2021 the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV)

The UN General Assembly designated 2021 the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables (IYFV) - http://www.fao.org/fruits-vegetables-2021.
FAO is the lead agency for celebrating the year in collaboration with other relevant organizations and bodies of the United Nations system.
The International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) is pleased to be involved as a privileged partner society supporting the IYFV and actively contributing to the success of the project that closely integrates with the aim of the ISHS "...to promote and encourage research and education in all branches of horticultural science and to facilitate cooperation and knowledge transfer on a global scale through its symposia and congresses, publications and scientific structure".
The IYFV 2021 is a unique opportunity to raise awareness on the important role of fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, food security and health and as well in achieving UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The official video of the IYFV2021 launch event of 15 December 2020 is available here: http://www.fao.org/webcast/home/en/item/5444/icode/
Objectives of the IYFV 2021
- Raising awareness of and directing policy attention to the nutrition and health benefits of fruits and vegetables consumption;
- Promoting diversified, balanced, and healthy diets and lifestyles through fruits and vegetables consumption;
- Reducing losses and waste in fruits and vegetables food systems;
- Sharing best practices on:
- Promotion of consumption and sustainable production of fruits and vegetables that contributes to sustainable food systems;
- Improved sustainability of storage, transport, trade, processing, transformation, retail, waste reduction and recycling, as well as interactions among these processes;
- Integration of smallholders including family farmers into local, regional, and global production, value/supply chains for sustainable production and consumption of fruits and vegetables, recognizing the contributions of fruits and vegetables, including farmers' varieties/landraces, to their food security, nutrition, livelihoods and incomes;
- Strengthening the capacity of all countries, specially developing countries, to adopt innovative approaches and technology in combating loss and waste of fruits and vegetables.
Lines of action of IYFV 2021:
- To raise awareness on how Fruits and Vegetables contribute to improved nutrition, dietary diversity, and health; impact society, economy, and the environment; and contribute to sustainable development;
- To promote the objectives of the year and encourage its integration in national, regional and global development agendas;
- To stimulate a global debate around different aspects of the Fruits and Vegetables and their contribution to the SDGs and other relevant global conventions and guidelines.
- To improve the understanding of how the various aspects of Fruits and Vegetables food systems contribute to society, the economy and environmental sustainability in both developing and developed countries and create evidence based communicational messages;
- To promote tools and mechanisms for the monitoring and measurement of positive and negative impacts of the different aspects of the IYFV 2021.
- To promote evidence-based policies, law and regulations, and exchange of good practices that advance and maximize the contribution of Fruits and Vegetables to sustainable development, rural economic growth and livelihoods, food safety and the promotion of diversified, balanced and healthy diets;
- To encourage integrated and holistic approaches in addressing fruits and vegetable food systems through cross-cutting national policies that contribute to the achievementof SDGs and the targets of relevant global conventions and guidelines;
- To stimulate public/private sector cooperation and partnerships related to different aspects of the IYFV 2021 including in research;
- To promote investment in innovation and infrastructure development to promote consumption and sustainable production of Fruits and Vegetables and reduce their losses and waste.
- To support the formulation and implementation of educational policies and programs (such as school feeding programs, school gardens, urban and peri-urban gardens and roof tops gardens, healthy workplaces, food literacy, community food loss and waste (FLW) education programs) and related educational material to promote the benefits of Fruits and Vegetables production and consumption, its implications on health and nutrition, and other related topics of IYFV 2021;
- To enhance integration of nutrition education, highlighting the importance of fruits and vegetables, in curricula development in line with the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs;
- To empower stakeholders, especially women and youth, through knowledge-building and skills development in the production and post-harvest handling, processing, preparation, marketing and consumption of fruits and vegetables.