Save the date: III International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture

ISHS Secretariat
III International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture

III International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture, Izmir, Turkey, April 11-14, 2016.

Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture and the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), represented by the Commissions for Organic Horticulture, Protected Cultivation and Horticultural Engineering, Working Group Organic Greenhouse Horticulture and the COST Action FA1105 Biogreenhouse have the honor to invite all engaged in research, producers, teaching, extension, and public services, private sector and stakeholders related to organic greenhouse horticulture to attend the "3rd ISHS Organic Greenhouse Horticulture Symposium".

The Symposium will have both a scientific program and a technical program presented in parallel as well as one day field tour during which different organic protected cropping systems will be visited.

The scientific program will include three days of invited lectures, oral presentations, and poster sessions covering all aspects of organic greenhouse farming. This 3rd ISHS symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture will focus on soil and plant health via the use of appropriate robust plant material, the soil, water and nutrient management, including compost quality, as well as the plant protection. Energy use efficiency and sustainability of organic growing systems will also be important issues. Major points such as market development, product quality and regulation will be discussed between researchers and all stakeholders. During this unique event, scientists are also invited to transfer their research achievements and knowledge to practitioners in order to establish close collaboration and fill fundamental and apply research gaps.

The technical program will include three days of knowledge transfer sessions covering all aspects of organic protected crops where stakeholders such as growers, suppliers (i.e. seed, fertilizers, compost, and nursery), managers, consultants, governmental advisors, educators, certification bodies and policy makers will exchange their expertise and discuss on key topics in order to provide innovative and practical solutions to important issues and barriers that the organic sector have to face to insure its competitivity and profitability.

Conveners: Prof. Dr. Yüksel Tüzel and Prof. Golgen Bahar Oztekin

Call for abstracts: Deadline September 15, 2015!

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organic greenhouse horticulture
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