Counting down to Perth hosting international conference on Proteaceae and new ornamental crops

ISHS Secretariat
Counting down to Perth hosting international conference on Proteaceae and new ornamental crops

VIII International Symposium on New Ornamental Crops and XII International Protea Research Symposium and XVII International Protea Association Conference
Perth, Australia, 20-24 August 2015

Counting down to Perth hosting international conference on Proteaceae and new ornamental crops

Excitement is building among flower and ornamental plant researchers, pot plant and flower growers and marketers who will meet in August in Perth on Aug 20-24th 2015.
The draft program has just been released and is available on the conference website. The conference affords a rare chance for industry members to meet their counterparts from all over the world during the spectacular wildflower season when floral displays are at their best. In contrast to many conferences, this one features two days of conference presentations followed by two days of technical field visits.
Plus, an optional 4-day pre-conference tour will take delegates south west of Perth to view the local flora and the unique scenery. Technical visits have been arranged to the Geographe Community Landcare Nursery, the Banksia Farm (the world's only complete arboretum of banksias), and the Nindethana Seed Service.

AND Good News! The organisers have extended the early registration for this combined conference to May 19. We have also been able to reduce the registration costs due to increased sponsorship.

Please be aware of these important deadlines:
• Early registration May 19, 2015 (reduced registration fee)
• Regular registration August 10, 2015
• Hotel reservations at the conference venue May 19, 2015 (recommended)

For more information about the symposium, please go to

If you have any questions, please contact Sally Brown Conference Connections, PO Box 108 Kenmore QLD 4069 Australia, Telephone +61 7 3201 2808 Fax +61 3201 2809, Mobile +61407178200

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in August! Robyn McConchie and Bettina Gollnow (Co Convenors)


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