The Working Group Pineapple (PWG) operates under the Division Tropical and Subtropical Fruit and Nuts and its main function is the organization and convening of symposia on pineapple and to facilitate communication among the more than 200 Working Group members from all over the world. In addition, every year the PWG edits the Pineapple News, a journal with the following scope of contributions: timely news about research, cultural practices, processing, storage, and marketing of pineapple; new, interesting, or unique practices or problems developed by or encountered by growers; country or status reports on the local pineapple industry. This is a crop-based group focused on pineapple research, tech transfer and the pineapple industry. The PWG was established in Hawaii in 1992, where the I International Pineapple Symposium (IPS) was held.
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44380-000 Cruz das Almas, BA