Online articles
Morpho-physiological changes and metabolomic profiles of cucumber seedlings following seed treatment with Trichoderma strains
- M. Cardarelli
- G. Colla
- A.V. Ceccarelli
- C. Pane
- P. Bonini
Effects of biochar in the seedling growth of lamb’s lettuce
- G.B. Öztekin
- A.K. Demircan
- T. Durdu
Treatments with seaweed-based biostimulants for seed production and seed quality in eggplant
- D.C. Dascălu
- N. Munteanu
- M.A. Buzatu
- G.C. Teliban
Heat stress responses of grafted tomato plants
- C. Lee
- D.I. Leskovar
Why does a pepper rootstock confer tolerance to water stress? The case of NIBER
- Y.G. Padilla
- R. Gisbert-Mullor
- S. López-Galarza
- A. Calatayud
Effect of treatment with microalgae extracts on growth and development of tomato seedlings
- I. Sivicka
- K. Kampuss
- P. Semjonovs
An in-depth analysis of cabbage seed production with ‘Silviana’ cultivar across varied planting dates and densities
- A. Bute
- P.M. Brezeanu
- S. Ambăruș
- A. Antal-Tremurici
- C. Brezeanu
- N. Munteanu
Studies on path analysis and correlation of yield with growth and yield contributing traits in fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)
- S.S. Dhumal
- P.B. Shinde
- A.R. Aher
- S.A. Sarvade
- R.D. Pawar
- U.S. Shinde
- V.R. Bavadekar
Treatments application frequency of calcium nitrate used in combination with seaweed-based biostimulants on the seed quantity and quality in round pepper
- M.A. Buzatu
- D.C. Constantin
- G. Sbîrciog
- M.C. Gheorghe
Plant density and fertilization for fruit yield and seed production in round pepper
- D.C. Constantin
- M.A. Buzatu
- M.C. Gheorghe
Effect of foliar application of seaweed extracts combined with other active ingredients on tomato plants irrigated with high boron concentration
- V. Navarro-Pérez
- F. García-Sánchez
- S. Simón-Grao
Effect of metallic and green-synthesized zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth parameters and quality of Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris ssp. cicla L.)
- R. Sutulienė
- A. Pukalskas
- I. Gudinskaitė
- A. Balčiūnaitienė
- K. Staytė
- S. Tučkutė
- R. Pauliukaitė
Zinc and copper oxide nanoparticles’ combined impact with HPS and LED lighting on enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants of ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum)
- R. Sutulienė
- A. Brazaitytė
- S. Tučkutė
- M. Urbutis
- P. Duchovskis
Yield and quality of asparagus spears as affected by crop method and product type
- O.C. Murariu
- A.V. Tallarita
- V. Stoleru
- F. De Sio
- M. Rapacciuolo
- L. Sandei
- G. Caruso
Effects of different nutrient concentrations on dill production in floating system
- E. Okudur
- S. Tan
- Y. Tüzel
Damage in organically produced potted herbs: effect of compost amendment and nitrogen fertilization
- M. Olivera
- E. Meinken
- D. Lohr
Hydroponic tomato cultivation using organic fertilizer from bonito fish-based soluble
- D.F. Rachma
- K. Maeda
- Y. Yamanouchi
- A. Ando
- H. Ueda
- M. Shinohara
- D.-H. Ahn
Optimizing tomato production by using Bacillus spp.
- C.L. Dragomir
- G. Hoza
- A. Becherescu
- L. Bădulescu
- A. Dobrin
- M. Frîncu
- D. Hoza
Evaluating the efficiency of using biostimulants for sweet pepper seedlings production (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum) in an organic system
- D.I. Avasiloaiei
- C. Brezeanu
- C. Bălăiță
- A. Antal-Tremurici
- M. Calara
Do higher fertilization doses guarantee higher vegetable yield?
- L. Lepse
- S. Zeipiņa
- M. Gailīte
Dynamics of growth and development in celery under the influence of organic fertilizers
- A. Becherescu
- G. Hoza
- F. Sala
Future perspectives of organic and conventional fertilizers on the morphological and yield parameters of tomato
- V. Stoleru
- G.C. Teliban
- A. Cojocaru
- O.R. Rusu
- T. Stan
- B. Gutui
- N. Munteanu
- A. Lobiuc
Using silicon-based biostimulant and phosphorus application as an alternative solution for beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) grown under multi-stress in South Africa: a short review
- L.C. Sadiki
- E. Van Der Watt
- M.M. Masowa
- Z.P. Khetsha
Potential use of seaweed- and silicon-based biostimulants to alleviate the multistresses on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in South Africa: a review
- L.M. Legodi
- E. Van Der Watt
- M.M. Masowa
- Z.P. Khetsha
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria: a sustainable way towards improving the quality of saffron
- S. Stelluti
- M. Caser
- S. Demasi
- E. Rodriguez Herrero
- I. García-González
- E. Lumini
- V. Bianciotto
- V. Scariot
Effects of water deficit on some local tomato genotypes grown in soil under greenhouse conditions
- T. Durdu
- Y. Tüzel
- O. Saley Harouna
- M. Tepecik
- T. Kaygısız Aşcıoğul
- G.B. Öztekin
Biostimulant effects of algae species, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their combinations on yield and quality of yellow tomato landrace
- S. Abidi
- A.V. Tallarita
- V. Stoleru
- O.C. Murariu
- A. Abidi
- E. Cozzolino
- P. Lombardi
- A. Cuciniello
- R. Maiello
- V. Cenvinzo
- L. Hamrouni
- G. Caruso
- R. Balti
Characterization of morphological and production traits in basil genotypes from Romania
- M. Dinu
- R. Soare
- M. Botu
Evaluation of antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds in the fruits of some tomato cultivars
- M. Dinu
- R. Soare
- M. Botu
The behavior of the ‘Romec 554j’ tomato genotype (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) on the sandy soils of SCDCPN Dăbuleni
- L.M. Sfîrloagă
- Ș. Nanu
- A. Diaconu
- F. Frătuțu
- D.M. Ilina
Physiological and agronomic response of traditional pepper cultivars to reduced fertilization and microbial biostimulants
- A. Sánchez-Sánchez
- V. Hernández
- P. Hellín
- P. Mínguez
- M. Jiménez-Pérez
- A. Rodríguez-Burruezo
- J. Fenoll
- P. Flores
Vegetative reproduction, fruit production and quality parameters of three strawberry (Fragaria spp.) cultivars tested in indoor farming
- A. Sparinska
- L. Purmale
- A. Korica
- G. Gulbis
- M. Gailīte
- K. virksts
- E. Ence
- R. Joffe
Comparative characteristics of several biochemical indicators of Ocimum tenuiflorum L. in hydroponic and soil conditions
- A. Tadevosyan
- A. Tovmasyan
- A. Asatryan
- A. Stepanyan
- M. Daryadar
- A. Matevosyan
- A. Ghahramanyan
- S. Mairapetyan
Evaluation of greenhouse horticultural research in Colombia: impact of European collaboration and key sector challenges
- A. Juyo
- J.S. Rodríguez
- J.D. Solano
- R. Gil
Hydroponic Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim) as a source of biologically active compounds and herbal tea
- A. Vardanyan
- L. Ghalachyan
- A. Tadevosyan
- A. Hakobjanyan
- A. Sardaryan
- M. Daryadar
Comparative evaluation of hydroponic systems for growth, yield, and quality of iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata)
- S.S. Dhumal
- D. Manoj
- U.S. Shinde
- R.D. Pawar
- S.A. Sarvade
- V. Nale
CMV and CPMMoV impact in open field Ibarra chili pepper and its prevalence in wild flora around the crop in the Basque Country (northern Spain)
- M. Ojinaga
- S. Mendarte
- J. Arizmendi
- S. Larregla
Enhancing tomato tolerance against water stress and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici through the artificial application of PGR and biocontrol agents
- H. Nawaz
- E. Kafkas
- S. Kafkas
Distribution and flight activity of the asparagus moth, Parahypopta caestrum, in southern Italy as monitored by pheromone traps
- O.M. Pistillo
- I. DIsita
- F. Lo Muzio
- M. Acquaviva
- G. Iadarola
- M. Coduti
- A. Di Palma
- G.S. Germinara
Biological soil health parameters increase as a consequence of land management change from conventionalized organic production to market gardening
- L.P. Biundo
- A.K. Rosberg
Developing new techniques to integrate in the IPM strategy of the cabbage root fly Delia radicum L.
- S. Fleerakkers
- R. Van den Eynde
- S. Darwich
- F. Temmerman
- E. Dendauw
- A. Tack
- A. De Roissart
- B. Vanthournout
- J. Moens
Assessing the allelopathic potential of white clover (Trifolium repens) for weed control in organic agriculture on long pepper (Capsicum annuum convar. longum) crop
- M. Calara
- N. Munteanu
- D.I. Avasiloaiei
- C. Brezeanu
- P.M. Brezeanu
- A. Antal-Tremurici
- C. Bălăiță
Sclerotium rolfsii survival after autumn biodisinfestation in southeastern Spain
- M. Ojinaga
- M.M. Guerrero
- C.M. Lacasa
- V. Martinez
- S. Larregla
Protection of the organically produced potato crop against the Colorado beetle
- I.C. Enea
- N. Negruseri
Biological and conventional control of Sphaerotheca fuliginea and Tetranychus urticae on cucumber crops in greenhouses
- G. Sovarel
- S.S. Hogea
- A.A. Cenușă
Optimizing the chemical weed control in tomatoes
- M. Yanev
- N. Shopova
Biological pest control using predators in cucurbit crops in greenhouses
- S.S. Hogea
- G. Sovarel
- M. Costache
- M. Velea
Bioprotection and grafting strategies to suppress pest pressure and improve yield of hydroponically grown organic tomato
- P.K. Dash
- B. Guo
- D.I. Leskovar
Dicamba drift on green onions and possibility for overcoming the herbicidal stress by subsequent plant biostimulant application
- M. Yanev
- N. Shopova
- N. Neshev
Streptomyces strain applied as tomato seed coatings to improve plant performance
- V. Mattei
- G. Franzoni
- M. Saracchi
- P. Cortesi
- M. Pasquali
- A. Ferrante
Effect of ambient light enrichment with different LED light spectra on the agronomic characteristics and phenolic profile of lettuce
- C. Hernández-Adasme
- H. Silva Ascencio
- Á. Peña
- B. Sun
- V. Escalona
Ionomic and metabolomic profile in Solanum lycopersicum L. ‘Micro-Tom’ under nickel stress
- G. Ricci
- A. Francini
- A. Raffaelli
- L. Sebastiani
Yield and growth of different amaranth genotypes under varying water regimes
- L.N. Khoza
- S. Mavengahama
- W.S. Jansen van Rensburg
- H. Araya
- M.W. Bairu
- S. Venter
- K. Denby
- M.K. Nyathi
- M. Mojapelo
Nutrient management in closed-loop soilless crop systems using ion selective electrodes and DSS NUTRISENSE
- E. Giannothanasis
- V. Christou
- G. Ntatsi
- R. Thompson
- D. Savvas
Assessment of perennial wall-rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) growth under Pb(II) stress – preliminary studies
- M. Roșca
- G. Mihalache
- G.C. Teliban
- M. Butnariu
- M. Covașa
- I.G. Cara
- O.R. Rusu
- R.M. Hlihor
- M. Ruocco
- V. Stoleru
The effects of salinity stress on growth parameters and chlorophyll fluorescence of three cultivars of basil
- M.I. Oprea
- D. Giosanu
- D.I. Sumedrea
- A. Florea
Recovery response mechanisms of horticultural plants to multi-stress: plant-based biostimulants as a potential alternative strategy for lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in South Africa
- S. Satshi
- M.M. Masowa
- E. Van Der Watt
- Z.P. Khetsha
Abiotic stress effect on quinoa species (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) under fertilization management
- R. Chiriță
- M. Apostol
- G.C. Teliban
- T. Stan
- S.E. Jacobsen
- V. Stoleru
Assessing the effects of strigolactone on the drought tolerance of underutilised tomato landraces in farmer conditions
- N. Sahin
- I. Visentin
- A. Schubert
- F. Cardinale
Possibilities of implementing the HACCP plan for tomato crop
- O.R. Rusu
- G.C. Teliban
- A. Borș
- V.C. Floriștean
- Gh. Vlad
- A. Cojocaru
- M. Roșca
- V. Stoleru
Presentation of the PRIMA project: new low cost strategies of crop based on biodiversity and remote sensing to reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizers in the Mediterranean area
- F. García-Sánchez
- S. Simón-Grao
- L. Yabor
The impact of planting density on yield and nutritional value of Glycine max (L.) Merr. under outdoor hydroponics in Armenia
- A. Tadevosyan
- A. Matevosyan
- A. Tovmasyan
- A. Asatryan
- A. Gasparyan
- S. Mairapetyan
The influence of some technological measures on long pepper seed crop Capsicum annuum L. var. longum
- D. Popa
- I.-L. Chiper
- L.-I. Chiper
Effect of cultivar and plant density on plant growth, pods yield and green grains yield of broad bean (Vicia faba L.)
- A. Horaicu
- G.C. Teliban
- A. Cojocaru
- V. Stoleru
- T. Stan
- N. Munteanu
Interaction effect of planting time, mulching and fertilization on perennial wall-rocket
- C. Precupeanu
- G. Rădeanu
- G.C. Teliban
- G. Caruso
- V. Stoleru
Technological perspectives on the effect of some technological factors on the productivity of Phaseolus coccineus L.
- G. Rădeanu
- C. Precupeanu
- N. Munteanu
- G.C. Teliban
- A. Cojocaru
- V. Stoleru
Improving light use efficiency of Brassicaceae crops for growing novel foods
- D. Arena
- N. Major
- S.G. Ban
- N. Al Achkar
- G.F. Rizzo
- F. Branca
Enhancing Brassica oleracea L. production in deficit irrigation regime utilising elicitors
- D. Arena
- H.B. Ammar
- V.M. Rodriguez
- P. Velasco
- R. Calì
- L. Ciccarello
- N. Al Achkar
- F. Branca
From current to future approaches in the irrigation scheduling of open field vegetable crops
- S. Rubo
- J. Zinkernagel
Effects of civil reclaimed wastewater for the irrigation of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) in open field
- R. Calí
- N. Al Achkar
- G.F. Rizzo
- V. Scavera
- S. Barresi
- M. Milani
- G. Cirelli
- F. Branca
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