XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Integrative Approaches to Product Quality in Fruits and Vegetables

- Division Horticulture for Human Health
- Division Physiology and Plant-Environment Interactions of Horticultural Crops in Field Systems
- Division Postharvest and Quality Assurance
- Division Temperate Tree Fruits
- Division Temperate Tree Nuts
- Division Vegetables, Roots and Tubers
- Division Horticulture for Development
- Division Tropical and Subtropical Fruit and Nuts
Online articles
Carotenoid content in mature tomato fruit under soil water deficit: accounting the role of pre-maturing processes through chlorophyll kinetics and cell microscopy
- T. Breniere
- A.L. Fanciullino
- B. Brunel
- P. Laugier
- J.-F. Landrier
- C. Riva
- N. Bertin
Chlorophyll breakdown in fruits: the relevance of the senescence-related pheophorbide a oxygenase/ phyllobilin (PaO/PB) pathway in ripe Gala apples (Malus × domestica)
- L.M. Gorfer
- L. Vestrucci
- V. Grigoletto
- V. Lazazzara
- A. Zanella
- P. Robatscher
- M. Scampicchio
- M. Oberhuber
Apple firmness relies on cell wall architecture
- M. Lahaye
- M. Delaire
- M. Orsel
- X. Falourd
- L. Foucat
- S. Le Gall
- R. Bauduin
Strengthening apple-skin resistance to cracking by application of cytokinin 6-benzyladenine and the gibberellic acids 4+7 in netting covered orchards
- Y. Kaplan
- R.S. Baghel
- R.A. Stern
- I. Ginzberg
New insights into phenotypic plasticity for quality related criteria in carrot
- W. Chevalier
- S.A. Moussa
- M.M.N. Ottoni
- C. Dubois-Laurent
- S. Huet
- A. Suel
- L. Hamama
- V. Le Clerc
- M. Briard
- D. Peltier
- E. Geoffriau
How do the water-soluble cell wall polysaccharides contribute to formation of complexes with condensed tannins during processing?
- Xuwei Liu
- C.M.G.C. Renard
- A. Rolland-Sabaté
- Jiayi Li
- S. Perez
- C. Le Bourvellec
Profile of organic acids and synephrine in Satsuma mandarins
- L. Maslov Bandić
- M. Sigurnjak Bure
- K. Vlahoviček-Kahlina
- S. Jurić
- B. Duralija
Immunolocalization of pectins and arabinogalactan proteins during fruit abscission in olive (Olea europaea L.)
- R. Parra
- J. Labrador
- M. Gallardo
- M.C. Gomez-Jimenez
Determination of tomato fruit life stages from long-term extracellular electrophysiology recordings
- Q. Bernard
- T. Caloz
- M. Graeff
- D. Tran
- C. Camps
- A. van der Schuren
- N. Wallbridge
- C. Plummer
- A. Kurenda
A freshness index for bell pepper fruit
- B. Althaus
- M. Blanke
Hyperspectral imaging for predicting the chemical composition of fresh-cut pineapple (Ananas comosus)
- K. Mollazade
- N. Hashim
- M. Zude-Sasse
New applications of infrared spectroscopy to detect and bridge the variability before and after apple processing
- W. Lan
- B. Jaillais
- C.M.G.C. Renard
- A. Leca
- S. Chen
- S. Bureau
Taste of Swedish vegetables searching for a sensory vocabulary
- L. Mogren
- G. Hagström
- H. Agerhem
- J. Arnér
HRATA: a new sensory methodology for a better aroma characterization a case study on apple (Malus domestica)
- R. Symoneaux
- C. Patron
- C. Brasse
A virtual fruit model to simulate water deficit effects on water and solutes accumulation in the fruit and the consequences on fruit quality
- D. Constantinescu
- G. Vercambre
- M. Génard
- N. Bertin
An effective stem water potential estimation method in tomato plant growth model for more precise digital fruit simulation incorporating microclimate and realistic plant management
- J. Šalagovič
- P. Verboven
- K. Holsteens
- B. Van de Poel
- B. Nicolaï
A virtual fruit model to improve fruit quality of ripe mangoes for fresh consumption or drying by managing cultural practices and storage conditions
- A. Drouillard
- A. Diop
- I. Grechi
- J.M. Méot
- M. Léchaudel
- M.M. Memah
- M. Génard
A 3D hydromechanical model for cellular plant growth using the discrete elements method (DEM)
- H. Van Cauteren
- J. Vangheel
- P. Verboven
- B. Smeets
- B. Nicolaï
Dynamic prediction of fruit quality traits as a function of environmental and genetic factors
- A. Hopf
- A. Plotto
- R. Rizwan
- C. Zhang
- K.J. Boote
- V. Shelia
- G. Hoogenboom
A biophysical model of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) fruit growth
- B. Dequeker
- J. Šalagovič
- M. Retta
- P. Verboven
- B. Nicolaï
Improving crop sustainability and fresh and processed fruit quality through integrated analyses along the food chain
- A.L. Fanciullino
- M. Sinkora
- T. Breniere
- G. Conéjéro
- D. Page
- N. Bertin
Evaluating US technology and solid-state fermentation for the extraction of proteins and the obtention of antioxidant fractions from tomato seeds
- I. Aguiló-Aguayo
- A. Chic
- M. Anguera
- V. Prieto-Santiago
- J. Ortiz
- M. Abadias
Maintaining almond (Prunus dulcis) quality for a warmer world
- A.E. Mitchell
- G. Huang
- K.K. Luo
Influence of rootstock, fruit development stage and ploidy level on the yield, composition and aromatic properties of sweet orange peel essential oil
- V. Ferrer
- N. Paymal
- C. Quinton
- G. Costantino
- M. Paoli
- O. Pailly
- Y. Froelicher
- P. Ollitrault
- F. Tomi
- F. Luro
Impacts of heat stress on yield and seed quality in oilseed rape: analysis of the dynamic development of seed storage compounds
- L. Magno
- J.-C. Avice
- A. Morvan-Bertrand
- N. Elie
- A. Mollier
- S. Brunel-Muguet
Influence of the rootstock and the environment on qualitative traits and phenolic composition in blood oranges
- G. Modica
- L. Siracusa
- L. Pulvirenti
- G. Ruberto
- M. Di Guardo
- S. La Malfa
- A. Gentile
- A. Continella
Quality traits and mineral profile of carrot Dordogne as affected by foliar applications of silicon
- F. Basile
- R.P. Mauro
- C.V. Buturi
- M. Distefano
- C. Cannata
- F. Adorna
- F. Giuffrida
- C. Leonardi
Effect of canning on underutilised Transvaal red milkwood (Mimusops zeyheri) fruit selected physicochemical properties
- T.K. Satekge
- T.P. Mafeo
- N. Mathaba
- O.M. Sebati
Healthy cashew pseudo fruit, a productive alternative in the northeastern Colombian Amazonian region
- C. Gutierrez P.
- M.S. Hernández
Comparison of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) sales characteristics in the main production areas and capital cities in Japan
- N. Miyamoto
- L. Sato
- S. Motoki
Comparison of tomato distribution in Japan and several other countries
- M. Shimazu
- S. Motoki
Status of macroelements in leek on the Zagreb market
- M. Petek
- L. Bego
- T. Karaija
- M. Herak Ćustić
- T. Losak
- S. Fabek Uher
Influence of harvest maturity on fruit quality and storage potential of Scilate apples
- R. Singh Sidhu
- S.A. Bound
- N.D. Swarts
Effects of GA4+7+6-BA and air circulation heating fan treatment on russeting in Scilate apple
- U-Su Lee
- Hong-Ki Yoon
- Kyeong-Jin Kang
- Joong-Won Lee
- Han-na Park
- Jeong-Hak Seo
Evaluation on near infrared-reflective diffuse coating for muskmelon production in simple plastic greenhouse during summer season
- W.-L. Chen
- C.-J. Shen
- H.-S. Hsu
- C.-S. Chien
A process for obtaining dehydrated açaí pulp to preserve its functional characteristics
- A. Martinez
- M.L. Calderón
- M.S. Hernández
Impact of industrial freezing on quality attributes of carrot slices
- S.F. Hagen
- G. Schmidt
- G.I. Borge
Pomological and phenolic characterization of blood orange cultivars in a Mediterranean environment
- A. Continella
- G. Modica
- I. Porras
- A. Conesa
- P. Legua
Comparison of fruit quality according to harvest time of Shine Muscat grape (Vitis labruscana Bailey × V. vinifera L.)
- Hong-Ki Yoon
- Kyeong-Jin Kang
- Han-na Park
- U-Su Lee
- Jeong-Hak Seo
Antioxidant phytochemicals and antibacterial activities of sidr (Ziziphus spp.) leaf extracts
- A.R.H. Aldhanhani
- N. Kaur
- Z.F.R. Ahmed
Effect of the cultivation substrate on production and qualitative aspects of Pleurotus ostreatus
- C. Nicoletto
- S. Locatelli
- G. Zanin
- M. De Bonis
- P. Sambo
Effect of different bag type on fruit quality in Greensis pear (Pyrus pyrifolia Nakai)
- Kyeong-Jin Kang
- Jeong-Hak Seo
- Hong-Ki Yoon
- U-Su Lee
- Han-na Park
Preharvest bagging improves maturity and postharvest quality of cherry tomato
- N.M.D. Buthelezi
- N. Mathaba
- T.P. Mafeo
- M.P. Mafotja
Related Acta Horticulturae
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