Founded in April 1959 as a global network of horticulturists and horticultural scientists seeking international co-operation, today the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), is a truly global network comprising over 70,000 individuals, universities, governments, institutions, libraries and commercial companies. ISHS has become the largest and most important framework for horticultural science. ISHS membership, offering a unique mix of divisions & commissions, working groups, symposia, publications, mailing lists, online services, ... allows you to develop information networks with colleagues who have similar interests and concerns. Discover job opportunities fast, learn of new techniques and breakthroughs first, and increase your access to scientists who may have solutions to the questions you need to answer today. The ISHS provides its members with a platform allowing them to share knowledge on an international scale.
Membership Dues:
- One year Individual Membership EU members: EUR 121 (inclusive of VAT)
- One year Individual Membership non-EU members: EUR 100 (or equivalent in USD - exempt from VAT)
- Check out all membership categories and options here or go to the FAQ pages for more answers
Online Membership Application - Sign up for membership (new users):
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Membership helps you to establish contacts and create a personal network of active professionals with similar responsibilities and interests. Be involved in furthering our profession. Keep abreast of new developments, research, findings that affect the daily lives of a growing world population.
What better way to share your experience and ideas with your peers, to increase your knowledge about any aspect of horticultural science, and to stay up-to-date on issues and trends?
- ISHS members and returning users: please use the ISHS member login instead if you already have a user account with ISHS and want to activate, update or renew your membership
- ISHS membership extends from January through December of the membership year.
Membership dues for new members joining after July 31 are prorated to cover the remaining months of the current year plus the next full calendar year.
Membership discounts automatically apply to individual members who meet the respective criteria set for each discount category (e.g. members who are citizens in low-income or lower-middle income countries as per the WorldBank country classifications list, student members, early career members, retired members).
- (*) 5% discount offered for individual membership renewals ahead of expiry date or 10% discount for multi-year membership renewals or new members signing up for more than 1 year (note: 5% discount for early renewal applies to online transactions only).
Membership Benefits:
- unrestricted access to the ISHS online membership and Divisions/Commissions directory creating unique networking opportunities
- a quarterly copy of the magazine Chronica Horticulturae in electronic format (print copy optional)
- free of charge submission of abstracts in any ISHS symposium or congress
- 20% discount on Acta Horticulturae orders. (Institutional Members: 30% discount) - Membership Discount does not apply to orders received through booksellers or subscription agents.
- a 25% discount on the regular APC when publishing in the European Journal of Horticultural Science (eJHS), the society's official peer reviewed journal, published by CABI.
- a limited number of free Acta Horticulturae full text article downloads
- a limited number of free full text article downloads from selected third party publications at
- 50% discount when purchasing Acta Horticulturae and/or PubHort full text article download credits.
- discounted 'ISHS member' registration fee when registering for an ISHS Symposium (Membership is to be in good standing prior to registration - ISHS Membership number required during registration process)
- participation in ISHS Working Groups, Divisions and Commissions and networking with fellow researchers
- entitlement to a vote in ISHS Divisions, Commissions, Working Groups and at the ISHS General Assembly
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ISHS Honorary and Fellow members
The ISHS Nominations and Awards Committee invites all ISHS members to nominate possible candidates.
ISHS Membership Directory
ISHS membership comes with unlimited access to the online ISHS membership list system which allows members and non-members to browse the ISHS membership directory in a structured way and includes contact details of all active ISHS members (personal membership details and address information available to ISHS members only - make sure to login while browsing the membership directory to reveal the full contact details).