Sugar, organic acid content and antioxidant capacity of strawberry in relation to colour stability of puree

Consumers appreciate strawberries for their nutritional quality and characteristic flavour. While the distinct flavour can be attributed to the balance between the content of sugars and organic acids as well as the aromatic compounds, the nutritional quality is attributed to the phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid, which also contribute to the antioxidant capacity of the fruit. However, strawberries are not only used for fresh consumption but also for processing. The colour stability of processed strawberry products (nectar or puree) is a concern for the industry. It has been previously shown that ascorbic acid might have a negative effect on colour stability. This study aimed to determine whether there was any relationship between the content of primary metabolites (ascorbic acid, other organic acids and sugars) and antioxidant capacity (DPPH method) of 12 strawberry cultivars and the colour stability of strawberry puree made from this fruit. The sugar content of the strawberry puree ranged from 38-77 mg g-1 fresh weight and the organic acid content ranged from 13-26 mg g-1 fresh weight. Even though no connection was found between the content of sugars or acids and the colour stability, there was a strong negative correlation (r=0.60) between the ascorbic acid content in the fruit and the colour acceptance factor. However, not all cultivars followed the same trend. Results showed that a high ascorbic acid content in fruit can negatively affect the colour stability of the processed fruit, but it depends on the chosen cultivar.
Kristyna Simkova won the ISHS Prof. Jens Wünsche Young Minds Award for the best poster presentation at the International Symposium on Berries between Opportunities and Challenges at EHC2024 in Romania in May 2024.
Kristyna Simkova, Department of Agronomy, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail:
The article is available in Chronica Horticulturae