding strategy for disease resistance
- L. Vilanova
- C.A. Valero Jiménez
- D. Schreurs
- J.A.L. van Kan
Identification and characterization of isolates of Botrytis obtained from blossom blight and fruits with calyx-end rot in apples in Chile
- E.E. Ferrada
- J. Biche
- M. Lolas
- G. Lobos
- G.A. Díaz
Identification of Monilinia spp. from stone fruits in the Marche region of Italy
- V. Mancini
- S. Makau
- L. Landi
- G. Romanazzi
Susceptibility of quince fruit to postharvest fungal pathogens
- N. Duduk
- N. Vučković
- I. Vico
Whole-genome sequence of the brown rot fungal pathogen Monilinia fructigena Mfrg269 strain isolated in Italy
- L. Landi
- R.M. De Miccolis Angelini
- S. Pollastro
- D. Abate
- F. Faretra
- G. Romanazzi
Combined effects of hot water vapor, sodium chlorite, and PVC film on postharvest decay and browning of trimmed aromatic coconut
- K. Payuhamaytakul
- K. Sripong
- A. Uthairatanakij
- P. Renumarn
- P. Jitareerat
Effect of precooling with a solution of sodium carbonate on fruit rot and physiological changes in organic netted melon
- A. Uthairatanakij
- K. Sripong
- P. Jitareerat
Antifungal edible coatings for postharvest preservation of fresh fruit
- L. Palou
- M.B. Pérez-Gago
Control of postharvest anthracnose in papayas (Carica papaya L.) by hot water and chitosan
- S. Valencia-Chamorro
- G. Chicaiza
- R. Vilaplana
Selecting a resistant Penicillium digitatum isolate to imazalil from 'W. Murcott' and 'Nova' mandarine fruits
- E. Nuñez
- L. Aragón
- A. Casas
Promising technology to control bitter pit and other postharvest pathologic diseases
- V.A. Gudkovskii
- L.V. Kozhina
- A.E. Balakirev
- Y.B. Nazarov
- A.I. Kuzin
The effect of postharvest treatments on produce losses during long-term storage of acorn squash
- A. Adeeko
- F. Yudelevich
- R. Regev
- L. Avraham
- S. Alkalai-Tuvia
- H.S. Paris
- E. Fallik
- C. Ziv
Traditional and alternative strategies to protect apple fruits against scald
- V.A. Gudkovskii
- L.V. Kozhina
Alternative postharvest treatment of mango: potential use of essential oil with thymol to control anthracnose development caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
- M. Chillet
- J. Minier
- M. Hoarau
- M. Ducrocq
- E. Canaguier
- J.-C. Meile
Antifungal activity of essential oils and their combinations against postharvest fruit pathogen
- J.G. Oliveira Filho
- G.C. Silva
- H.M.C. Azeredo
- M.D. Ferreira
Antifungal activity of Zingiber officinale Roscoe (ginger) oil and extracts, associated with carnauba wax nanoemulsions, on fungal control of harvest papaya
- M. Miranda
- X. Sun
- O.B.G. Assis
- C. Ference
- M.D. Ferreira
- E.A. Baldwin
Effect of carnauba wax nanoemulsion coating on postharvest papaya quality
- N.M. Zucchini
- C. Florencio
- M. Miranda
- K.R. Borba
- F.C.A. Oldoni
- J.G. Oliveira Filho
- N.S. Bonfim
- K.A. Rodrigues
- R.M.D. de Oliveira
- M.C. Mitsuyuki
- S.Z. Hubinger
- J.D. Bresolin
- M.D. Ferreira
Effect of hot water treatment on postharvest control of Penicillium expansum and Botrytis cinerea of apples
- N.C. Mbili
- K.S. Yobo
- M.D. Laing
Effects of carnauba wax and chitosan bilayer edible coating on shelf life of fresh-cut apple
- G.C. Pestana
- K.A.F. dos Santos
- M. Miranda
- P.C. Spricigo
- M.C. Mitsuyuki
- J.D. Bresolin
- S.Z. Hubinger
- O.B.G. Assis
- M.D. Ferreira
Hot water dipping of apple - not living up to its promise?
- M. Naets
- B. De Coninck
- W. Keulemans
- A.H. Geeraerd
In vitro and in vivo screening of yeast isolates on Penicillium digitatum and Galactomyces citri-aurantii of citrus
- N.C. Mbili
- S.S. Buthelezi
In vitro antifungal activity of lemon (Citrus limon L.) waste extracts against Alternaria alternata and Alternaria citri
- K. Papoutsis
- C.E. Stathopoulos
- M.C. Bowyer
- J.B. Golding
Infectivity of cashew pseudo-apple by Gilbertella persicaria exposed to ultraviolet-B
- A.T. Aborisade
- A.O. Ogunmola
Isolation and in vivo screening of yeast antagonists for the control of Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum of pome fruit
- N.C. Mbili
- K.S. Yobo
- M.D. Laing
Ozone as an alternative method to control postharvest diseases on apples
- S. Gabioud Rebeaud
- P.Y. Cotter
- D. Christen
Postharvest quality of papaya fruit wrapped with polyvinyl chloride film added with silver
- K.S. Sapelli
- K.R. Borba
- M. Miranda
- P.C. Spricigo
- J.D. Bresolin
- M.M. Foschini
- D.S. Correa
- M.D. Ferreira
Semi-commercial hot water treatments to control apple bull's eye rot (Neofabraea alba)
- K.R. Everett
- L. Hasna
- I.P.S. Pushparajah
- C. Middleditch
- L. Ramos
- M.J. Vergara
- P.N. Wood
- B.M. Fisher
- S. Olsson
- A. Nangul
- J. Cho
- A.B. Woolf
Volatile organic compounds produced by Aureobasidium pullulans inhibit the growth of Botrytis cinerea and Alternaria alternata
- S.M. Yalage Don
- L.M. Schmidtke
- J.M. Gambetta
- C.C. Steel
Exploration of microbial communities associated with fruitlet core rot (FCR) disease in 'Queen' pineapple from Reunion Island
- M. Hoarau
- J. De Stefano
- L. Filippi
- B. Barral
- M. Chillet
- J.-C. Meile
Geographical and cultivar features influence the epiphytic microbiota associated with mango
- A. Taibi
- C. Amoyal
- R. Rivallan
- F. Carlin
- V. Broussolle
- S. Lortal
- F. Constancias
- J.-C. Meile
On-field microbial community influences postharvest root rot in sugar beets
- P. Kusstatscher
- T. Cernava
- K. Harms
- J. Maier
- H. Eigner
- G. Berg
- C. Zachow
The apple fruit microbiome: influence of orchard management, cultivar, storage time and storage atmosphere
- E. Britt
- Y. Bösch
- S. Perren
- A. Naef
- J.E. Frey
- A. Bühlmann
Behavior of Listeria innocua on cut cantaloupe during sanitization and refrigerated storage
- S. Callahan
- J.J. Perry
Preliminary evaluations of postharvest organic treatments against Monilinia and Botrytis cherry decay
- J.B. Golding
- F. Lidbetter
- L. Tesoriero
Apple fruit deterioration by fungal decays as a function of temperature in post-storage supply chain simulation
- L.C. Argenta
- D.A. Neuwald
- C. Ogoshi
- P.A. Luzzi
Comparison of the shelf life and surface mold population of Hungarian Prunus cerasus cultivars following different pre- and postharvest treatments
- K. Mihály
- Cs. Kovács
- A. Nagy
- F. Takács
- E. Sándor
Pre- and postharvest factors determining carrot storability
- M.G. Thomsen
- T. Johannesen
- E. Molteberg
- A.-B. Wold
- A. Hermansen
- A.-K. Løes
- H. Riley
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