Online articles
Suppression of waterborne diseases using Bacillus subtilis var. natto in hydroponic cultures
- T. Wada
- K. Sudo
- T. Usami
Inundative release of Anastatus bifasciatus for the control of the brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) in Trentino region
- A. Aldrighetti
- L. Colombo Manfroni
Exploiting the potential of indigenous natural enemies to control alien insect pests: the case study of the American grape leafminer Phyllocnistis vitegenella in southern Switzerland
- D. Mazzi
- C. Cara
- L. Torriani
- G.B. Pezzatti
- M. Jermini
Application of a bio-control agent and other practices for controlling strawberry anthracnose in Taiwan
- T.C. Lin
- C.S. You
- I.S. Wu
- C.H. Tsai
- J.N. Tsai
- J.Z. Yu
- R.J. Chang
How the use of companion plants can improve the colonization of tomato crop by Macrolophus pygmaeus, in the context of soilless production?
- B. Gard
- A. Bardel
- M. Diemer
- M. Archinard
An innovative and effective strategy for the biocontrol of the box tree moth
- E. Tabone
- M. Capelli
- E. Morel
- M. De Bodard
- E. Colombel
- M. Guerin
- J.M. Deogratias
Potential of generalist predators for biological control of the key invasive tomato pest, Tuta absoluta, in Senegal
- E.S. Sylla
- O. Seydi
- B. Labou
- M. Diatte
- E. Tendeng
- A. Baldé
- I.A. Ndiaye
- P. Diop
- S.O. Sène
- K. Diarra
Application of antagonistic bacteria in management of crown gall disease (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) on roses in Kenya
- A.M. Kavutu
- M. Mwangi
- R. Kahuthia-Gathu
- W. Wanjohi
Modelling the biological control of tomato root-knot nematode by predatory mites in the presence of an alternative prey
- T.J. do Prado
- L.J. Rossini
- M. Luquet
- P.L.M. Soares
- R.C. Castilho
- Y. Tricault
Different management strategies for non-cropping plants in pear orchards and their impact on biological control
- A. Alhmedi
- T. Beliën
- D. Bylemans
A quick and easy-to-apply monitoring strategy is the key to success for IPM in berry fruit
- F. De Vis
- T. Beliën
- D. Bylemans
Evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana (BbI8) against the management of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella
- L.K. Benjamin
- S. Nakkeeran
- J.S. Kennedy
Synthesis of 4 years of evaluation of natural substances in the control of apple scab with a view to reduce copper doses
- A. Duval-Chaboussou
- A. Leblois
Investigating the potential of moringa leaf extracts (MLEs) as potential antifungal agents against Fusarium dry rot of potatoes
- C.N. Mncube
- I. Bertling
- K.S. Yobo
Evaluating fungicide efficacy for wild blueberry foliar disease complex management in eastern Canada
- A. Cornel
- D. Percival
The behaviour of grapevine growers in the decision-making of using plant protection products (PPP) from Palmela region
- C. Gomes
- M. Cachão
- A.T. Batista
- A.M. Chambel
- M. do Amparo Godinho
- L. Mendes
Unveiling the effects of hinokitiol (β-thujaplicin) on ergosterol biosynthesis in Botrytis cinerea
- N. Benyakart
- H. Umehara
- D. Ciptaningtyas
- T. Shiina
Novel systemic acquired resistance (SAR) inducers for managing huanglongbing (citrus greening) and citrus canker diseases
- S. Kunwar
- A. Redondo
- D. Manker
- M. Lott
- T. Knobloch
- S. Brunet
- J. Dufour
- O. Batuman
Chitosan: a complex substance with great potential for global integrated pest management and for reducing farmers dependence on synthetic fungicides
- J. Henry
- E. Pajot
Postharvest control of the grain chinch bug, Macchiademus diplopterus: physiological complexities and its impact on fruit export
- R. Smit
- S.A. Johnson
Sweet corn seeds coating with hexane plant extracts for controlling maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky) and their effect on seed qualities
- J. Pumnuan
- P. Sikhao
- K. Sarapothong
- D. Nameea
- T. Doungnapa
- A. Lakyat
- K. Thipmanee
2-Pentylfuran reduces lure attractiveness in the field and fruit infestation by Drosophila suzukii in laboratory no-choice experiments
- L. Sutter
- M. Quennoz
- M. Terrettaz
- D. Christen
Effects of concentration and duration of contact on the insecticidal effects of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) oil on cowpea beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus)
- O.O. Aiyelaagbe
- A.S. Ayodele
- M.D. Akinbuluma
- I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe
Essential oils as alternative of synthetic herbicides for horticultural crops
- B. Foncoux
- S. Dal Maso
- S. Ben Kaab
- M.H. Jijakli
Drying leaves suppresses cucurbit downy mildew caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis
- N. Nagahama
- T. Usami
Flashes of UV-C light: a powerful new method for stimulating plant defences against powdery mildew of tomato plants grown in soilless greenhouse conditions
- L. Urban
- J. Aarrouf
- M. Rigaud
- L. Rosso
- L. Bidel
- F. Lauri
- R. Tisiot
Use of row cover on zucchini production to manage whitefly and Cucurbit leaf crumple virus
- T.R. da Silva
- T. Coolong
- A.M. Simmon
- A.L.B.R. da Silva
Characterizing spray deposits for control of trunk pests from an experimental air-blast sprayer with 5-port nozzle bodies
- L. Fessler
- W. Wright
- G. Pietsch
- L. Schneider
- H. Zhu
- C. Fust
- A. Fulcher
UVC treatment effective against powdery mildew in zucchini
- J. De Mey
- S. Pollet
Preliminary evaluation of irrigator emitters for pesticide application through solid set canopy delivering system in apple orchard and vineyard
- E. Mozzanini
- M. Grella
- D. Bondesan
- P. Marucco
- C. Rizzi
- C. Ioriatti
- P. Balsari
- F. Gioelli
The sterile insect technique can efficiently reduce the reproduction of the spotted wing drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) in strawberry
- B. Gard
- A. Panel
- A. Labbetoul
- N. Bosshard
- A. Xuereb
- B. Cariou
- A. Debelle
- C. Oliva
- S. Fellous
Case study of agricultural adaptation for the climate change impact on crop diseases in Taiwan – integrated management of Welsh onion Phytophthora blight induced by heavy rainfall
- J.-H. Huang
- C.-Y. Yuan
Benefits and limitations of apple production under rainproof covers
- F. Zavagli
- M. Wenneker
- P. Vilardell
- F. Spinelli
- A. Naef
- F. Micheli
- M. Kelderer
- H.H.F. Holthusen
- I. Donati
- J. Cabrefiga
- D. Bondesan
Potential of natural regulation of the tomato leafminer by its parasitoids in Senegal
- O. Seydi
- E.S. Sylla
- M. Diatte
- B. Labou
- E. Tendeng
- S.O. Sène
- A. Baldé
- P. Diop
- I.A. Ndiaye
- K. Diarra
Effectiveness of pheromone traps in managing fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) on mango (Mangifera indica) and cucurbits in Kenya
- B. Imbayi
- R. Kahuthia-Gathu
- M. Mwangi
Dispersal of Neophysopella tropicalis in vineyards with plastic cover
- A.L.T. Simões
- P.S.S. Dutra
- L. Amorim
Development and optimization of above canopy distribution system for disease control in apple orchard
- I. Donati
- C. Onofrietti
- M. Preti
- A. Cellini
- G. Bortolotti
- L. Corelli Grappadelli
- L. Manfrini
- F. Spinelli
Application of aquaponic microorganisms alone or in consortium as original biocontrol method of lettuce root rots in soilless culture
- G. Stouvenakers
- S. Massart
- M.H. Jijakli
Effect of injury type and packaging material on the incidence and severity of postharvest soft rot on selected potato cultivars
- T. Nghondzweni
- R. Gouws-Meyer
- R. Slabbert
Effect of compost source and rate on tomato yield and Verticillium dahliae soil load
- A.M. Tubeileh
- J. Hallmark
Environmental effects on the sporulation of Corynespora cassiicola in cucumber leaf spots
- Y. Sonoke
- T. Usami
Survey of diseases of amaranth (Amaranthus spp. L.) in Tanzania revealed multiple fungal and viral infections
- W. Bihon
- Zong-Ming Sheu
- R. Mallogo
- Jaw-rong Chen
- Li-mei Lee
- L. Kenyon
- F.F. Dinssa
- R. Srinivasan
- R. Schafleitner
Morphological characteristics and pathogenicity of Alternaria and Stemphylium isolates on tomato in vitro
- L. Dučkena
- G. Bimšteine
Development and application of the propagation system of specific-virus-free plants of passionfruit in Taiwan
- Chin-Chih Chen
- Wen-Li Lee
- Chih-Cheng Hsu
- Ying-Huey Cheng
Impact of non-target insect accumulation in traps on sea buckthorn fruit fly (Rhagoletis batava) trap catches in sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides) plantations
- E. Jākobsone
- J. Gailis
- L. Ozoliņa-Pole
- R. Rancāne
Diversity of natural enemies associated with arthropod pest of vegetable crop in Senegal
- E. Tendeng
- B. Labou
- E.S. Sylla
- A. Baldé
- M. Diatte
- O. Seydi
- I.A. Ndiaye
- P. Diop
- S.O. Sène
- S. Djiba
- K. Diarra
Fungal organisms constituting sooty mould on cool-stored Zesy002 and Hayward kiwifruit in New Zealand
- S.-L. Blackwood
- S.G. Casonato
- E.E. Jones
- M. Walter
- D. Logan
Evaluation of amaranth lines for insect pest incidence and severity under field conditions in Ibadan, southwestern Nigeria
- O.Y. Akinkunmi
- H.A. Akintoye
- A.O. Shokalu
- M.T. Olatunji
- A.G. Adebayo
Morphological and genetic characterization of Botrytis cinerea from Chavimochic-La Libertad, the main exporting region of blueberry in Peru
- E. Tauma-Salvador
- C. Ureta-Sierra
- L. Ccoscco-Laruta
- F. Dueñas-Davila
- W. Cruz-Hilacondo
- O. Alberca-Cruz
- A. Casas-Díaz
- W. Apaza-Tapia
- L. Aragón-Caballero
- M. Huarhua-Zaquinaula
identification of genetic variation within populations of the woolly apple aphid (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the United Kingdom using microsatellite markers
- C. Godfrey
- M. Fountain
- F. Fernández
- T. Pope
- S. Segar
High throughput sequencing testing of certified apple M9 rootstocks
- J. Špak
- I. Koloniuk
- J. Přibylová
- O. Lenz
- J. Sedlák
- F. Paprštein
Development of a new concept in plant protection applied to apple scab
- B. Le Cam
- R. Bauduin
- M.N. Bellanger
- M.N. Brisset
- V. Caffier
- G. Christy
- F. Didelot
- A. Duval-Chaboussou
- M. Gaucher
- M. Gadras
- Y. Laloum
- C. Lemaire
- J. Le Maguet
- A. Lemarquand
- C. Pascouau
- V. Saint-Ges
- M. Sannier
De novo genome sequencing of Eremocitrus glauca and Murraya spp. as sources of resistance to citrus huanglongbing
- C. Licciardello
- S. Scalabrin
- G. DAmante
- M.P. Russo
- P. Caruso
- M. Caruso
- M. Vidotto
- M.N. Alves
- N.A. Wulff
- D. Scaglione
- L. Peña
Erwinia amylovora manipulates the expression of resistance-associated apple amaranthin-like lectin encoding genes
- E. Chavonet
- A. Bodelot
- M. Gaucher
- E. Vergne
- C. Heintz
- R. Cournol
- M.N. Brisset
- A. Degrave
Strawberry cultivar responses to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. fragariae density in soil
- K. Elfar
- O. Daugovish
- A. Eskalen
- A.M. Pastrana
Downy mildew evaluation in wild rocket genotypes (Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC) under field and controlled conditions
- P.S. Coelho
- A.L. Pereira
- J. Reis
- C. Carranca
- V.R. Lopes
- J.M. Leitão
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