Online articles
World mango production and trade
- V. Galán Saúco
Mango production under Mediterranean climates
- J.I. Hormaza
The climate of mango producing areas: a case study on three islands
- D. Scuderi
- M. Pourmohammad Shahvar
- G. Marsella
- V. Farina
- M.G. Lobo Rodrigo
- F. Normand
The USA mango market trends and the National Mango Board
- L. Ortega
- R. Ward
- M. Michel
- R. Mitton
- R. Ojeda
Mango cultivars evolution in Mexico
- S.R. Márquez-Berber
- N. Ledesma
- G. Almaguer-Vargas
- A.V. Ayala-Garay
- D.A. Reyna-Izaguirre
Imported mango quality survey at arrival to stores across USA
- A.M. Velasquez
- C.H. Crisosto
Mango production in Sicily, Italy: state of the art and future perspectives
- D. Scuderi
- I. Tinebra
- R. Passafiume
- G. Gugliuzza
- V. Farina
Facilitating industry adoption of intensive mango practices and new ag-technologies in Australia
- G.R. Dickinson
- D.M. Bennett
- I. Bally
- R. Orr
- M. Empson
- S. Quddus
- A.J. Robson
- K.B. Walsh
Rethinking mango production systems, towards intensive high-density orchards
- I. Bally
- P. Ibell
- K. Mahmud
- R. Orr
- G.R. Dickinson
- Z. Scobell
- R. Kolala
- A. Mizani
- G. Rossouw
- D.M. Bennett
- C. Wright
- J. Wilkie
V-Mango, a functional-structural plant model of mango tree growth, development and fruit production: from model design to applications
- I. Grechi
- F. Normand
- J. Vaillant
- E. Carrié
- M. Léchaudel
- F. Boudon
MangoViz, an open-source interactive web interface to view and explore data of long-term agronomic experiments on mango
- F. Normand
- A. Doizy
- I. Grechi
Vegetative growth and development of the mango tree canopy: understanding and practical applications
- F. Normand
Foliar fertilization during flowering improves the production of fruits with seeds in ‘Ataulfo’ mango
- M.H. Pérez-Barraza
- I.J. González-Acuña
- A. Álvarez-Bravo
- M.V. Santos-Cárdenas
Thidiazuron stimulates in vitro shoot regeneration from cotyledonary node explants in mango
- E. Carmona-Martín
- F. Conde
- J.I. Hormaza
- C. Petri
Climate change multi-risk assessment for mango cultivation in Sicily, Italy, by using Bayesian Network
- M. Pourmohammad Shahvar
- D. Scuderi
- D. Valenti
- A. Collura
- S. Miccichè
- V. Farina
- G. Marsella
MISAR in enhancing agricultural resilience: a comprehensive approach to climate change risk management for mango farms in Sicily, Italy
- M. Pourmohammad Shahvar
- D. Scuderi
- D. Valenti
- A. Collura
- S. Miccichè
- V. Farina
- G. Marsella
Non-destructive techniques to determine optimal harvesting time in mango fruit
- J.A. Osuna-García
- M.J. Graciano-Cristóbal
- R. Goenaga
Evaluation of physicochemical characteristics of ‘Irwin’ mango grown in the plastic house with heating at general and different storage conditions
- W.M.U.D. Wijethunga
- M.H. Shin
- L.S.H. Jayasooriya
- K.E. Jang
- K.M. Park
- M.G. Cheon
- S.W. Choi
- J.G. Kim
Breeding mango for quality traits
- Y. Cohen
- I. Bally
- N. Dillon
- R. Ophir
- A. Sherman
Mango production in Saudi Arabia
- N. Ledesma
- M. Busobozi
- H.M. Yahyaa
Isolation and expression analysis of glutathione S-transferase (GST)-like genes involved in anthocyanin accumulation in mango peel
- S. Kanzaki
- Y. Tanaka
- A. Ichihi
- K. Shimizu
A review of kasturi (Mangifera casturi)
- N. Ledesma
- N. Arisandi
Potencial de los recursos genéticos de mangos (Mangifera indica L.) locales en la República Dominicana
- D. Martich
- C. Batista
- S. Sosa
Characteristics and compatibility of rootstocks and grafts on native mango cultivars, Frutales Experimental Station, Peravia, Dominican Republic
- C. Batista
- S. Sosa
- D. de la Rosa
Grafting and breeding Mangifera species and their potential for the future of mango cultivation
- N. Ledesma
Botanical characterization and herbarium specimens of Mangifera species
- N. Ledesma
- L. Carvajal
- C.A. Paz Lopez
MangoBase: bioinformatics tools for mango research
- N. Fernandez-Pozo
- A. Gómez-Ollé
- A. Bullones
- L.A. Mueller
- J.I. Hormaza
Identifying key genes controlling flesh colour in mangoes using genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
- T. Takagi
- H.T. Hong
- N. Dillon
- M.J. Wilkinson
- T.J. OHare
An interactive gene expression atlas for mango
- A. Gómez-Ollé
- A. Bullones
- J.I. Hormaza
- L.A. Mueller
- N. Fernandez-Pozo
Management of fruit fly damage via mango harvest timing optimization: a modelling approach
- I. Grechi
- M. Léchaudel
- A. Ratnadass
Identification and pathogenicity of Botryosphaeria species associated with mango dieback disease in Egypt and Israel
- S.A. Youssef
- A.A. Shalaby
- W.H. Abd El-Monem
- K.M. Abd El-Ghany
- G. Sharma
- M. Elazar
- M. Maymon
- S. Suaza-Blandon
- V. Meshram
- D. Ezra
- N. Alkan
- S. Freeman
Avances recientes en inducción floral, desarrollo de fruto y cuajado en mango (Mangifera indica L.)
- M.H. Pérez-Barraza
- M.V. Santos-Cárdenas
- A. Álvarez-Bravo
- R. Cano-Medrano
- I.J. González-Acuña
Floración y rendimiento con inhibidores de giberelinas alternativos al paclobutrazol en mangos ‘Tommy Atkins’
- M.H. Pérez-Barraza
- I.J. González-Acuña
- J.J. Velázquez-Monreal
- R. Cano-Medrano
Can exogenous application of Zn, B, Ca and NAA on mango trees obstruct fruitlets’ abscission?
- T.T. Tzatzani
- I. Michail
- G. Psarras
Ripening degree at harvest and ethylene conditioning facilitate the mango process for frozen cheeks
- J.A. Osuna-García
- R. Gómez-Jaimes
- R. Goenaga
- M.J. Graciano-Cristóbal
Role of biostimulants in fertilization of mangoes
- Í.H.L. Cavalcante
- V.B. Paiva Neto
- L.H.M. Carvalho
Related Acta Horticulturae
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