Online articles
Vital role for ethnobiology in new era of biodiversity conservation in China
- P. Shengji
- K. Thammasiri
In vitro propagation of Artocarpus lakoocha Roxb.: effect of meta-topolin on shoot parameters
- S. Gupta
- V.K. Biraji
Thai native waterlilies survey as an evidence to support Jongkolnee waterlily (Nymphaea siamensis) in new subgenus
- V. Puripunyavanich
- P. Chukiatman
- W. La-ongsri
- M. Limtiyayotin
- L. Maikaeo
- S. Kongsri
- C. Kukusamude
Agro-morphological and genetic diversity of Indian large cardamom cultivars (Amomum subulatum Roxb.) in the sub Himalayan tropics
- R. Ranjanan
- K.M. Mathew
- A.B. Remashree
Biotechnological applications for plant germplasm conservation at ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, India – recent achievements
- A. Agrawal
- N. Sharma
- S. Gupta
- S. Bansal
- V. Srivastava
- E.V. Malhotra
- S. Chander
- R. Gowthami
- K. Singh
Zygotic embryos for the efficient long-term conservation of a Georgian provenance of sweet chestnut: an overview
- M. Gaidamashvili
- C. Benelli
Safeguarding and use of plant genetic resources in the DOA Genebank, Thailand. In case of Aditayadhorn Agricultural Project in Contemplation of Her Royal Highness Princess Aditayadhornkitikhun at Surin has Collaborated with DOA Genebank ex-situ Conservation of Some Field Crops and Horticultural Crops in DOA Genebank, Thailand 2019-2020
- K. Pipithsangchan
- N. Boain
- S. Dachakumpoo
- S. Bubpato
- J. Suksawat
- A. Songserm
- A. Wongpia
- T. Luangsuphabool
- C. Samphunphuang
- D. Narkprasert
- P.P. Chareonsap
- K. Thammasiri
Comparative assessments of alkaloids and phenolic compounds in a Thai medicinal plant, Erycibe elliptilimba, and other species in the genus
- T. Atiratana
- P. Traiperm
- P. Kochaiphat
- T. Pathomwichaiwat
- U. Viboonjun
Micromorphology and histochemistry of labellum of Orchidantha foetida Jenjitt. & K. Larsen (Lowiaceae)
- P. Nopun
- S.C. Swangpol
- T. Jenjittikul
- P. Kermanee
The morphological characteristic of Amaranthus spp. for conservation in DOA genebank of Thailand
- N. Boain
- K. Pipithsangchan
- P. Wongchang
- C. Samphunphuang
- A. Wongpia
- K. Thammasiri
Seed storage of Ipomoea alba L. in DOA genebank Thailand
- A. Kaewdoung
- S. Dachakumpoo
- K. Pipithsangchan
- R. Thongviang
- K. Thammasiri
Biotechnological methods of reproduction and preservation of species and cultivars of the genus Syringa L.
- O.V. Koroleva
- O.I. Molkanova
- E.V. Mishanova
Plant cryopreservation: implementation and outreach
- G.M. Volk
- K. Chen
- R.M. Bonnart
Capsule harvesting times and various dehydration methods for cryopreservation of Paphiopedilum bellatulum (Rchb.f.) Stein seeds
- S. Rodpradit
- P. Wangpakapattanawong
- P. Wongsawad
- K. Thammasiri
Cryopreservation of Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume seeds by D cryo-plate method
- D. Thanasuttanithi
- K. Thammasiri
Cryopreservation of Sesame indicum L. seeds
- S. Dachakumpoo
- S. Kowasurat
- P. Rukkid
- P. Piriyavinit
- K. Pipithsangchan
- S. Rodjanai
- P. Sangkasa-ad
- P. Wongchang
- A. Songserm
- C. Samphunphuang
- K. Thammasiri
Genetic diversity of an endemic medicinal orchid, Coelogyne nervosa, from southern India using morphological and molecular markers
- J. Ramudu
- S.M. Khasim
Morpho-biological features of oriental persimmon pollen
- V. Melnikov
- E.S. Panyushkina
- Y. Plugatar
- S.Y. Khokhlov
Intergeneric hybridization of Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) Garay with Ascocentrum spp.
- N. Jitsopakul
- Y. Jenrob
- U. Pongket
- K. Thammasiri
Apricot cultivars of Chinese breeding
- V. Korzin
- Y. Plugatar
- V.M. Gorina
In vitro multiplication of some selected banana cultivars (Musa spp.) from India and their genetic fidelity using ISSR markers
- S.A. Hasan
- J. Ramudu
- S.M. Khasim
Shoot multiplication of three Hedychium species via immersion temporary bioreactor
- S. Rodpradit
- P. Klaharn
- P. Pumisutapon
Tissue necrosis prevention during shoot multiplication of coconut
- H. Wilms
- D.D. Bièvre
- E. Rosiers
- R. Swennen
- J. Rhee
- B. Panis
The effect of plant growth regulators on the in vitro regeneration capacity in some horticultural crops and rare endangered plant species
- I.V. Mitrofanova
- N.P. Lesnikova-Sedoshenko
- S.V. Chelombit
- I.V. Zhdanova
- N.N. Ivanova
- O.V. Mitrofanova
In vitro establishment and multiplication of Vaccinium virgatum Ait. Delite
- C. Schuchovski
- L.A. Biasi
A comparative analysis of in vitro responses of anthurium under temporary immersion (RITA®)
- J.N. Uy
- T. Amore
Prospect and challenges in Rhododendron micropropagation
- S.H. Tan
- R. Go
Effect of auxins and cytokinin on micropropagation of Impatiens sirindhorniae Triboun & Suksathan in vitro
- S. Samala
- K. Kongton
- S. Yenchon
- S. Petchsri
- Y. Suwannakong
- W. Rotchanajinda
- P.P. Chareonsap
A reliable protocol for micropropagation of an ornamental aquatic plant, Staurogyne repens
- S. Rittirat
- S. Klaocheed
- K. Thammasiri
Organogenesis and efficient in vitro plantlet regeneration from nodal segments of an ornamental aquatic plant, Lobelia cardinalis L., using BAP
- S. Rittirat
- S. Klaocheed
- K. Thammasiri
Large scale in vitro micropropagation of an ornamental plant, Oxalis triangularis, for commercial application
- S. Rittirat
- S. Klaocheed
- K. Thammasiri
Effect of N6-benzyladenine on in vitro shoot multiplication of Iris collettii Hook.f. and I. domestica (L.) Goldblatt & Mabb.
- R. Chuengpanya
- T. Piyasangcharoen
- N. Thongteab
- A. Muangkroot
- T. Jenjittikul
- N. Chuenboonngarm
Preservation of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) using slow growth techniques for gene bank
- P. Sangkasa-ad
- P. Wongchang
- S. Bunmanop
- P. Rukkid
- P. Sudhishurnark
- S. Dechakumpoo
- P. Piriyavinit
- T. Luangsuphabool
- K. Pipithsangchan
- K. Thammasiri
Thidiazuron induces high-frequency plant regeneration from shoot tip explants of an ornamental aquatic plant, Anubias barteri var. nana
- S. Rittirat
- S. Klaocheed
- K. Thammasiri
Micropropagation of an endangered medicinal plant, ant-plant, Myrmecodia tuberosa Jack., for conservation in Thailand
- S. Rittirat
- S. Klaocheed
- K. Thammasiri
In vitro shoot organogenesis in Anthurium andraeanum HC 028 a highly valued cut-flower and potted ornamental plant
- S. Rittirat
- S. Klaocheed
- K. Thammasiri
In vitro propagation of the genus Actinidia Lindl. representatives
- O.I. Molkanova
- I.L. Krakhmaleva
- L.N. Konovalova
Axillary shoot growth of Phalaenopsis species in different types and concentrations of cytokinin in vitro
- D. Sukma
- C. Merysa
- I.P.W. Sanjaya
- S. Sudarsono
- M.T. Chan
Effects of irrigation levels on growth and chemical constituents in Curcuma alismatifolia
- C. Inkham
- J. Julsrigival
- S. Chansakaow
- P. Hongpakdee
- K. Panjama
- S. Ruamrungsri
Chemical composition analysis of essential oil from black gingers (Kaempferia parviflora) by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
- A. Wongpia
- C. Samphunphuang
- K. Pipithsangchan
- W. Somprasong
- S. Boonpradub
- T. Luangsuphabool
- K. Thammasiri
Assessment of IAA synthesis by endophytic bacteria in Vanda (Orchidaceae)
- W. Inkaewpuangkham
- C. Inkham
- S. Ruamrungsri
- Y. Chromkaew
- K. Panjama
Influence of edaphic conditions on the productivity of eastern persimmon
- E.S. Panyushkina
- M.L. Novitsky
- S.Y. Khokhlov
- Y.V. Plugar
- A.P. Novitskaya
The effect of dehydration on the functional state of the leaf apparatus in some apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars
- V. Korzin
- S. Tsiupka
- Y. Plugatar
- V. Tsiupka
Assessment of drought tolerance in some peach cultivars by chlorophyll fluorescence induction method
- S. Tsiupka
- N. Mesyats
- A. Smykov
- V. Tsiupka
Ex vitro acclimatization of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. plants
- V. Tsiupka
- I.V. Zhdanova
- I.V. Bulavin
- S. Tsiupka
- I.V. Mitrofanova
Extending the vase life of cut chrysanthemum flowers with herbal extracts
- I. Boondouylan
- S. Kunyamee
Photosynthetic activity of olive leaves before and after treatment with an experimental mixture of pesticides
- V. Korzin
- S. Tsiupka
- Y. Plugatar
- V. Tsiupka
- E. Shoferistov
- D. Korzh
Evaluation of cannabinoid content in different cultivars of Cannabis indica L.
- C. Lapjit
- S. Kanokmedhakul
Phytochemical and biological activities of extracts from Impatiens sirindhorniae Triboun & Suksathan
- B. Nupan
- J. Thipwong
- S. Samala
- K. Thammasiri
- W. Rotchanajinda
The influence of canopy on the amount of light under the canopy shade
- S. Soontornyatara
- S. Chochong
Plant GARDEN: a portal website for accessing plant genome, DNA marker, and SNP information
- H. Ichihara
- H. Hirakawa
- A. Ghelfi
- M. Kohara
- M. Yamada
- T. Tamura
- A. Nakaya
- Y. Nakamura
- S. Shirasawa
- E. Sugihara
- S. Tabata
- S. Isobe
Molecular phylogeny and DNA barcode regions efficacy for identification of the cultivar of Capsicum annuum L. in Thailand
- T. Luangsuphabool
- A. Wongpia
- P. Sangkasa-ad
- T.N. Nan
- K. Pipithsangchan
- K. Thammasiri
Development of transient expression system for gene functional analysis in Setaria viridis
- R. Deewatthanawong
- M. Kamoltham
- N. Montri
Molecular genetic diversity of Lavandula × intermedia Emeric. ex Loisel. in the Nikita Botanical Gardens collection detected by microsatellite markers
- V. Tsiupka
- I.V. Bulavin
- O.A. Grebennikova
- A.O. Emirsaliev
- Yu.S. Khokhlov
- I.V. Mitrofanova
Development of microsatellite markers for Trema micrantha, species of tropical America
- A.R.Q. Mélo
- S.L.F. Ramos
- G.M.G. Marques
- G. Dequigiovanni
- K.M. Formiga
- J. da Silva Batista
- R. Lopes
- R.L.S. Marques
- M.T.G. Lopes
Simple preparation of the dried galangal (Alpinia galanga) in ethanol is effective to suppress Curvularia sp., which causes grain discoloration of rice (Oryza sativa Suphan Buri 2)
- K.S. Win
- R. Mongkol
- M. Kanjanamaneesathian
In vitro screening of crude extracts from plants against Fusarium sacchari and Curvularia lunata and testing the efficacy of a selected crude extract of Alpinia galanga against grain discoloration and other rice diseases in the fields
- T.T. Win
- M. Kanjanamaneesathian
- R. Mongkol
Paenibacillus polymyxa reduces leaf spot disease caused by Cersocpora sp. and has potential to promote growth in green oak lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. crispa) in the commercial hydroponic farm
- R. Adhikari
- S. Monkhung
- R. Mongkol
- M. Kanjanamaneesathian
Bacillus megaterium promotes both growth of seedlings in the laboratory and nodulation of the yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis) in the pot under outdoor condition
- P. Meetum
- K.S. Win
- M. Kanjanamaneesathian
Plant host selection for spore production of Glomas mosseae
- R. Deewatthanawong
- W. Bannajit
- P. Deewatthanawong
- K. Bunya-atichart
Management based on POLC framework to promote the adoption and use of beneficial bacterium Bacillus megaterium for growers in Thailand
- D. Kanjanamaneesathian
- M. Kanjanamaneesathian
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