eJHS Volume 88/3 (June 2023)

ISHS Secretariat
eJHS Volume 88/3 (June 2023)

Check out the new issue of eJHS online at https://www.pubhort.org/ejhs/ (Volume 88, issue 3, June 2023) including the following articles:

Twitter: #eJHS_journal

eJHS (European Journal of Horticultural Science; ISSN 1611-4426 print and ISSN 1611-4434 online) publishes original research articles and reviews on significant plant science discoveries and new or modified methodologies and technologies with a broad international and cross-disciplinary interest in the scope of global horticulture. eJHS focus is on applied and fundamental aspects of the entire food value chain, ranging from breeding, production, processing, trading to retailing of horticultural crops and commodities in temperate and Mediterranean regions. In particular eJHS emphasizes integrated crop management strategies during the preharvest and postharvest stages, aiming at sustainably increasing the quantity and quality of horticultural products. The eJHS publishes peer-reviewed articles, reviews and special thematic issues; see www.ishs.org/ejhs for information and to submit your articles.

sugar metabolism
Muscat Hamburt
salinity stress
ABA 8'-hydroxylase
grape berries
Akebia trifoliata
fruit softening
Agave amica
cut flowers
General Interest
ISHS Publications
Science news