XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Innovative Technologies and Production Strategies for Sustainable Controlled Environment Horticulture

Online articles
Reducing chill through night-break lighting and gibberellic acid application to achieve year-round UK strawberry production
- S. Read
- M.A. Else
- P. Hadley
- C. Twitchen
Deep winter greenhouses for organic production of leafy greens in the northern United States
- L.B. Worth
- M.A. Rogers
- C. Flavin-Hodge
- G. Schweser
Modeling growth and development of cannabidiol-rich hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivars under greenhouse and controlled environment conditions
- A. Hopf
- P. Daiber
- S. Anderson
- B. Pearson
- G. Hoogenboom
Evaluation of environmental parameters of a phytotron for cannabis cultivation
- J.M. Galindo
- P.A. Uribe
- L.C. González
An AI approach for greenhouse control using models, data, and knowledge
- J.P.C. Verhoosel
- B.E. Mossalam
- E.L. van Bergen
- M. van Bekkum
- R. Dekker
- P. De Heer
Spatio-temporal characterization of crop growth with multi-category data based on deep learning
- A. Fuentes
- S. Yoon
- J. Park
- J. Lee
- M.H. Lee
- D.S. Park
Reliability of greenhouse climate dynamic models by uncertainty and sensitivity analyses, calibration and evaluation
- I.L. López-Cruz
- E. Fitz-Rodríguez
- R. Salazar-Moreno
- A. Rojano-Aguilar
Smartphone-based strawberry plant growth monitoring using YOLO
- S. Toda
- T. Sakamoto
- Y. Imai
- R. Maruko
- T. Kanoh
- N. Fujiuchi
- K. Takayama
Using solar energy and an absorption chiller to heat, cool and dehumidify tomato greenhouses in France: a feasibility study
- A. Grisey
- C. Levaillant
- V. Stauffer
- C. Tardy
- P. Sourice
- F. Saunier
Optimizing photosynthetic activity of high-wire cucumber production systems using a functional-structural plant modeling approach
- G. Buck-Sorlin
- P.E. Bournet
- L. Rossdeutsch
- V. Truffault
Sustained growth and yield in elevated greenhouse air temperatures through control of VPD
- J.R. Alcorn
- G.A. Giacomelli
- B.T. Scott
Performance testing of a novel porous concrete energy exchanger for agricultural buildings
- M.S. Rahman
- J. Trudel-Brais
- S. MacPherson
- M. Lefsrud
Leaf wetness duration modeling for the improvement of fungal risk evaluation in low tech greenhouse
- S. Traversari
- S. Cacini
- B. Rapi
- M. Romani
- B. Nesi
- D. Massa
- C. Pane
- F. Sabatini
- P. Battista
Experimental and numerical assessment of carbon sequestration in horticultural crops inside Mediterranean naturally ventilated greenhouses
- F.D. Molina-Aiz
- M. Honore
- H. Fatnassi
- D.L. Valera
- A. López-Martínez
- M.A. Moreno-Teruel
Assessment of technical innovations for greenhouses: modelling of a horizontal two-screens system
- S. Sourisseau
- C. Toublanc
- E. Chantoiseau
- M. Havet
Calibration of an empirical heat pipe energy model for practical use in the decision support system InfoGrow
- S. Chen
- J.M. Aaslyng
- K.H. Kjaer
- N. Holst
- J.S. Pedersen
Nondestructive monitoring for crop fresh weight and leaf area based on a hanging scale and crop images
- T. Moon
- D. Kim
- S. Kwon
- J.E. Son
Increasing night temperature in a tunnel without heating system
- A. Grisey
- J. Garnodier
- V. Stauffer
- A. Masson
SERRES+: towards fossil-fuel-free heated greenhouse system for soilless tomato cultivation
- E. Chantoiseau
- Y. Fan
- L. Fiabane
- H. Freulon
- P. Guérin
- A. Labihi
- S. Le Quillec
- B. Pelletier
- C. Toublanc
Potential of solar-assisted adsorption cooling system for Mediterranean greenhouses
- T.M.A. Ahsan
- M.S. Ahamed
The influence of greenhouse climatic conditions on 13 strawberry genotypes in quantitative and qualitative traits
- S. Locatelli
- E. Brentarolli
- C. Nicoletto
- P. Sambo
Effects of short day and temperature on growth and flowering of Vanda hybrid
- S. Ruamrungsri
- P. Pechkaow
- C. Inkham
- K. Panjama
Yield of paste tomato cultivars using season extending high tunnel production practices in North Dakotas short growing season
- B. Rana
- A. Svyantek
- C. Auwarter
- H. Hatterman-Valenti
Specifying wind speeds causing damage to screen-house crops and quantifying effects on tidal damage
- M. Tamaki
Opportunities and challenges with advanced greenhouse glazing materials
- E.J. Stallknecht
- E.S. Runkle
Are smart glasses with switchable optical properties the future greenhouse covers for high value crops?
- N. García Victoria
- S. Hemming
- C. Stanghellini
- E.J. Baeza
Enhancing light use efficiency and tomato fruit yield with quantum dot films to modify the light spectrum
- M.A. Blum
- C.H. Parrish
- D. Hebert
- D. Houck
- N. Makarov
- K. Ramasamy
- H. McDaniel
- G.A. Giacomelli
- M.R. Bergren
Plant performance of horticultural crops in diffuse light environments
- D. Vuillermet
- A. Burlet
- O. Stapel
- J. Dubosc
Vegetative growth and development of tomato inside an agrivoltaic greenhouse
- N. Savalle-Gloire
- G. Vercambre
- J. Chopard
- R. Blanchard-Gros
- J. Catala
- D. Fumey
- H. Gautier
Use of augmented natural ventilation and double roof with photoconversion films to improve crop photosynthesis inside greenhouses
- F.D. Molina-Aiz
- M. Honore
- S. Lemarié
- K. Proost
- F. Peilleron
- D.L. Valera
- A. López-Martínez
- M.A. Moreno-Teruel
Photosynthetic performance of strawberry acclimated to the solar spectrum modified by spectrum conversion film in greenhouses
- J.H. Kang
- H.I. Yoon
- J.E. Son
Effects of blue photoconversion film on tomato young plants under controlled environmental conditions
- E. Jamet
- V. Guérin
- S. Lemarié
- A. Matthieu
- G. Guignard
- V. Labbé
- L. Gatard
- R. Gardet
- C. Le Bigot
- L. Crespel
- S. Demotes-Mainard
- J. LeGourrierec
- K. Proost
- J. Bertheloot
- F. Peilleron
- S. Sakr
The innovative LIGHT CASCADE® sunlight photoconversion greenhouse films enhance horticultural crops production in Europe
- S. Lemarié
- K. Proost
- A-S. Quellec
- S. Cordier
- G. Guignard
- V. Guérin
- S. Sakr
- F. Peilleron
Light use efficiency of various greenhouse systems in arid environment
- I. Tsafaras
- H.F. de Zwart
- W. Voogt
- J.B. Campen
- H. van der Heide
- A. Al Harbi
- K. Al Assaf
- M. Qaryouti
- M.E. Abdelaziz
Estimation of supplemental lighting requirements of greenhouse crops based on canopy light interception using 3D plant models and ray-tracing simulation
- Inha Hwang
- Dongpil Kim
- Seungri Yoon
- Jin Hyun Kim
- Jung Eek Son
Artificial light quality changes colonization ability of biocontrol agents under greenhouse conditions
- M. Hellström
- M. Karlsson
- I. Kleman
- K.-J. Bergstrand
- B.W. Alsanius
Effect of daytime intra-canopy LED illumination on the fruit yield and quality of bell pepper grown in high tunnels
- I. Kamara
- V. Tiwari
- G. Raphael
- F. Yudelevich
- I. Esquira
- M. Achiam
- Z. Gilad
- C. Ziv
- D. Charuvi
Dynamic continuous LED lighting can reduce light fixture and energy costs and improve energy efficiency in greenhouse tomato production
- Xiuming Hao
- J. Lanoue
- Jingming Zheng
- C. Little
Hemp cultivars performance under supplementary lighting using LED and HID lamps in greenhouse cultivation
- G. Cocetta
- F.E. Florio
- D. Guffanti
- P. Santoro
- G. Cola
- A. Ferrante
Continuous and dynamic illumination induce divergent water transport dynamics, growth and development in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
- S. Lauwers
- E. Tardy
- J.R. Coussement
- K. Steppe
Supplemental LED lighting in high-wire system cultivation in cucumber: what is the benefit of inter-lighting on production?
- L. Rossdeutsh
- A. Mimaul
- D. Loda
- I. Gérondeau
A virtual tomato plant for optimising assimilation light in greenhouse cultivation
- J.R. Coussement
- R. Vanbeylen
- K. Steppe
Evaluation of tomato seedlings growth response under different qualities of supplemental LED light
- E. Appolloni
- A. Strano
- I. Paucek
- G. Pennisi
- A. Crepaldi
- F. Orsini
- X. Gabarrell
- G. Gianquinto
Comparison of plasma vs. HPS lamp on early stage development of eggplant and tomato plant
- D. Tran
- M. Biselx
- G. Carron
- S. Anselmo
- R. Farinet
- C. Camps
Do plants need sleep? Dynamic 24 h lighting for greenhouse production of tomato, pepper, and cucumber
- J. Lanoue
- Yinzi Li
- C. Little
- Jingming Zheng
- S. St. Louis
- Aiming Wang
- Xiuming Hao
Effects of short-term daytime or night-time supplemental LED lighting on mineral elements in greenhouse lettuce
- K. Laužikė
- R. Sutulienė
- N. Rasiukevičiūtė
- G. Samuolienė
- A. Valiuškaitė
- V. Vaštakaitė-Kairienė
- A. Viršilė
- J. Miliauskienė
- L. Dėnė
- S. Chrapačienė
- A. Brazaitytė
Effect of LED supplementary light intensity on photosynthetic rate and yield in out-of-season glasshouse production of junebearer strawberry
- K. Swann
- P. Hadley
- M.A. Else
- C. Twitchen
Effects of far-red light irradiation and its timing on the flowering in Phalaenopsis amabilis
- Y.G. Magar
- A. Noguchi
- S. Furufuji
- W. Amaki
Impact of UV light on poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) architecture and quality
- M.T. Naznin
- A. MacVean
Effect of altitudinal locations on growth and flowering of ornamental Curcuma
- K. Panjama
- S. Ruamrungsri
- C. Inkham
The two sides of the coin: sustainability and controlled environment horticulture
- B.W. Alsanius
- S. Khalil
- M. Karlsson
- M. Hellström
- M. Vendrame
- A.K. Rosberg
Environmental performance of two ornamental crops from commercial greenhouses in Greece
- V. Anestis
- L. Andris
- T. Bartzanas
Artificial neural network based on multilayer perceptron algorithm as a tool for tomato stress identification in soilless cultivation
- A. Elvanidi
- N. Katsoulas
Linear mixed models to investigate tomato canopy coverage dynamics, extracted from sequential UAV multispectral images
- D. Garcia
- X. Reynafarje
- D. Grados
- E. Schrevens
Role of adventitious roots in water transportation and development of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
- T. Umebayashi
- Y. Suzuki
- H. Kanda
- H. Imanishi
- N. Kitamoto
- Y. Yoshida
Microscale vegetable production through microgreens: genotype, spectral bandwidth and substrate implications for growth and quality
- Y. Rouphael
- M. Ciriello
- L. Formisano
- C. El-Nakhel
- S. De Pascale
- M.C. Kyriacou
- R. Caputo
Use of air-based mechanical stimulation for height control in plant production of Ocimum basilicum
- F. Heesch
- M. Sparke
- R. Koch
- U. Ruttensperger
A survey of water use of commercial propagators in controlled environments
- J. Faust
- A. Justice
- J. Crook
Protected agriculture systems in the UAE: challenges and opportunities
- H. Fatnassi
- R. Zaaboul
- A. Elbattay
- F.D. Molina-Aiz
- D.L. Valera
Successful cold storage of blackberry and raspberry plants
- F. De Vis
- A. Schenk
- D. Bylemans
Effects of shading and carbon dioxide concentration on growth dynamics and partitioning of fresh and dry weight in tomato
- Y. Yoshida
- A. Obara
- H. Kanda
- H. Imanishi
- N. Kitamoto
- T. Hayashi
- T. Umebayashi
- Y. Izumi
- K. Hashiura
- Y. Kusakari
Evaluating alternative growing media to peat for ornamental horticulture
- O.S. Haines
- R. Collins
- I. Dodd
- S. Fairhurst
Cascade utilization pathways for miscanthus as growing substrate in horticultural production
- V.T.H. Nguyen
- G. Kirsten
- T. Kraska
- R. Pude
Advances in substrate particle characterization using dynamic image analysis compared to sieving procedure for predicting water retention properties
- S. Durand
- B.E. Jackson
- W.C. Fonteno
- J.C. Michel
End-of-life of organic growing media: assessing the residual nutrient concentrations in mineral and organic growbags of tomato
- B. Vandecasteele
- L. Similon
- J. Moelants
- E. Gage
Substrate stratification can be paired with strategic irrigation and improve container-water dynamics
- K.S. Criscione
- J.S. Fields
- J.S. Owen
Compost and rice hulls to increase the sustainability of substrates for bedding plant production
- G. Zanin
- C. Nicoletto
- L. Dalla Costa
- P. Sambo
Wild strawberry production on innovative sediment-based growing media: a reality challenging the traditional concept of soilless cultivation
- G. Chini
- D. Bonetti
- F. Tozzi
- M. Antonetti
- S. Pecchioli
- G. Burchi
- G. Masciandaro
- S. Nin
Effect of sediment-based growing media on cut flower production of calla lily
- M. Castellani
- D. Prisa
- M. Antonetti
- F. Tozzi
- D. Bonetti
- G. Burchi
- C. Macci
- S. Nin
Regolith simulant and green compost as substrates for plant cultivation in Mars space colonies
- G. Liuzzi
- R. Paradiso
- A.G. Caporale
- N. Arouna
- S. De Pascale
- P. Adamo
Characterization of biochar produced from pruning residues of different species for use in vegetable and flower production
- A. Copetta
- O. Arimondo
- F. Pittaluga
- C. Mascarello
- P. Mussano
- B. Ruffoni
Impact of wood fiber substrate additions on water capture through surface and subsurface irrigation
- B.A. Schulker
- B.E. Jackson
Overview of developments in recirculation of drainage solution for crops in soilless production systems
- C. Blok
- T. Barbagli
- W. Voogt
- D. Savvas
Effect of sodium concentrations in the root environment on yield and fruit quality of soilless grown tomato with closed-loop irrigation system
- W. Voogt
- T. Barbagli
- N. Oud
- D. Andrea
- L. Bo
Effects of different isosmotic salt solutions on leaf gas exchange of hydroponically-grown Valerianella locusta
- G. Ntatsi
- O. Voutsinos
- I. Karavidas
- D. Petropoulos
- G. Zioviris
- D. Fortis
- B.B Consentino
- A. Ropokis
- L. Sabatino
- C. Saitanis
- D. Savvas
Testing sap-flow sensors to predict irrigation of soilless tomato fertigated with saline water
- A. Navarro
- F. Scotto di Covella
- S. Cacini
- M. Sodini
- S. Traversari
- A. Venezia
- D. Massa
Implementing internet of things (IoT) sensor-based precision irrigation with LoRaWAN technology for enhancing yield, quality, and resource use efficiency of soilless basil
- Haozhe Zhang
- Long He
- F. Di Gioia
Development of a water flow and nutrients concentration simulation model for cascade hydroponic systems
- N. Katsoulas
- A. Elvanidi
- E. Karatsivou
- V. Vassiliadis
Evaluating hydroponic cultivation for ornamental bulbous species to enhance flowering and bulb production in a changing climate
- C.M. Wilmot
- C.P. Laubscher
Comparative performance of hydroponically grown broccoli and cauliflower cultivars in different growth seasons
- H. Hartley
- M.M. Slabbert
- M. Maboko
Optimal spacing distance in open air hydroponics of leek is determined by auction and seedling price
- T. Van de Sande
First observation on tomato plant growth in an innovative soilless sustainable cultivation system in south of Italy
- G. Gugliuzza
- A. Giovino
- G. Pachino
Yield, quality and resource use efficiency of basil grown in alternative soilless growing systems
- A. Blunk
- Myungjin Lee
- T. Johnson
- R. Balaguer
- F. Di Gioia
Effect of oxygen-nanobubbles on the growth of lettuce in hydroponics
- Zhaolei Sun
- Su Liu
- S. Bhatia
- S. Sapkota
- S. Sofkova-Bobcheva
Innovations and insights into fertigation management for a protected cultivation in transition
- D. Massa
- L. Incrocci
- R.B. Thompson
In situ microbial community analysis of container soilless substrates
- S.M. Valles-Ramirez
- J.E. Altland
- J.W. Poelstra
- F.C. Michel
Prediction of organic nitrogen mineralization from fertilizers in soilless production
- P. Cannavo
- S. Recous
- M. Valé
- M. Benbrahim
- S. Bresch
- R. Guénon
Silicon accumulation by sunflowers at low substrate pH
- J.K. Boldt
- M.L. Banks
- J.E. Altland
Comparison of growth, phytochemical content, nutrient uptake, and water consumption of lettuce under two hydroponic system designs: nutrient film technique and deep-water culture
- T. Yang
- U.C. Samarakoon
- J.E. Altland
Disease suppression in the circular economy using spent mushroom compost
- S. Khalil
- M. Uggla
- G. Prado
- J. Forsbacka
- R.R. Vetukuri
Soilless growing of strawberry as influenced by two fertilizer recipes
- M.A. Bustamante
- M. Takagaki
- L. Na
- A.J. Bustamante
Habanero pepper production in soilless media with two different nutrient solutions
- M.A. Bustamante
- M. Takagaki
- L. Na
- A.J. Bustamante
Pyroligneous acid and compost combined can improve strawberry Albion growth and productivity
- T. Morcom
- L.R. Gunupuru
- L. Abbey
Estimation of plant availability of different phosphates by the CaCl2/DTPA and CAL method
- D. Lohr
- B. Babel
- C. Lau
- N. Levaillant
- F. Prell
- D. Hauck
Salinity effects on yield and nutrient uptake in Cannabis sativa L.
- R. Baas
- D. Wijnen
Real-time, on-farm soil monitoring methods for in-season management of fertigation in vegetable crop protected cultivation systems
- A. Blunk
- F. Di Gioia
Assessing the reliability of portable ion-selective electrodes proposed for the on-farm management of nutrient solutions and fertigation of horticultural crops
- G. Silva-Pumarada
- F. Di Gioia
Potential of a bioreactor applied to nutrient solutions in a soilless tomato crop
- S. Le Quillec
- L. Rossdeutsch
- D. Loda
- I. Gérondeau
- O. Barjonnet
Transplanting bacterial community inocula on hydroponic lettuce
- B.R. de Haas
- X. Hu
- T. Van Gerrewey
- D. Geelen
Assessment of four biological control agents on the suppression of Fusarium proliferatum on vegetative cannabis plants in a soilless system
- J. Nesbitt
- M. Habash
- F. Small
- Y. Zheng
Biostimulants as ecological horizon for a sustainable agriculture
- C. El-Nakhel
- F. Cristofano
- G. Colla
- L. Lucini
- Y. Pii
- Y. Rouphael
Impact of plant-based protein hydrolysate and different iodine doses on celery plant production and quality
- L. Sabatino
- G. Ntatsi
- S. La Bella
- Y. Rouphael
- C. De Pasquale
- B.B. Consentino
Influence of genetic material, successive harvests and hydroponic cultivation on the yield and quality characteristics of Genovese basil: an overview
- M. Ciriello
- L. Formisano
- C. El-Nakhel
- S. De Pascale
- Y. Rouphael
Qualitative responses of rocket cultivars to biostimulants application
- G. Franzoni
- S. Vignati
- D. Guffanti
- F.E. Florio
- M. Gibin
- A. Petrini
- C. Colombani
- G. Cocetta
- A. Ferrante
The use of biostimulants to control damage by high temperatures on the growth and flowering of potted cyclamen grown during summer under a Mediterranean greenhouse
- M.E. Giorgioni
- F. Ghirardi
Innovative biostimulants improve yield of cucumber grown in date palm waste as a sustainable soilless substrate
- A. Al Harbi
- A.D. Alkhathami
- M. Qaryouti
- W. Voogt
- H. Hirt
- M.M. Saad
- M.E. Abdelaziz
Comparison of different inoculants of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on Crocus sativus L. cultivated in soilless conditions
- S. Stelluti
- E. Lumini
- M. Caser
- S. Demasi
- N.M. Falla
- V. Bianciotto
- V. Scariot
Combining microgreens cultivation and biostimulant application in hydroponic systems accentuate yield and visual quality of functional food
- C. El-Nakhel
- M. Ciriello
- L. Formisano
- M.C. Kyriacou
- Y. Rouphael
Amelioration effects of plant-derived protein hydrolysates on growth and yield of four greenhouse lettuce cultivars
- M. Ciriello
- L. Formisano
- C. El-Nakhel
- F. Cristofano
- Y. Rouphael
Enhancing the performance of leafy greens under nutrient deficiency and salinity stress through the application of protein hydrolysates
- Y. Rouphael
- F. Cristofano
- M. Giordano
- C. El-Nakhel
- G. Colla
Growing sweet basil in a floating growing system enhances yields, reduces nitrate content, and modulates the aromatic profile
- S. Nicola
- P. Rubiolo
- B. Sgorbini
- W. Gaino
- F. Orsini
- G. Gianquinto
- G. Pennisi
Environmental impact assessment of aquaponic vegetable production: initial results
- N. Katsoulas
- M. Aslanidou
- D.K. Papanastasiou
- V. Anestis
How can plant modelling be a leverage for cropping system improvement by integrating plant physiology and smart horticulture?
- F.D. Molina-Aiz
- G. Buck-Sorlin
- L. Marcelis
- H. Fatnassi
An updated glossary of terms and basic characteristics of growing media
- J. Caron
- G. Schmilewski
- B.W. Alsanius
- Y. Zheng
- J.C. Michel
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