Online articles
Grafting methods to mitigate the negative impact of unsuitable agro-ecological conditions in fruit vegetable production
- L. Milenković
- Z.S. Ilić
- Lj. unić
Influence of shading on essential oil content, composition and antioxidant activity in medical and aromatic plants
- Z.S. Ilić
- L. Milenković
- L. Stanojević
- D. Cvetković
- J. Stanojević
- Lj. Šunić
Quality characteristics of some cultivars of sweet potato grown on the sandy soils from the south of Oltenia
- A. Diaconu
- A.N. Paraschiv
- C. Bîrsoghe
- Ş. Nanu
- G. Coteț
- M.F. Băjenaru
Comparative crop behavior of an assortment of broad bean (Vicia faba L.)
- A. Horaicu
- A. Cuibotărița
- G. Rădeanu
- C. Precupeanu
- G.C. Teliban
- V. Stoleru
- N. Munteanu
The behavior of the long pepper genotype L-28 (Capsicum annuum) in pedo-climatic conditions from Dăbuleni RDSPCS
- L.M. Sfîrloagă
- Ș. Nanu
- A. Diaconu
- F. Frătuțu
- M.D. Ilina
Quality and yield performances of tomato under new biofertilizers
- A. Antal-Tremurici
- A. Bute
- M. Calara
- C. Brezeanu
- P.M. Brezeanu
- V. Stoleru
Comparative study on fruit quality of some Romanian tomato cultivars
- E. Barcanu
- O.L. Agapie
- I. Gherase
- B. Tanase
- G. Dobre
The behavior of some watermelon cultivars (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai) in the pedo-climatic conditions of southwestern Romania
- Ș. Nanu
- F.C. Frătuțu
- A.N. Paraschiv
- L.M. Sfîrloagă
Comparative evaluation of weed management methods in pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poir.)
- N. Neshev
- M. Yanev
- A. Mitkov
- N. Shopova
- M. Nesheva
Injuries in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) after imitated herbicidal spray drift
- N. Neshev
- M. Yanev
- A. Mitkov
- N. Shopova
The evolution of garlic cultivation in Romania constraints and perspectives
- P.M. Popa
- S.N. Cosmulescu
The effect of mulching on some physiological and production processes of the sweet potato crop
- R. Soare
- M. Dinu
- M. Botu
- C. Băbeanu
- M. Soare
Qualitative changes occurred at several sweet corn (Zea mays convar. saccharata var. rugosa) cultivars in different agrotechnical conditions
- A.I. Apahidean
- G. Hoza
- M. Dinu
- R. Soare
- V. Mitre
- R. Sima
- E. Buta
- S. Rózsa
Impact of seedling grafting and Biochar soil treatment under conditions of reduction of the irrigation norm and chemical fertilizers amount on tomato growing
- M. Bogoescu
- N.L. Petculescu
- M. Doltu
- B. Iordache
- D. Sora
Biochemical and morphological characteristics of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) cultivated in a hydroponic system and soil
- N. Kacjan Maršić
- M. Mikulič-Petkovšek
- A. Slatnar
- V. Žitko
The possibility of using grafting for eggplant production under nutrition regime
- V. Stoleru
- A. Ciubotărita
- A.E.S. Masood
- R.O. Rusu
- G.C. Teliban
- A. Cojocaru
Impact of grafting and planting density on growth, yield and quality of hydroponic tomato grown in Qatar
- P.K. Dash
- B. Guo
- D.I. Leskovar
Morphological response of four potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars to different agriculture practices under rainfed production
- N.P.M. Phungula
- S. Hadebe
- E. Schulte-Geldermann
- N.Z. Ngobese
Increasing cucumber yield and ensuring fruit quality by combining the elevated atmospheric [CO2] and soil temperature in the greenhouse
- Di Li
- Ziying Wang
- N.S. Gruda
- Jinlong Dong
- Xun Li
- Zengqiang Duan
The use of grafted seedlings for vegetable crops an eco-friendly method of combating soil-borne diseases
- I.L. Dumitrescu
- M. Vintila
Organic fennel cultivation technology for unheated greenhouses
- A. Despa
- A. Moloșag
- L. Arghir
- V. Lagunovschi-Luchian
The influence of fertilization and irrigation on the quantitative and qualitative performances of tomatoes grown in greenhouses
- D.I. Sumedrea
- A. Florea
- M. Negru
- M. Oprea
- A. Bădulescu
A graphical method for the application of a two-component pest control technology for Trialeurodes vaporariorum in greenhouses
- D.K. Kurzeluk
- C. Chireceanu
Investigation of light quality and intensity for the production of some vegetable crops in controlled environments
- S. Aliniaeifard
Effects of different light spectra on the performance of lettuce in a closed vertical system
- M. Karimi
- M. Roozban
- M. Seifikalhor
- M. Mohammadian
- Z. Mokhtarpour
- S. Hasan Mousavi
- S. Aliniaeifard
Far-red signaling affects the regulation of photosynthesis in tomatoes
- A. Shomali
- C.O. Ottosen
- R. Zhou
- S. Aliniaeifard
- L. Abdelhakim
Controlled environment agriculture trends in Texas: challenges, opportunities, and research approaches
- D.I. Leskovar
- S. Choi
- J.T. Harvey
- C. Lee
- A. Nagila
- G. Niu
- J. Masabni
- A. Zahid
- P.K. Dash
The history of protected horticulture production in China
- X. Ma
- J. Dong
- N.S. Gruda
- Z. Duan
Research on the cultivation technology of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in the greenhouse
- F.I. Vasile
- F. Burnichi
- L. Ion
Research on the influence of some technological links on the production and quality of some genotypes of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) preserved in the Suceava Genebank
- D.D. Blaga
- M.D. Șandru
Adaptive morphological aspects on the in vitro development of the plantlets from the local potato cultivars collection, preserved in slow growth conditions at Suceava Genebank
- A.C. Tanasă
- D. Constantinovici
- S. Străjeru
Biodiversity in CEA: lighting strategies for enhanced contents of phytochemicals and nutraceuticals in plants
- G. Samuolienė
- K. Laužikė
- G. Kudirka
- R. Sutulienė
- I. Gudžinskaitė
- A. Viršilė
Comparative study of the chemical composition of some bean accessions
- B.E. Kivu
- V.A. Ion
- E. Barcanu
- O.L. Agapie
- I. Gherase
- G. Dobre
- A. Moț
- A. Asănică
Characterization of sweet potato genotypes with relevant productive and landscape potential
- M. Dinu
- R. Soare
- C. Băbeanu
- M. Botu
Studies of variability on the main quantitative characters of the Silviana autumn cabbage cultivar
- A. Bute
- A. Antal-Tremurici
- P.M. Brezeanu
- S. Ambăruș
New potato cultivars obtained by sexual hybridization at the Research and Development Station for Potatoes Targu Secuiesc, certified in 2021
- A. Baciua
- L. Mike
Assessment of genetic diversity obtained by regeneration from anther-culture with tomato Costate 21 cultivar
- D.I. Sumedrea
- A.E Alexandrescu Manolescu
- C.F. Popescu
- A.M. Dumitru
- S.N. Cosmulescu
VIR worldwide collection of vegetable and cucurbit crops: formation, status and modern research activities
- A.M. Artemyeva
Variability of sugar content of the VIR root chicory collection under different sites of cultivation
- A.B. Kurina
- I.V. Smirnova
- A.E. Solovieva
Research on the expressiveness and conservation of tomato genotypes from the BRGV Buzau germplasm core collection
- C. Vînătoru
- B. Mușat
- C. Bratu
- G. Negoșanu
- M. Popescu
Introgression breeding in asparagus from genetic resources to breeding approach
- T. Nothnagel
- J. König
- J. Keilwagen
- J. Jacobi
- H. Budahn
Putative Ve locus characterization in several Romanian Capsicum cultivars
- M. Iordachescu
- R. Ciceoi
- L. Badulescu
Preliminary studies on biology and harvest technology at Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) D.C.
- C. Precupeanu
- N. Munteanu
- G. Caruso
- G. Rădeanu
- G.C. Teliban
- A. Cojocaru
- T. Stan
- L.D. Popa
- V. Stoleru
Yield and morphology of mustard and garden cress microgreens grown under LEDs supplemental lighting
- R. Vrkić
- B. Benko
- S. Fabek Uher
- J. Šic Žlabur
Evaluation of different accessions of Sicilian landraces of violet cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis) for bio-morphometric and biochemical traits
- D. Arena
- G.F. Rizzo
- L. Ciccarello
- R. Calì
- M.D. Felis
- S. Treccarichi
- M.C. Di Bella
- F. Branca
Enhancing conservation of vegetable crops biodiversity in Armenia
- A. Avagyan
- L. Tadevosyan
- A. Pahlevanyan
- G. Adjemyan
- R. Balayan
- G. Martirosyan
Biodiversity of vegetable wild relatives and medicinal and aromatic plants in a nature park located in eastern Albania
- A. Ibraliu
- N. Kadiasi
- Z. Gjoni
- N.S. Gruda
Disease and pest management for solanaceous vegetables in the NE region of Romania
- G.A. Iosob
- T.O. Cristea
- A. Antal-Tremurici
- M. Calara
- C. Benchea
Experimental determinations of microwave soil disinfection in vegetable growing areas
- I.L. Dumitrescu
- M. Vintila
- M. Toma
Evaluation of the effectiveness of some protection products against the Tuta absoluta pest in tomato crops from southern Romania
- Ş. Nanu
- A.N. Paraschiv
- M. Iamandei
- L.M. Sfîrloagă
- C. Bîrsoghe
- M.D. Ilina
- F. Frătuțu
- M.F. Băjenaru
Preliminary studies regarding tolerance to biotic stress on solano fruit cultivars from Vegetable Research Development Station Buzau Romania
- O.L. Agapie
- E. Barcanu
- B.E. Kivu
- I. Gherase
- G. Dobre
Xanthomonas euvesicatoria associated with pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) leaf spot in Montenegro
- J. Adamović
- T. Popović
- M. Pantelić
- A. Obradović
Research on the influence of virotic generation on yield in imported potato cultivars tested at the potato research and development station Targu Secuiesc
- A. Baciu
- M. Cioloca
- G. Mike
- K. Lorincz
- C. Hella
- L. Mike
Biocontrol potential of Trichoderma viride against main phytopathogenic fungi associated with Capsicum peppers cultivated in IPM system
- R. Zaharia
- C. Petrisor
- V. Fatu
- I. Leveanu
- M.C. Botea
- C. Chireceanu
Isolation and molecular detection of potato stolbur phytoplasma
- C. Chireceanu
- R.-V. Mustățea
- A. Teodoru
The current sustainable tools for plant diseases management
- E. Delian
- L. Bădulescu
- B. Iacomi
- V. Lagunovschi-Luchian
The larval stage of the species Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say contributions to the study of ontogenetic development, in the northern part of the country
- I.C. Enea
- N. Negruseri
Bacterial spot incited by Xanthomonas cucurbitae: a serious emerging disease of cucurbits
- M. Babadoost
- Q. Liu
Influence of different fertilization programs on dry seeds production of common bean
- D. Popa
- A.-K. Heitz
- M. Heitz
The influence of different doses of pelletized organic fertilizer from poultry farms on round pepper crop
- M.A. Buzatu
- I. Scurtu
- G. Sbîrciog
- I. Costache
- A. Dorobanțu
Fertilizer type and planting time influence the yield and some quality parameters of Lactuca sativa L.
- A. Slatnar
- N. Kacjan Marić
- H. ircelj
- M. Hudina
- R. Veberič
- T. Zamljen
Impact of different selenium doses on leaf gas exchange of the underutilized leafy green Portulaca oleracea grown hydroponically
- G.P. Spyrou
- T. Ntanasi
- I. Karavidas
- B.B. Consentino
- A. Ropokis
- A. Karkanis
- L. Sabatino
- C. Saitanis
- D. Savvas
- G. Ntatsi
Foliar solutions influence on several physiological indicators in Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae) plants
- M.L. Badea
- I. Călin
- M. Iordăchescu
- V. Lagunovschi-Luchian
- L. Bădulescu
Study regarding the influence of some fertilizers on the germination and growth of lettuce seedlings
- S. Chan
- O.I. Jerca
- A. Arshad
- E.M. Drăghici
The effect of the crop cycle and differential fertilization on a perennial wall-rocket crop established in polytunnel
- G.C. Teliban
- C. Precupeanu
- N. Munteanu
- M. Burducea
- A. Cojocaru
- N.V. Vlăduț
- L.D. Popa
- V. Stoleru
Comparison of fertilizer types on the growth and nutrient concentration of Cannabis sativa
- B.E. Whipker
- P. Veazie
- P. Cockson
Phenological studies on the onion cultivar Ariesana in the process of seed production and the main characteristics of the mother plants
- D. Popa
- M. Heitz
- C. Leon
Yielding capacity of spawn of some Pleurotus ostreatus, Pleurotus citrinopileatus and Pleurotus columbinus strains obtained with liquid inoculum
- A.V. Zăgrean
- I.C. Rusu
- M.B. Nicolcioiu
- G. Șovărel
Effects of seaweed extract for seed priming of tomatoes and eggplant on seed germination and seedling vigor
- D.C. Constantin
- I. Scurtu
- G. Sbîrciog
- A. Dorobanţu
Survival rate and quality characteristics of grafted cucumber seedlings as influenced by lighting environment
- M. Mohammadian
- F. Bekhradi
- M. Lotfi
- H. Rahafrouz
- S. Esmaeili
- S. Aliniaeifard
Innovative research on germination of basil seeds (Ocimum spp.)
- D.M. Toma
- F. Burnichi
- E. Mirea
- F. Toma
Peat reduction in horticulture an overview of Europe
- N.S. Gruda
- O. Hirschler
- J. Stuart
The impact of soil preparation on the production of potatoes grown on podzolic soils
- I.C. Enea
- N. Negruseri
- P. Zdruli
- N.S. Gruda
Salt stress effect on the phenolic and volatile profile of Genovese and Greek types of Ocimum basilicum L.
- T. Zamljen
- A. Slatnar
Preliminary research on getting sprouts in Ocimum basilicum L. on different substrates
- O. Livadariu
- N.-E. Băbeanu
- A.G. Peticilă
- V. Lagunovschi-Luchian
- O.-A. Boiu-Sicuia
- M.L. Badea
- C.G. Constantin
- A. Dobrin
- V.A. Ion
- O.A.C. Venat
- C.I. Nicolae
- L.-D.-N. Barbu
Study regarding the influence of the culture substrate on the production of sweet potatoes and potatoes
- M. Stoian
- V. Lagunovschi-Luchian
- S. Chan
- E.M. Drăghici
Influence of culture substrate on the production and chemical composition of Portobello brown button mushroom Agaricus brunescens Peck
- S. Rózsa
- I.A. Apahidean
- G. Poșta
- T.M. Gocan
- O. Borsai
- V. Mitre
- D.N. Măniuțiu
- L. Lukács
Plant symptomology variation at low substrate pH
- B.E. Whipker
- P. Veazie
- P. Cockson
Mycorrhiza improves yield and some quality properties of soilless-grown tomatoes under reduced mineral fertilization
- H.Y. Dasgan
- A. Bol
- N.S. Gruda
Effects of reusing coir-based substrates with municipal compost and biochar on growth and phytochemical accumulation in lettuce
- R.M.A. Machado
- I. Alves-Pereira
- I. Alves
- R.M.A. Ferreira
Exploitation of some allelopathic species for weed control in ecological agriculture on a climbing bean crop
- M. Calara
- N. Munteanu
- C. Brezeanu
- P.M. Brezeanu
- G.A. Iosob
- D.I. Avasiloaiei
The assessment of carbon farming practices for the ecological vegetable growing system – a review
- D.I. Avasiloaiei
- G.A. Iosob
- C. Brezeanu
- M. Calara
Studies concerning the response of some pea genotypes (Pisum sativum) to climate changes
- I. Gherase
- E. Barcanu
- O.L. Agapie
- B.E. Kivu
- G. Dobre
- E.M. Draghici
The influence of climate changes on the productivity of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) grown in the southern area of Oltenia
- A. Diaconu
- A.N. Paraschiv
- G. Coteț
- C. Bîrsoghe
- S. Nanu
- M.F. Băjenaru
Physiological response and activation defense system of pepper plants induced by mixed bioproducts application
- C. Petrisor
- R. Zaharia
- V. Oltenacu
Entomopathogenic effect of some Beauveria strains on the tomato leaf miner Tuta absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) larvae under semi-controlled conditions
- M. Iamandei
- A.C. Fătu
- M. Rădulea
- I.C. Popa
- A. Bădulescu
- A. Chiriloaie-Palade
- I. Roșca
Capitalization of agro-food waste products within the sustainable bioeconomy
- S. Rodino
- N.L. Petculescu
- V. Dragomir
Chlorophyll fluorescence-based feature selection for screening tomato genotypes against multiple abiotic stresses
- A. Shomali
- S. Aliniaeifard
- M.R. Bakhtiarizadeh
- M.S. Vafaei Sadi
- M. Lotfi
- M. Moosavi-Nezhad
- M. Mohammadian
- M. Davarzani
Screening of chilling temperature-tolerant bean genotypes
- S. Balik
- H.Y. Dasgan
- N.S. Gruda
New tools for organic farming: amino acids and Trichoderma spp. application improved snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed yield and quality
- G.F. Rizzo
- L. Ciccarello
- M.D. Felis
- N. Al Achkar
- M.C. Di Bella
- F. Branca
Reclaimed wastewater from constructed wetland as an alternative water source for agriculture: effect on agronomic traits on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) crops
- G.F. Rizzo
- L. Ciccarello
- D. Arena
- A. Mortada
- M.D. Felis
- G.L. Cirelli
- M. Milani
- F. Branca
Vertical farming in Romania from research to business
- C. Tudor
- R. Ciceoi
- O. Venat
- V.I. Potra
- E.M. Drăghici
- V. Lagunovschi-Luchian
Research on the use of electronic sensors and spectrometry in monitoring plants and the main environmental parameters involved in plant growth
- O.O. Cornea
- D. Camen
- G. Poșta
Precise fertilization in greenhouse crops using modern decision support systems to save fertilisers and mitigate pollution of water resources
- D. Savvas
- E. Giannothanasis
- G. Ntatsi
Storing potato tubers with apple fruit delays sprouting: a biological sprout suppressant technique
- L.S. Bopape
- T.K. Satekge
- T.P. Mafeo
Postharvest application of hydrocooling technique for maintaining quality of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) leaves
- T.K. Satekge
- R. Shibure
- R.M. Mahlanya
- S.R. Ncongwane
- T.P. Mafeo
Innovative products obtained from dehydrated vegetables
- M. Toma
- M. Vintila
- C. Vapor
- L.A. Iliescu
- L. Chira
- D. Hoza
Dehydration behaviour of some potato cultivars with high content of antioxidants
- M. Toma
- M. Vintila
- A. Sterian
- L.A. Iliescu
- S. Popescu
- D. Hoza
Research on the influence of cultivar on processing yields of potato chips
- G. Mike
- A. Baciu
- L. Mike
Marketing research in order to determine a vegetables consumers profile in Romania
- A. Marin
- R.E. Pop
Trends in potato consumption under the influence of socio-economic factors
- E.A. Dumitru
- D.M. Ilie
- V. Dragomir
- A.P. Turek-Rahoveanu
- R. Chetroiu
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