Online articles
Apple fruit quality characteristics during long-term storage as a function of cool-down regime
- F. Büchele
- P.V. Mahajan
- T.G. Hoffmann
- M. Geyer
- D.A. Neuwald
Application of vacuum ultraviolet photolysis reactor and loss of firmness prediction for stored Fuji apples
- B.P. Mabusela
- Z.A. Belay
- B. Godongwana
- O.J. Caleb
Artificial intelligence based mobile application BIPM ON tomato pinworm Phthorimaea absoluta
- M. Pratheepa
- K. Subaharan
- R. Varshney
- T. Venkatesan
- S.N. Sushil
Assessment of adulteration of fruit juices by water dilution using NIR spectroscopy
- H.X. Mac
- N.T.T. Ha
- S.M. Dam
- T.T. Pham
- E. Yakdhane
- L.P.L. Nguyen
- L. Baranyai
Carbon dioxide and ethylene production modeling of apricot at three maturity stages
- N.T.T. Ha
- T.T. Pham
- L.P.L. Nguyen
- H.X. Mac
- M. Gob
- Z. Sasvar
- G. Szabo
- Zs. Horváth-Mezofi
- T. Zsom
- G. Hitka
CFD optimization algorithm for a moving boundary problem of isothermal drying and shrinkage
- D. Lentzou
- A.G. Boudouvis
- V. Karathanos
- G. Xanthopoulos
Comparison of different vegetation indices computed from hyperspectral leaf reflectance data in processing tomato
- S. Takács
- Z. Pék
- G. Palotás
- E. Czinkoczki
- L. Helyes
Definition of virtual profiles of banana texture as an alternative to feature extraction from XTA curves
- E.C. Correa
- N. Benito
- M. Bustelo
- B. Diezma
- P. Barreiro
Detection of fruit juice adulteration by laser backscattering imaging
- H.X. Mac
- N.T.T. Ha
- T.T. Pham
- L.P.L. Nguyen
- L. Baranyai
Diagnosis of Ca. Phytoplasma mali infection in Malus domestica via in-field spectroscopy and the factors affecting its success
- C. Cullinan
- C. Malfertheiner
- U. Prechsl
- M. Tagliavini
- K. Janik
Effect of atmospheric cold plasma pre-treatment on drying kinetics of Tropica mango (Mangifera indica L.)
- L.A. Yanclo
- G. Sigge
- Z.A. Belay
- O.J. Caleb
Effect of caseinate based edible coating on quality indices of whole pears during storage time
- M. Valentino
- S. Volpe
- E. Torrieri
Effect of ultraviolet and far-red LED light added to broad spectrum white LED on lettuce production in vertical farm
- Z. Pék
- L. Helyes
- B. Balázs
- S. Takács
Evaluation of green asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) freshness treated by cassava starch-based coating using near-infrared spectroscopy
- T.T. Pham
- H.X. Mac
- N.T.T. Ha
- Z.H. Siyum
- L.P.L. Nguyen
- N.H.N. Thi
- T. Zsom
- G. Hitka
- L. Baranyai
Fast sorting of defect apple fruit via X-ray imaging and artificial intelligence
- A. Tempelaere
- L. Van Doorselaer
- J. He
- P. Verboven
- B. Nicolaï
Investigating the influence of temperature on ethylene removal kinetics for commercial scavenger
- A.D. Sonawane
- C. Weltzien
- P.V. Mahajan
Micromechanics of apple and pear tissues for fruit growth modeling
- B. Dequeker
- H. Van Cauteren
- P. Pieczywek
- A. Zdunek
- P. Verboven
- B. Smeets
- B. Nicolaï
Modeling shelf life of strawberry in two layered master packaging system
- Dong Sun Lee
- Duck Soon An
Modeling environmental conditions during grapes drying as these affect Ochratoxin A development
- C. Templalexis
- P. Giorni
- D. Lentzou
- S. Mesisca
- D.I. Tsitsigiannis
- P. Battilani
- G. Xanthopoulos
Modelling of stiffness of Irene apple during storage and shelf-life
- N.T.T. Ha
- T.T. Pham
- L.P.L. Nguyen
- H.X. Mac
- M. Gob
- Z. Sasvar
- G. Szabo
- Zs. Horvath-Mezofi
- T. Zsom
- G. Hitka
Modelling redox potential curves for identification of selected bacterial strains
- E. Yakdhane
- D. Tőzsér
- K. Szakmár
- L. Baranyai
- G. Kiskó
Modelling stomatal responses to high temperatures under a range of different vapor pressure deficits
- M. Bisbis
- L. Cammarisano
- E. Heuvelink
- L.F.M. Marcelis
- O. Körner
Monitoring of surface changes of fresh green asparagus during storage using laser light backscattering imaging
- Z.H. Siyum
- T.P. Thanh
- M. Höhn
- L. Baranyai
- L.P.L. Nguyen
Monte Carlo analysis of Michaëlis-Menten kinetics regarding the CO2 inhibitive response to O2 consumption
- C. Templalexis
- G. Xanthopoulos
Near-infrared spectroscopy as a tool for predicting superficial scald in Granny Smith apple fruit
- S. Stürz
- N. Sadar
- I. Folie
- A. Zanella
Prediction model for calcium content of apples at harvest
- F. Büchele
- R.M. Wood
- M. Blanke
- F. Ruess
- A.B. Heldwein
- A.H. Nied
- D.A. Neuwald
Predictive modelling of the ripening of tomatoes
- J. Šalagovič
- P. Verboven
- M. Hertog
- B. Nicolaï
Relationship between sensory characteristics and optical properties in Conference pears
- M. Vanoli
- F. Lovati
- G. Cortellino
- M. Buccheri
- R. Caramanico
- P. Levoni
- L. Spinelli
- A. Torricelli
Simulating fruit growth and size analysis
- P. Tijskens
- R. Schouten
- R. McCormick
- T. Unuk
- A.M. Cavaco
Study and analysis of the attributes of biodegradable packaging materials
- A. Notshweleka
- T.S. Workneh
- J.B. Hussein
Related Acta Horticulturae
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