Third International Symposium on Moringa (ISM2023)

For the first time under the aegis of the ISHS, the III International Symposium on Moringa was held from 8-10 November 2023 in Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.
The symposium was jointly organized by ISHS, Moringa Association of Brazil, Federal University of Sergipe, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia (Campus Ilhéus), Sergipe Technological Park and State Secretariat for Economic Development and Science and Technology of Sergipe. The symposium was attended by 100 participants from 10 countries who came to share their experiences, expertise and knowledge on a wide range of topics including botany and germplasm, production technology and agroecosystem, health and nutrition, industrial uses and cross commodity. The symposium's book of abstracts contains 12 oral presentations and 8 posters and these were presented during the symposium. More than 10 exhibitors, partners and sponsors displayed their products and services in tables and stands.
The plenary, technical and scientific sessions were held under the theme: Moringa: The most nutritious plant in the world.
ISM2023 Organizing Committee, and Professor Mahmoud A. Sharafeldin
ISHS Working Group Moringa