ISHS Elections - update your membership account now!

ISHS Secretariat
ISHS Elections - update your membership account

The ISHS Secretariat will soon be initiating the procedure for the election of Section and Commission Chairs and Vice Chairs. During the next International Horticultural Congress (IHC2014, Brisbane, Australia, August 2014) those (re)elected will come into office for the next 4-year term: 2014-2018 (until the next IHC2018 in Istanbul, Turkey, 2018).

Both the election rounds as well as the preliminary nomination of candidates are reserved to ISHS members-only.

In view of the upcoming elections now is the time for you to double check your ISHS membership is both current and that all the information is still valid.

In particular you may wish to make sure that those Sections, Commissions or Working Groups that reflect your professional interests and involvements in horticultural science and industry are correctly associated with your ISHS membership account. Membership of each Section and Commission involves no further fees but provides you with the chance to receive relevant newsletters, receive notices of meetings, have the opportunity to stand for and to vote for the Chair and Vice-Chair positions, and to get information about the relevant Working Group activities that take place throughout the year.

To sign in you can either use your email address or your ISHS membership reference number in combination with your ISHS password. In case you did not receive an ISHS password yet or you forgot your ISHS password, the login screen will give you the option to have your login details mailed to your email address. Click here to sign in and manage your membership account

executive committee
ISHS Membership