Online articles
A history of major California almond cultivars
- K. Lapsley
- R. Waycott
- T.M. Gradziel
Development of pistachio as a crop for California
- D.E. Parfitt
- C.E. Kallsen
‘Florida’ and ‘Alaska’: two new soft-shelled self-compatible almond cultivars from CEBAS-CSIC
- F. Dicenta
- T. Cremades
- J. López-Alcolea
- M. Rubio
- P.J. Martínez-García
- R. Sánchez-Pérez
- P. Martínez-Gómez
- J. Egea
Developing a phenotyping protocol to describe almond tree architecture traits influenced by rootstock genotype in commercial cultivars
- Á. Montesinos
- J. Grimplet
- G. Thorp
- M.J. Rubio-Cabetas
Diversity analysis of the INRAE and IRTA almond collections from the Axiom 60K SNP almond chip
- H. Duval
- F. Pérez de los Cobos
- E. Coindre
- N. Dlalah
- I. Batlle
- I.E. Muñoz
- P. Arús
‘Marcona’s resynthesis
- I. Batlle
- F. Pérez de los Cobos
- A. Romero
- X. Miarnau
- W. Howad
- I. Eduardo
- P. Arús
Stability analysis and relationships between traits reveal specific and general adaptability of California varieties/selections from Regional Variety Trials in almond
- G.M. Sideli
- T. DeJong
- S. Saa
- B. Lampinen
- L. Milliron
- P. Gordon
- R. Duncan
- T.M. Gradziel
High throughput DNA markers to detect bacterial spot tolerance in almond
- S.N. Goonetilleke
- T.V. Bell
- M.G. Wirthensohn
Early results from an almond cultivar trial in California’s Central Valley
- P. Gordon
- B. Lampinen
- L. Milliron
- R. Duncan
- D. Lightle
- J.H. Connell
- R. Brar
- C. Reyes
Comparative study of indigenous almond varieties in Armenia
- H.H. Hovhannisyan
- A.E. Avagyan
Selection of new almond rootstocks with resistance to Phytophthora in California
- G.T. Browne
- N.J. Ott
- M.A. Yaghmour
- B.C. Fekete
Recent progress on genome assemblies and annotation of six pistachio cultivars
- C. Lee
- A. Mena-Morales
- A. Marchese
- A. Giovino
- D. Trippa
- E. Martínez
- F.P. Marra
- L.M. Cuevas
- L. Cattivelli
- P. Bagnaresi
- P. Carbonell-Bejerano
- G.J. Monroe
Characterizing varietal differences of pistachio development and nut quality at harvest
- J.A. Adaskaveg
- Y. Wei
- S. Wang
- G. Marino
- B. Blanco-Ulate
Pistachio breeding programs in Iran
- M. Akbari
- H. Hokmabadi
- H. Hasheminasab
- L. Ferguson
Advances in the understanding of noninfectious bud failure in almond
- J. Fresnedo-Ramirez
- K.M. DAmico-Willman
- E.S. Anderson
- M. Khavari
- T.M. Gradziel
Bud abscission dynamics in pistachio branches with different crop load
- V. Imperiale
- T. Caruso
- A. Marchese
- E. Viola
- F.P. Marra
Effect of non-irrigation during pre-harvest period in an almond orchard under limited water resources
- F. Montoya
- J.J. Pardo
- J.A. Martínez-López
- A. Martínez-Romero
- H. Martínez-López
- J.M. Tarjuelo
- R. López-Urrea
- A. Domínguez
Monitoring the water status of almond orchards using the CWSI in southeastern Spain – a multi-scale analysis
- J.M. Sánchez
- R. López-Urrea
- J. González-Piqueras
- F. Montoya
- A. Rodríguez
- F. Valentín
- L.L. Simón
- J.M. Galve
Optimizing the consumptive irrigation water use in a young drip-irrigated almond orchard
- F. Montoya
- J.M. Sánchez
- J. González-Piqueras
- L.L. Simón
- F. Valentín
- R. López-Urrea
Water use efficiency in high density planting trials with almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb)
- G. Thorp
- A. Smith
- M. Coates
- R. De Bei
Estimation of crop coefficients from canopy cover and height for a drip-irrigated young almond orchard
- R. López-Urrea
- F. Montoya
- L.L. Simón
- F. Valentín
- J. González-Piqueras
- A. Rodríguez
- J.M. Sánchez
Effect of branch crop load on assimilation rates and nut growth of fully irrigated pistachio
- G. Marino
- P. Guzmán-Delgado
- E. Santos
- B. Blanco
- J.A. Adaskaveg
- T. Caruso
- L. Ferguson
- A. Marchese
- F.P. Marra
High-density production systems in almond orchards
- X. Miarnau
- J. Lordan
- L. Torguet
- R. Girabet
- R. Montserrat
- I. Batlle
- F. Vargas
- S. Alegre
Epicormic and axillary branches show distinct epigenetic differences in almond (Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A. Webb)
- W.R. Hazzard
- J. Fresnedo-Ramirez
- E.S. Anderson
- T.M. Gradziel
Early performance of Australian multi-cultivar density optimisation trial
- T. Pitt
- D. Thomas
- M. Skewes
- N. Fleming
- D. Graetz
- K. Shanmugam
- V. Phogat
- P. Petrie
UAV imagery to assess agronomic, physiological, and yield characteristics in a super-intensive almond orchard
- M. Lo Cascio
- A. Deidda
- C. Sirca
- G. Nieddu
- D. Spano
- P. Deiana
- F. Gambella
- L. Mercenaro
Risk of early frosts in almond
- J.G. Guillamón
- J. Egea
- F. Mañas
- J.A. Egea
- F. Dicenta
Pilowred®, new low-vigour-conferring rootstock resistant to nematodes. First results of its agronomical performance in six locations
- B. Bielsa
- Á. Montesinos
- M.J. Rubio-Cabetas
Evaluation of rootstock cultivars for almond in California
- J.H. Connell
- L. Milliron
Whole almond orchard recycling and the effect on second generation tree growth, yield, and soil fertility
- B. Holtz
- M. Culumber
- C. Zuber
- G.T. Browne
- D.A. Doll
- E. Jahanzad
- M.A. Yaghmour
- F. Niederholzer
- P. Gordon
- A. Poret-Peterson
- S. Gao
- A. Gaudin
The effects of almond hulls and soil amendments on soil nutrients and microbial community within mature almond orchards
- D.A. Doll
- V.D. Lopez
- A. Gaudin
Effects of rootstocks on almond trees grown in marginal boron conditions
- K. Jarvis-Shean
- C. DeBuse
- S. Metcalf
- B. Lampinen
Causes and implications of potassium variability in orchards (optimizing potassium management in almond)
- M. Germani
- P.H. Brown
Agroclimatic adaptation of pistachio cultivars ‘Golden Hills’, ‘Kerman’ and ‘Sirora’ to rainfed conditions, and their productive efficiency in relation to the ‘UCB1’ and Pistacia terebinthus rootstocks
- E. Martínez
- M.A. Chico
- M.J. Cabello
- M.P. Camacho-Matas
- C. Pérez de los Reyes
Effect of trunk size on the effectiveness of pistachio harvesters
- A. Toudeshki
- R. Ehsani
- L. Ferguson
The postharvest process of pistachios in Iran
- Z. Rezvani
- M. Maharlooei
- A. Toudeshki
- R. Ehsani
Investigation of saline irrigation strategies for pistachio orchard
- M. Mehata
- B. Sanden
- D. Williams
- M.I. Saludes
- G. Marino
- M. Culumber
- J. Coehlo
- C. Beck
- L. Ferguson
A hypothetical model behind the molecular mechanism of alternate behaviour in Pistacia vera L.
- F.P. Marra
- J. Benny
- A. Giovino
- T. Caruso
- A. Marchese
Emerging diseases of almond crop in southern Spain
- C. Agustí-Brisach
- A. López-Moral
- M. Lovera
- L.F. Roca
- M.C. Raya
- F. Luque
- O. Arquero
- A. Trapero
Californian almond cultivar and rootstock behavior against Plum pox virus
- M. Rubio
- P. Martínez-Gómez
- T.M. Gradziel
- T. DeJong
- F. Dicenta
Hull rot in Australian almond orchards
- T.J. Wiechel
- P. Faulkner
- S. Kreidl
- J. Edwards
The current status of trunk disease in Australian almond orchards
- B.J. Oswald
- S. Kreidl
- S.Q. Dinh
- T.J. Wiechel
- M.R. Sosnowski
Comprehensive phylogenomic and comparative genomic analysis of Pseudomonas syringae associated with almonds in California
- T.E. Maguvu
- R.J. Frias
- B. Holtz
- M. Culumber
- F. Niederholzer
- R. Duncan
- M.A. Yaghmour
- P. Gordon
- P.E. Rolshausen
- J.E. Adaskaveg
- F.P. Trouillas
New biomarker approach for RKN resistance in Prunus progenies
- B. Bielsa
- M.J. Rubio-Cabetas
- J. Grimplet
Volatile emissions from almond trees and response of the almond wasp (Eurytoma amygdali) to these volatiles
- H. Duval
- A. Leconte
- A. Le Navenant
- P. Lucas
- E. Coutagne
- M. Staudt
Field spread of the biological control agent Aspergillus flavus AF36 in Californian nut orchards
- M.T. Garcia-Lopez
- R. Jaime-Garcia
- E. Meca
- R. Puckett
- T.J. Michailides
- J. Moral
Edge effects of invasive brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, infestation and damage in almond orchards
- J.P. Rijal
- R. Bansal
- S. Gyawaly
Investigation of Phytophthora diseases in Australian almonds
- B.J. Oswald
- L. Tesoriero
- S. Kreidl
- S.Q. Dinh
- T.J. Wiechel
- M.R. Sosnowski
Solarization of greenhouses for the eradication of pests in heat-tolerant crops
- C.J. Sluis
- K.T. ONeal
- D.R. Oellerich
The French project LEVEAB: remove the barriers to growing almonds in organic farming
- H. Duval
- J.M. Montagnon
- P. Lucas
- J.P. Rouvier
- J. Planche
- A. Le Navenant
- M. Alix
- M. Berud
- F. Warlop
- M. Jacquot
- W. Chambeyron
- C. Calcet
- B. Chauvin Buthaud
- J.M. Thevier
- F. Fraisse
Effect of winter flooding on navel orangeworm and spider mites in almond orchard
- S. Gyawaly
- J.P. Rijal
Two practical techniques to determining presence/ absence and predicted levels of Botryosphaeria panicle and shoot blight of pistachio during the dormant season and in the spring
- T.J. Michailides
- V.M. Gabri
- D.P. Morgan
Compendium of pistachio diseases in Italy
- G. Gusella
- D. Aiello
- T.J. Michailides
- G. Polizzi
Efficacy of fungicides against Alternaria late blight and their effects on resistance levels
- B.X. Camiletti
- Y. Luo
- V.M. Gabri
- M.E. Campos
- J.S. Lake
- T.J. Michailides
Investigating rootstock susceptibility and new Oomycota fungicides for the management of Phytophthora crown and root rot of pistachio in California
- A.I. Hernandez-Rosas
- R.J. Frias
- F.P. Trouillas
Dynamic of chill accumulation in Australian pistachios
- M. Mahadevan
- C.K. Joyce
- T. Ranford
- V.O. Sadras
Phenotyping of almond rootstocks for the assessment of evapotranspiration using remote sensing energy balance models
- J. Bellvert
- A. Pelechá
- L. Zazurca
- X. Miarnau
Spatializing the carbon footprint calculation of an almond orchard through a geographic information system-based toolbox
- F. Maldera
- D.S. Intrigliolo
- F. Visconti
- M. Pérez-Ortola
- S. Camposeo
- J.M. Ramírez Cuesta
Projecting almond bloom dates in California with the PhenoFlex framework
- L. Caspersen
- K. Jarvis-Shean
- E. Luedeling
Viability of extra-late almond cultivars from CEBAS-CSIC in cold areas of the western US in future climatic scenarios
- J.A. Egea
- L.E. Parker
- J. López-Alcolea
- F. Dicenta
Light intercepted and carbon gain in nonbearing branches of pistachio positioned in different parts of the canopy
- V. Imperiale
- T. Caruso
- A. Marchese
- F.P. Marra
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