Webinars on Agroecology

A series of webinars on Agroecology in 3 episodes - https://www.ishs.org/hortdialogues
1. Agroecology: Principles and Best Practices (Moderator: Prof. Dr. Martine Dorais)
Agroecology and organic are both systems of food production grounded in the principles of health, ecology, fairness and care, which guide standards and inspire the development of best practices and sustainable production systems. This first webinar on agroecology presents the role of ISHS to ensure the integration of these pillars within the international horticulture research community and report on the expansion of agroecology. It shows how these principles could be integrated to the development of new agri-food systems that address global challenges, including nutritive and food security, and also reports on challenges that certified organic horticultural systems should address in regards to human and environmental health and social fairness.
Date: 10 May 2021: 15:00 - 17:30 CET
HortDialogues are open to both ISHS members and non-members, compliments of the ISHS.
The webinar 1. Agroecology: Principles and Best Practices has ended - the recording of the webinar is available below for on-demand viewing.
- A short introductory speech about ISHS scientific structuring related to this field (Yüksel Tüzel, ISHS President)
- Agroecology and its principles for the agri-food model construction (Maria Claudia Dussi, Comahue National University, Argentina & Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología - SOCLA)
- Agroecological conversion of horticultural production systems (Miguel Altieri, University of California, Berkeley)
- Current challenges in certified organic farming systems, how to go back to basic principles and regenerative approaches (Uygun Aksoy, ETO - Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization, Turkey)
- Enhancements of Agroecology in Europe (Paola Migliorini, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy)
Click here to download a short introduction of topics & panelists of session 1 (.pdf will open in a new window)
2. Agroecology, Horticulture, HortScience and Food Systems Transformation in low- and high income countries – how do they connect? (Moderator: Dr. Lukas Bertschinger)
The fact that food systems transformation is an urgent need in order to meet global challenges and achieve the SDG is nowadays generally accepted. But what is needed for this transformation to take place? What role do horticulture and horticultural research play in this context? And is agroecology a suitable concept, especially in horticulture, to drive the transformation and meet the challenges? This webinar wants to stimulate forward looking reflections, since transformation pressure is high and answers to these questions are anything but clear.
Date: 26 May 2021 14:30 - 17:00 CET
HortDialogues are open to both ISHS members and non-members, compliments of the ISHS.
The webinar 2. Agroecology, Horticulture, HortScience and Food Systems Transformation in low - and high income countries – how do they connect? has ended - the recording of the webinar is available below for on-demand viewing.
- Fruits and vegetables for healthy diets: A view from the other end of the food system (Jody Harris, World Vegetable Center, Thailand)
- Agroecology in view of a governmental development agency (Michel Évequoz, SDC, Switzerland)
- Agroecological transformation of food systems in Africa – the value of training (Janet Maro, Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania SAT, Tanzania)
- The scaling-up of agroecology in Andhra Pradesh (Shri Vijay Kumar Thallam, Gov. Andhra Pradesh, India)
- Challenges and opportunities of agroecology for horticultural food systems in Europe (Stéphane Bellon, INRAE, France)
Click here to download a short introduction of topics & panelists of session 2 (.pdf will open in a new window)
3. Research for agroecology based management of horticultural production systems (Moderator: Dr. Francoise Lescourret)
Horticultural systems, which contain multiple layers and rows and inter-rows, and can host a lot of biodiversity, offer excellent opportunities to develop agroecological management. This webinar presents researches on the design of cropping and farming systems using a systemic approach, in the case of orchards, vegetable systems and greenhouses. It also reports research on management for and through ecosystem services, with a focus on soil as a key component of agroecosystems, and on synergies and trade-offs between multiple ecosystem services.
Date: 16 June 2021: 14:00 - 16:30 CET
HortDialogues are open to both ISHS members and non-members, compliments of the ISHS.
The webinar 3. Research for agroecology based management of horticultural production systems has ended - the recording of the webinar is available below for on-demand viewing.
- Design of orchards (Sylvaine Simon and Aude Alaphilippe, INRAE, France)
- Design of vegetable systems (Amélie Lefèvre and Mireille Navarrete, INRAE, France)
- Design of greenhouse systems (Martine Dorais, Laval University, Canada)
- Floor management (Giuseppe Montanaro, University of Basilicata, Italy)
- Analyzing bundles of ecosystem services in orchards (Francoise Lescourret, INRAE)
Click here to download a short introduction of topics & panelists (.pdf will open in a new window)