Online articles
Profitability and regional differences of irrigated sweet corn (Zea mays conv. saccharata) in Hungary
- I. Ehret-Berczi
- A. Kiss
- E. Vári
- F. Apáti
- Sz. Németh
Drip line size selection in micro irrigation design for tree crops: economic and energetic sustainability
- G. Sperandio
- P. Menesatti
- R. Tomasone
- M. Pagano
- C. Cedrola
- A. Acampora
- P. Santelli
Saline reclaimed water affected leaf nutritional and chlorophyll traits in almond trees
- C. Romero-Trigueros
- S. Camposeo
- G. Lopriore
- G.A. Vivaldi
Interactions of fertilizer and chemical sanitizing agents in water
- P.R. Fisher
- G. Mohammad-Pour
The potential role of arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi and mixed substrate in the physiological and agronomical behaviour of tomato plants irrigated with saline reclaimed wastewater
- M.J. Gómez-Bellot
- B. Lorente
- I. Zugasti
- P. Nortes
- M.J. Sánchez-Blanco
- M.F. Ortuño
- J.J. Alarcón
Tolerance and physiological response of young Ficus carica L. plants irrigated with saline water
- G. Palai
- G. Caruso
- C. DOnofrio
- R. Gucci
ET of applied water and the cup+ model
- R.L. Snyder
- M. Orang
An update on the theory and application of surface renewal for estimating ET
- D. Spano
- R.L. Snyder
- K.T. Paw U
Determining orchard specific crop coefficients for improved irrigation management in citrus
- N.J. Taylor
- J.T. Vahrmeijer
- N. Shongwe
- J.G. Annandale
Using HYDRUS-1D for estimating evapotranspiration and soil water content of irrigated winter wheat under different water management in a semi-arid region of Morocco
- S. Er-Raki
- J. Ezzahar
- C. Anbari
- A. Amazirh
- B. Ait Hssaine
- S. Khabba
- M. Fontanet
- O. Merlin
- A. Chehbouni
Water requirements and crop coefficient for low-chill peach trees in subtropical climates
- C. Zambrano-Vaca
- L. Zotarelli
- R.C. Beeson
- K.W. Migliaccio
- J.X. Chaparro
- M.A. Olmstead
Estimating the spatial variability of water needs using the soil ECa, rooting depth, and fruit developmental stage in sweet cherry orchard
- N. Tsoulias
- W.B. Herppich
- S. Fountas
- M. Zude-Sasse
Surface energy flux measurements over a drip-irrigated young almond orchard
- R. López-Urrea
- L.L. Simón
- J.M. Sánchez
- L. Martínez
- F. Valentín
Evapotranspiration of a rain-fed sweet cherry orchard in Eastern Free State, South Africa
- P.C. Tharaga
- W. Tesfuhuney
- G.M. Coetzer
- M.J. Savage
Using a large aperture scintillometer for determining evapotranspiration of mountain foothills agriculture in the Rheraya catchment, Morocco
- J. Elfarkh
- J. Ezzahar
- S. Er-Raki
- L. Jarlan
- B. Aithssaine
- S. Khabba
- A. Chehbouni
Modelling root-zone soil moisture from observed fluxes inter-comparing eddy covariance and lysimeter methods
- A. Amazirh
- S. Er-Raki
- O. Merlin
- S. Khabba
- L. Olivera-Guerra
- C. Mattar
- A. Chehbouni
Evaluation of the reduction of non-beneficial evaporation losses with an inorganic mulch structure (Tree Hog) in a commercial citrus orchard in the Western Cape of South Africa
- E. Lötze
- G.F.A. Lötze
- C. Jarmain
Total evapotranspiration of apple trees with drip irrigation in high density orchard
- E. Rubauskis
- V. Berlands
- V. Jansons
Physiological responses of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) to controlled water limitations – potential effects on tuber quality and shelf life
- W.B. Herppich
- S. Landahl
Physiological and biochemical traits of different olive tree cultivars during salt stress
- L. Regni
- A.M. Del Pino
- S. Mousavi
- C.A. Palmerini
- L. Baldoni
- R. Mariotti
- H. Mairech
- R. Calisti
- P. Proietti
Learning from the past to improve in the future: tree-ring wood anatomy as retrospective tool to help orchard irrigation management
- G.D. Perulli
- R.L. Peters
- G. von Arx
- L.C. Grappadelli
- L. Manfrini
- P. Cherubini
Midday stem water potential baseline for California Manzanillo table olive orchards
- L. Milliron
- A. Fulton
- W. Krueger
- R. Rosecrance
Growth and yield of apple influenced by different irrigation levels at various phenological stages using drip irrigation system in north Himalayan region of India
- R. Mushtaq
- M.K. Sharma
- K. Mushtaq
- J.I. Mir
- B. Krishna
- S.A Bhat
- T. Ali
- S. Narayan
Transpiration reduction as an answer to water stress: models versus measurements for irrigated olive trees in South Portugal
- S. Lourenço
- N. Conceição
- H.P. Losada
- J. Silvestre
- J. Siqueira
- F. Santos
- J. Rolim
- M.I. Ferreira
Nocturnal and diurnal grapevine transpiration relationship with meteorological parameters
- A. Montoro
- I. Torija
- R. López-Urrea
The variation of irrigation regime in hazelnut has little impact on canopy conductance
- G. Pasqualotto
- V. Carraro
- E. Suarez Huerta
- M.J. Lisperguer
- T. De Gregorio
- T. Anfodillo
Adaptation mechanisms to water scarcity of two almond cultivars from different origin countries
- L. Gaeta
- A.M. Amendolagine
- D. Di Gennaro
- P. Losciale
Irrigation levels and proline application effects on morphological characteristics of strawberry
- B. Kapur
- E. Çeliktopuz
- M.A. Sarıdaş
- F. Aksoy
- S.P. Kargı
Influence of the environmental conditions under hail nets on the irrigation and fertilization efficiency in Golden Delicious apple trees on replant soils
- M. Mészáros
- H. Bělíková
- P. Čonka
- J. Náměstek
Plant-based sensing for irrigation management in the field
- A.N. Lakso
- D.S. Intrigliolo
Assessment of canopy transpiration from temperature: application to almond orchards
- V. Gonzalez-Dugo
- D. Moldero
- M. Espadafor
- F. Orgaz
- L. Testi
- P.J. Zarco-Tejada
- I.J. Lorite
- E. Fereres
Precision drip irrigation for horticulture
- A. Ben-Gal
- Y. Cohen
- A. Peeters
- A. Naor
- Y. Nezer
- N. Ohana-Levi
- I. Bahat
- L. Katz
- B. Shaked
- R. Linker
- S. Yulzary
- V. Alchanatis
Using a decision support system (Vintel®) to determine the relationship between soil water content and whole-grapevine transpiration
- G. Lopez
- P. Juillion
- C. Becel
- R. Bourget
- J. Chopard
- D. Fumey
- A. Guaus
- M. Gelly
- P. Hublart
Estimation of the spatial and temporal variability of evapotranspiration components in a vineyard with the two source energy balance model (TSEB) using both thermal airborne and the fusion of Sentinel 2 and 3 imagery
- J. Bellvert
- C. Jofre
- A. Pelechà
- M. Mata
- H. Nieto
Scheduling regulated deficit irrigation in olive using leaf turgor measurements: another twist for the method
- C.M. Padilla-Díaz
- F.S. Lauriks
- M.V. Cuevas
- J.E. Fernández
- A. Diaz-Espejo
- K. Steppe
Evapotranspiration estimation by combining soil moisture, land surface temperature/vegetation cover fraction data and surface-atmosphere exchange modeling
- B. Ait Hssaine
- O. Merlin
- J. Ezzahar
- S. Er-Raki
- S. Khabba
- A. Chehbouni
Plant and soil water status indicators for irrigation scheduling in young lime trees
- A.B. Mira-García
- W. Conejero
- J. Vera
- M.C. Ruiz-Sánchez
A plant-based index for plant water status detection and irrigation scheduling in pear Abbé Fetel: first results on the use of the IPL index
- P. Losciale
- L. Manfrini
- B. Morandi
- M. Zibordi
- L. Corelli Grappadelli
A microtensiometer sensor to continuously monitor stem water potentials in woody plants design and field testing
- A.N. Lakso
- S. Zhu
- M. Santiago
- K. Shackel
- V. Volkov
- A.D. Stroock
Estimation of midday stem water potential in grapevine leaves (Cabernet Sauvignon) using spectral reflectance indices
- R. Vega-Ibáñez
- S. Ortega-Farías
- F. Fuentes-Peñailillo
- K. Gutter
- J. Albornoz
Estimation of vineyard water status using infrared thermometry measured at two positions of the canopy
- K. Gutter
- S. Ortega-Farías
- F. Fuentes-Peñailillo
- M. Moreno
- R. Vega-Ibáñez
- C. Riveros-Burgos
- J. Albornoz
Estimation of soil moisture from UAS platforms using RGB and thermal imaging sensors in arid and semi-arid regions
- P. Paridad
- S.F. Dal Sasso
- A. Pizarro
- L. Mita
- M. Fiorentino
- M.R. Margiotta
- F. Faridani
- A. Farid
- S. Manfreda
Irrigation of grape and pomegranate by using soil sensors in Apulia Region, Italy
- G. Ferrara
- M. Denora
- A. Mazzeo
Field-testing of a decision support system (DSS) to optimize irrigation management of kiwifruit in Italy:
a comparison with current farm management
- V. Buono
- M. Mastroleo
- C. Lucchi
- G. DAmato
- L. Manfrini
- B. Morandi
Correlating remote and terrestrial water status indices in a nectarine orchard
- M.R. Conesa
- W. Conejero
- J. Vera
- M.C. Ruiz-Sánchez
Mapping deep percolation using remote sensing over an irrigated area in the Haouz plain (Marrakech, Morocco)
- H. Nassah
- S. Er-Raki
- Y. Fakir
- V. Simonneaux
- A. Diarra
- S. Khabba
- A. Chehbouni
Reliability of capacitance type soil moisture sensors for their use in automated scheduling of drip irrigation in orchards
- J.M. Domínguez-Niño
- J. Casadesús
- H.R. Bogena
- J.A. Huisman
UAV-based estimation of vineyard actual evapotranspiration using the Shuttleworth and Wallace model
- F. Fuentes-Peñailillo
- S. Ortega-Farías
- J. Albornoz
- K. Gutter
- R. Vega-Ibáñez
Water productivity and economic analyses for super high density olive orchards
- J.E. Fernández
- F. Alcon
- A. Diaz-Espejo
- V. Hernandez-Santana
- M.V. Cuevas
Evaluation of water footprint for table olive groves of Olea europaea L. Konservolea
- K. Fotia
- I. Tsirogiannis
- P. Baltzoi
- P. Barouchas
- N. Malamos
- N. Mantzos
- K. Zisis
- G.D. Nanos
Effects of different irrigation regimes on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of young pomegranate (Punica granatum Wonderful) trees
- A. Tarantino
- G. Disciglio
- L. Frabboni
- G. Difonzo
- V.M. Paradiso
- G. Gambacorta
- G. Lopriore
The effects of water deficits on fruit cracking and sunburn damage in Cripps Pink apple
- I. Goodwin
- L. McClymont
- S. Green
Sustainable irrigation strategy in fruit orchards: environmental impact at farm scale
- A.N. Mininni
- T. Berloco
- C. Fausto
- F. Manicone
- B. Dichio
- C. Xiloyannis
Timing of water limitations affect source to sink differences in δ13C composition in apple
- L. Kalcsits
- N. Valverdi
- M. Reid
Optimization of the irrigation schedule in field-grown strawberry results in higher water use efficiency and improved taste quality
- P. Janssens
- M. Boonen
- D. Bylemans
- P. Melis
- T. Van Delm
- I. Vendel
- M. Hertog
- H. Vandendriessche
Subsurface drip irrigation and ICT for the innovative irrigation water management: application to a citrus crop (C. reticulata Tardivo di Ciaculli)
- L. Franco
- G. Giardina
- J. Tuker
- A. Motisi
- G. Provenzano
Assessing drip irrigation system performance in a blueberry crop to improve the water use efficiency and productivity within the Water-Energy-Food-Nexus
- A. Pannunzio
- E.A. Holzapfel
- P. Texeira Soria
- J. Brenner
- F. Dufour
- G. Demarco
Testing three strawberry cultivars for reduced water demand in the mid-Adriatic area
- M. Marcellini
- F. Balducci
- G. Malavolta
- L. Mazzoni
- B. Mezzetti
- F. Capocasa
Irrigation of apples in a humid climate in wet and dry years
- T.L. Robinson
- J. Lordan
- P. Francescatto
Effects of the application of water stress-controlled technique on productive, qualitative and nutritional parameters on a late peach cultivar
- I. Medori
- P. Acciarri
- F. Balducci
- L. Mazzoni
- B. Mezzetti
- F. Capocasa
Long-term summer pruning in peach trees: is it an advisable cultural practice?
- M.C. Ruiz-Sánchez
- I. Abrisqueta
- L. López-Martínez
- W. Conejero
- M.R. Conesa
- J. Vera
The influence of water deficit and re-watering on flower bud morphogenesis in young apricot trees (Prunus armeniaca L.)
- S. Bartolini
- E. Lo Piccolo
- D. Remorini
Efficiency of irrigation and fertigation in a mature apple orchard: a Latvia experience
- E. Rubauskis
- V. Jansons
- V. Berlands
Enhancing water use efficiency in irrigated agriculture through variable rate drip irrigation: the case of a pear orchard in Northern Italy
- B. Ortuani
- A. Facchi
- A. Mayer
- A. Bianchi
- D. Bianchi
- L. Brancadoro
Evaluation of an operational participatory system for irrigation recommendations case study for kiwifruit crop in Greece
- I.L. Tsirogiannis
- P. Baltzoi
- K. Fotia
- P. Barouchas
- A. Christofides
- N. Malamos
The response of pear tree and fruit growth to the water stress applied during different growing stages of pear tree
- M.D. Sun
- Y. Wu
- Z.X. Liang
- J. Liu
- W.J. Wang
- S.Z. Liu
Evaluation of subsurface drip irrigation emitters on a split-root container-grown citrus rootstock (citrange Ccarrizo)
- L. Franco
- A. Motisi
- G. Provenzano
Irrigation of intensive olive groves in the Mediterranean environment with different water regimes on two different soils: effects on yields, water use efficiency, vegetative behaviour and water status of the crop
- G. Lopriore
- A. Caliandro
Irrigation of intensive olive groves in the Mediterranean environment with different water regimes on two different soils: effects on fruit characteristics and quality parameters of the oils
- G. Lopriore
- A. Tarantino
Sustainable irrigation strategy on organic Red Globe table grape in Apulia region
- L. Tarricone
- S.H.B. Al-Fadheel
- D. Di Gennaro
- G. Gentilesco
- A.M. Amendolagine
- V. Verrastro
Effects of different deficit irrigation strategies on yield components and must quality of Touriga Franca (Vitis vinifera L.) under Mediterranean climate conditions in Douro Region
- L. Cabral
- A. Carneiro
- T. Nogueira
- J. Queiroz
Combined effects of rootstock and irrigation on gas exchange, fruit quality and yield in Merlot and Sangiovese grapevines
- G. Caruso
- G. Palai
- S. Nesi
- G. Rossi
- R. Gucci
- C. DOnofrio
Differences among two grapevine cultivars in their response to pre and post veraison water deficit
- L. Mercenaro
- A.F. De Oliveira
- A. Del Caro
- C. Fadda
- G. Nieddu
Yield and berry composition of Tempranillo grapevines exposed to deficit irrigation applied at different phenological stages
- B. Basile
- O. Garcia-Tejera
- J. Girona
- J. Marsal
Thresholds of soil and plant water availability that affect leaf transpiration, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis in grapevines
- A. Wenter
- D. Zanotelli
- M. Tagliavini
- C. Andreotti
Irrigation scheduling using continuously monitored data of soil volumetric water content
- A. Patakas
- V. Triantafyllidis
- E. Kokkotos
- Α. Zotos
- K. Michos
- K. Karaboiki
- F. Chatzipapadopoulos
Vermentino and Cagnulari adaptation responses to the regulated deficit irrigation strategy managed with stem water potential watering thresholds
- M.G. Mameli
- L. De Pau
- D. Delpiano
- D. Satta
The effect of overhead netting on water utilization and soil water content of a table grape vineyard
- J.H. Avenant
- E. Avenant
Productive and non-productive use of water of common bean under full and deficit irrigation
- A. Lipovac
- R. Stričević
- M. Ćosić
- N. Đurović
Agronomical effects and response of growers in the application of the GesCoN DSS at the commercial farm scale
- A. Elia
- C. Lazzizera
- P. La Rotonda
- G. Conversa
Water use and estimated evapotranspiration at a California container plant nursery
- B.J.L. Pitton
- G.E. Johnson
- D.L. Haver
- L.R. Oki
Two seasons of deficit irrigation of processing tomato in Hungary
- S. Takács
- T. Bíró
Agronomical, physiological and water use efficiency changes of lettuce in response to deficit irrigation regimes
- Y. Rouphael
- S. De Pascale
- F. Karam
- G. Colla
- C. Cirillo
Does alternation increase water productivity when applying partial root-zone drying to tomato?
- J. Puértolas
- P. Oteng-Darko
- S. Yeboah
- B. Annor
- S.A. Ennin
- I.C. Dodd
Controlled deficit irrigation effects on growth and water relations of Daucus carota L. roots
- W.B. Herppich
- H. Mempel
- M. Schreiner
- S. Huyskens-Keil
Low- and high-frequency irrigation of Rosso di Treviso Radicchio
- L. Bortolini
- M. Tolomio
Response of Honey Dew melon (Cucumis melo L.) to four levels of irrigation at Cachapoal Valley, Region de OHiggins, Chile
- A. Antúnez
- S. Felmer
- M. Vidal
- R. Morales
Biofilm management in irrigation lines and hydroponic lettuce solutions using sanitizing chemicals
- P.H.V. Rodrigues
- M.F. Trientini
- P.R. Fisher
Influence of Irrigation on Effectiveness of Nematicides for Management of Columbia Root Knot Nematode on Potatoes
- B. Westerdahl
- H. Carlson
Simple and spatialized approach to optimize irrigation water and wheat yield in the semi-arid areas
- S. Khabba
- J. Toumi
- S. Er-Raki
- M. Le Page
- J. Ezzahar
- A. Chehbouni
- L. Jarlan
Effects of a simulated heat wave on growth and photosynthesis of Quercus ilex L. and Arbutus unedo L. seedlings
- C. Cirillo
- A. Pannico
- A. Balzano
- E. Zalloni
- R. Caputo
- C. Arena
- S. De Pascale
- V. De Micco
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