About Jujube

Jujube (Ziziphus) is an outstanding multi-purpose economic plant with great potential in drought and marginal districts. Chinese jujube (Z. jujuba Mill.) and Indian jujube or ber (Z. mauritiana Lam.) are two main economically valuable species. China has the largest production of jujube. China has at least 14 jujube species, of which Chinese jujube and ber are widely cultivated, with total growing area of over 2 million hectares and total production of 6 million tons. Approximately 20 million farmers rely on jujube production. Commercial and experimental cultivation of jujube is also emerging in other countries, for example Pakistan, India, Iran, Korea, Japan, Australia, USA, Italy, Romania, and Israel. However, jujube is still an unknown and underutilized horticultural plant in much of the world. Under the auspices of ISHS, the first to the fifth International Jujube Symposium were successfully held in Baoding, China (2008), Xinzheng, China (2011), Brisbane, Australia (2014), Istanbul, Turkey (2018), and Baoding, China (2021), respectively. The third and the fourth International Jujube Symposium were part of the 29th and 30th International Horticultural Congress. We believe the Working Group Jujube will be a bridge to facilitate international cooperation and lead to expansion of the jujube industry.

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Zhihui Zhao
Research Center of Chinese Jujube
College of Horticulture
Agricultural University of Hebei
Baoding 071001