Online articles
Biotechnologies and new genomic techniques for ornamental plant breeding
- A. Ricroch
- C. Miscopein
The Ri-technology: improving horticultural plants for the European Society
- B. Trevenzoli Favero
- M. Ghasemi
- A. Dulaj
- E.E. Christoffersen
- N. Favre
- X. Chen
- H. Lütken
Advances in Ranunculus asiaticus L. genome assembly and annotation based on long-read sequencing technology
- M. Martina
- L. Gaccione
- E. Vergnano
- A. Acquadro
- M. Bolgher
- B. Usadel
- L. Barchi
- E. Portis
- S. Lanteri
Toward the identification of quantitative resistance mechanisms of rose to black spot disease
- L. Lambelin
- T. Thouroude
- J. Jeauffre
- J. Chameau
- C. Vilfroy
- C. Boursier
- S. Aubourg
- S. Pelletier
- D.C. Lopez Arias
- L. Hibrand-Saint Oyant
- V. Soufflet-Freslon
- F. Foucher
- S. Paillard
Silver nitrate (AgNO3) can suppress expression levels of WOUND INDUCED DEDIFFERENTIATION1 (WIND1) gene via direct organogenesis of Euphorbia pulcherrima ‘Christmas Eve’
- M.D. Pahnekolayi
- V.G. Schmidt
- T. Sprink
- R. Boehm
- H. Halbwirth
New insights into a candidate MYB gene for the induction of male sterility in Petunia × hybrida through a CRISPR-edited DNA-free transient transformation system
- S. Farinati
- A. Betto
- A.F. Soria Garcia
- G. Barcaccia
Brief UV-C irradiation treatments improve Pelargonium × hortorum drought resistance by alleviating oxidative stress
- A. Darras
- A. Kostriva
- K. Dimiza
- M. Apostolou
- I. Malamas
- E. Kartsonas
The behavior of great camas (Camassia leichtlinii (Baker) S. Watson) in different culture systems
- L. Draghia
- A.S. Ozarchevici
- M. Cantor
- R.R. Bernardis
- C. Chiruță
- M. Apostol
Modelling the effect of biostimulants on horticultural crop performance of poinsettia: an approach combining non-targeted plant analysis methods and data science
- N. Guibert
- S. Prigent
- P. Pétriacq
- J.M. Deogratias
- C. Cabasson
The influence of biostimulants on growth and flowering of European Michaelmas daisy (Aster amellus L.)
- P. Peterson
- L. Mainla
- M. Maante-Kuljus
- A. Koort
- K. Karp
- P. Põldma
- U. Moor
A sustainable irrigation based on a soil water balance model for the production of Carpinus betulus L.
- P. De Clercq
- A. De Vroe
- P. Janssens
- K. Steppe
- D. Van Haecke
- B. Gobin
- M.-C. Van Labeke
- E. Dhooghe
Assessing the impact of salinity on Viola × wittrockiana: exploring morphological, physiological, and anatomical parameters
- S. Yasemin
- S. Karabiyik
- Y. Bektas
From ornamental to essential: investigating applied drought in Miscanthus sinensis; sensitivity, response mechanisms, and subsequent recovery
- M. Al Hassan
- K. van der Cruijsen
- D. Dees
- O. Dolstra
- L.M. Trindade
Morpho-physiological response of bedding plants quality to unconventional agro-industrial organic matrices to peat replacing: preliminary outcomes
- A.E. Sdao
- D. Mondelli
- L. Piscitelli
- E. Scaltrito
- B. Leoni
- G. Cristiano
- B. De Lucia
Brazil nut organic substrate as a viable alternative for rooting in purple joyweed (Alternanthera brasiliana) cuttings
- A. Balbino Ferreira
- B. Barbosa Mota
- M. Matos do Nascimento
- J. Bosco de Oliveira Júnior
- M. Santos de Lima
- L.C. Ming
- H. Lütken
- B. Trevenzoli Favero
The best substrate for the accelerated propagation of Thuja occidentalis ‘Pyramidalis’ saplings
- A. Hakobjanyan
- A. Karapetyan
- A. Ghahramanyan
- A. Yeghiazaryan
- S. Eloyan
- Kh. Mayrapetyan
Impact of ornamentals for the one health concept during Anthropocene
- K.R. Richert-Pöggeler
First report of Bougainvillea mealybug Phenacoccus peruvianus Granara de Willink in Montenegro
- S. Radonjić
- S. Hrnčić
Effect of cutting origin, season of collection, and treatment on rooting of shoot-tip cuttings of Salvia tomentosa Mill.
- A.N. Martini
- K. Bertsouklis
- G. Vlachou
- M. Papafotiou
Effect of temperature on seed germination of five local endemic species of Crete (Greece)
- E. Pipinis
- G. Tsoktouridis
- N. Krigas
- S. Hatzilazarou
- C. Peroni
- I. Nikolaou
- V. Koubi
- S. Kostas
Effect of sowing date and seed treatment on seedling emergence of Nandina domestica
- E. Pipinis
- S. Kostas
- A. Stampoulidis
- G. Tsoktouridis
- S. Hatzilazarou
Seed germination of seven Mediterranean aromatic species for the establishment of an herbaceous meadow mix
- A. Paraskevopoulou
- K. Bertsouklis
- D. Tsouna
Use of different LED light spectra for in vitro growth of Gardenia jasminoides Ellis ‘Grandiflora’
- S. Kostas
- A. Economou
- K. Bertsouklis
- F. Bantis
- N. Tsalouchos
- T. Labis
- S. Hatzilazarou
In vitro response of calcium alginate-encapsulated shoot explants of Cistus creticus after short-term cold preservation
- S. Hatzilazarou
- E. Kyriakidou
- A. Economou
- T. Panagiotidou
- E. Pipinis
- A.K. Kanellis
- S. Kostas
In vitro response of Kosteletzkya pentacarpos on media containing acetylsalicylic or salicylic acid
- K. Bertsouklis
- K.-S. Arfani
- N. Ntoulas
- S. Hatzilazarou
- S. Kostas
- M. Villani
In vitro response of Cerastium candidissimum nodal explants to three types of cytokinins and NAA
- K. Bertsouklis
- S. Tsopela
In vitro propagation of Limbarda crithmoides (L.) Dumort. and the effect of NaCl
- A. Paraskevopoulou
- K. Bertsouklis
- K.-E. Meleggoglou
Micropropagation of Hypericum taygeteum, an endemic and rare aromatic species of Greece
- P. Kanti
- E. Kartsonas
- A. Alexopoulos
- A. Darras
Postharvest durability and yellowing control of alstroemeria: the role of chlorine
- P.D.O. Paiva
- C.O. Paixão
- A.R. Cunha Neto
- A.M.P. Nascimento
- D.P.C. Silva
- M.V. Reis
Postharvest physiological responses of cut Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacques stolons at low-temperature storage
- A. Darras
- F. Pouli
- A. Kostriva
- K. Dimiza
- E. Kartsonas
Evolving consumption trends and marketing strategies in ornamental horticulture – what are the new challenges?
- S. Gabellini
- S. Scaramuzzi
Fertilization and intercropping with medicinal plants and edible flowers in the agroecological cultivation of tropical flowers
- M.N.O. Ribeiro
- E.B. Santos
- E.F.A. Almeida
- C.F. Nunes
Reduction of atmospheric CO2 as affected by the type of photosynthesis of green roof plants
- M. Papafotiou
- M. Trigka
- G. Liakopoulos
- A. Koutsardakis
- P. Dariveris
- D. Karagianni
Horticultural interventions in therapeutic and sensory landscapes from Romania – a systematic review
- T. Buru
- E. Buta
- M. Cantor
Related Acta Horticulturae
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