Online articles
DNA methylation and epigenetic variation in Vaccinium plants
- U. Sharma
- A.U. Igamberdiev
- S.C. Debnath
Pan genome of strawberry cultivars in Japan
- S. Isobe
- K. Shirasawa
- H. Hirakawa
- M. Hamano
- K. Ryu
- T. Kurokura
Effects of the DNA methylation inhibitor, 5-azacitidine on rabbiteye blueberry Tifblue fruit ripening
- Y. Bao
- H. Yamane
- T. Li
- M. Gao-Takai
- R. Nakano
- R. Tao
Berry genetic resources: decades of global conservation
- K.E. Hummer
- P. Bramel
- N.V. Bassil
Raspberry breeding and agronomy for mild winter climates
- F.R. Luz
- T. Valdiviesso
- P.B. Oliveira
Effect of wild genotype on strawberry fruit nutritional quality in UNIVPM breeding program
- R. Qaderi
- L. Mazzoni
- F. Capocasa
- F. Balducci
- M. Marcellini
- V. Pergolotti
- G. Giovanetti
- D. Raffaelli
- B. Mezzetti
Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) breeding and achievements at the National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice, Poland
- S. Pluta
- L. Seliga
- E. Zurawicz
Pocahontas: a vigorous and highly productive American elderberry
- A.L. Thomas
- P.L. Byers
- R. Starnes
- S.E. Sergent
- A. Templemire
- K. McGowan
- B. Schuessler
- M.A. Gold
- M.N. Westwood
- R. Biagioni
The Estonian blackcurrant cultivar Elmar
- A. Kikas
- A.-V. Libek
The BreedingValue integrated data platform
- E. Senger
- P. Shaw
- S. Raubach
- K. Olbricht
- B. Usadel
Assessment of the ability to cross bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) autotetraploids with highbush blueberry (V. corymbosum L.)
- M. Podwyszyńska
- K. Mynett
- M. Markiewicz
- S. Pluta
- A. Marasek-Ciołakowska
Non-invasive 11C-imaging revealed no change in the dynamics of photosynthates translocation of strawberry in response to increasing daylight integrals under low light conditions
- Y. Miyoshi
- K. Hidaka
- Y.-G. Yin
- N. Suzui
- K. Kurita
- N. Kawachi
Variability in Rubus flower morphology
- F.R. Luz
- T. Valdiviesso
- M.F. Roque
- C.S. Trindade
- P.B. Oliveira
Initial results of the development of intelligent non-invasive phenotyping of raspberries using machine learning and 3D imaging
- S. Strautiņa
- I. Kalniņa
- E. Kaufmane
- K. Sudars
- I. Namatēvs
- J. Judvaitis
- R. Balas
- A. Ņikuļins
Pre-breeding strategies for obtaining new resilient and added value berries
- B. Mezzetti
- S. Osorio
- K. Olbricht
- J. Davik
- S. Karhu
- B. Usadel
- L. Prochnow
Heat stress on northern highbush blueberry in Oregon and Washington, USA
- T. Anderson
- K.E. Hummer
- C. Luby
Phenotype, phenology, and disease pressure assessments in wild blueberry fields through the use of remote sensing technologies
- D. Percival
- K. Anku
- J. Langdon
Relationship between histofoliar alterations and tolerance to Tetranychus urticae Koch in different strawberry cultivars
- D.A. Neira
- C.F. Funes
- K. Carrizo
- M.E. Arias
- D.S. Kirschbaum
Population fluctuation and infestation levels of Zaprionus indianus Gupta (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in berry crops of northwestern Argentina
- E. Allori Stazzonelli
- C.F. Funes
- M.N. Corral González
- S.M. Gibilisco
- D.S. Kirschbaum
A HIGS approach targeting the DCL1, CYP51 and CHS genes of the pathogen to control Colletotrichum acutatum infection of strawberry
- J.J. Higuera-Sobrino
- R. Blanco-Portales
- E. Moyano
- A. Rodríguez-Franco
- J. Muñoz-Blanco
- J.L. Caballero
Importance of determining infection by Phytophthora spp. in raspberry collapses in long-cane system
- M.F. Roque
- E. Diogo
- M. Mota
- P.B. Oliveira
2D representation of the plant architecture in strawberry
- M. Labadie
- Y. Caraglio
- C. Pradal
- B. Denoyes
Study of flower bud differentiation and development to improve strawberry productivity
- M.G. Palha
- T. Valdiviesso
- C.M. Oliveira
- P.B. Oliveira
Pollen viability and in vitro pollen germination studies of some blueberry cultivars
- Ş. Karabıyık
- D. Ayvaz Sönmez
- E. Kafkas
Characterization of cuticular waxes in six blueberry cultivars reveals their role in influencing berry surface color
- Y. Yan
- M. Dossett
- S.D. Castellarin
Bluer than blue: regulation of delphinidin branch anthocyanins in Vaccinium berries
- L. Jaakola
- A. Samkumar
- K. Karppinen
- I. Martinussen
Fruit quality parameters of eight blueberry cultivars in Kosovo
- K. Lepaja
- L. Lepaja
- E. Kullaj
- N. Krasniqi
Best practices to avoid fruit drop in an early cultivation of redcurrant
- C. Spruyt
- M. Boonen
- B. Vanhoutte
- D. Bylemans
Postharvest ultraviolet light evaluation for the shelf life of red raspberries
- N.R. Giuggioli
- C. Peano
- L. Brondino
Relationship between temperature and PAR on rate of strawberry fruit ripening
- C. Twitchen
- E. Johnstone
- P. Hadley
Effects of postharvest LED-UVC treatment on the quality of grapevine fruits during cold storage
- Chau Thi Thu Nguyen
Influence of light-reflecting mulching sheet and shading net on ascorbic acid content in blackcurrant fruits (Ribes nigrum)
- H. Fujisawa
- Y. Kawai
- M. Yoshida
Dynamic patterns and diversity of organic acids accumulation in strawberry fruits of different germplasms
- Ke Duan
- Xiaohua Zou
- Jing Yang
- Qing-Hua Gao
Resource accumulation and allocation of organic high tunnel day-neutral strawberries with or without low tunnels and at different planting dates
- S. Gu
- T.S. Rana
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on flowering of strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Sonata)
- A.L. Hykkerud
- T. Woznicki
- A. Sønsteby
- I. Martinussen
Influence of plant age, chilling hours and genotype on the number of new shoots in red raspberry root systems
- J. Viegas Oliveira
- C.M. Oliveira
- F.R. Luz
- P.B. Oliveira
Effect of different nurseries and pot size on yield and long-canes collapse of Sapphire raspberry
- M.F. Roque
- E. Diogo
- M. Mota
- P.B. Oliveira
Polyethylene and soil-biodegradable plastic mulches in raspberry production
- L.W. DeVetter
- B. Madrid
- J. Goldberger
- Huan Zhang
- C. Miles
The LIGHT CASCADE® sunlight photoconversion greenhouse films increase berries production and provide a better resistance toward biotic and abiotic stresses in Mediterranean countries
- S. Lemarié
- K. Proost
- A.-S. Quellec
- M. Torres
- S. Cordier
- G. Guignard
- F. Peilleron
Practices for increasing calcium content and improving fruit quality and shelf life of blueberries
- D.R. Bryla
- S.T. Orr
- L.W. DeVetter
- W.Q. Yang
Exploring the potential of native bacteria for strawberry plant growth promotion
- D. Sangiorgio
- A. Checcucci
- A. Cellini
- I. Donati
- F. Spinelli
Air and substrate temperatures in greenhouse and open area of strawberries grown in vertical system and their influence on yield
- K. Kampuss
- I. Sivicka
Assessing the efficacy of a tabletop day-neutral strawberry production system for Minnesota
- M.K. Fessler
- E.E. Hoover
- N.O. Anderson
- S. Poppe
- N. Dalman
Effects of two different substrates on vegetative and flowering traits of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivars
- N. Sabetifar
- M. Hadadinejad
- K. Ghasemi
- M. Karimi
Raspberry floricane dieback in northern Italy: the cane vigor influence and the evaluation of primocane basal cleaning management in double crop system
- L. Brondino
- C. Peano
- N.R. Giuggioli
Effect of plant density in long-cane blackberry winter production
- I. Dias Santos
- C.M. Oliveira
- P.B. Oliveira
Effect of vermicompost application strategies on field strawberry healthiness, yield and fruit quality
- V. Laugale
- S. Dane
- I. Krasnova
- S. Strautiņa
Introduction and utilization of blueberry in Nanjing, China
- W.L. Wu
- H.Y. Yang
- L.F. Lyu
- Z.J. Huang
- C.H. Zhang
- W.L. Li
Goji berry cultivation in Romania, a pathway between traditional uses and modern breeding, cultivation, and citizens acceptance
- R. Ciceoi
- O. Venat
- M.M. Stavrescu-Bedivan
- V. Luchian
- F. Stănică
- A.C. Asănică
Internal bruise damage in machine-harvested blueberries
- W.Q. Yang
- F. Takeda
- Mengyun Zhang
- Changying Li
- S.A. Sargent
- L.W. DeVetter
- R. Beaudry
- D. Obenland
- S. Saito
- Chang-Lin Xiao
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