Why does a pepper rootstock confer tolerance to water stress? The case of NIBER®

ISHS Secretariat
Why does a pepper rootstock confer tolerance to water stress? The case of NIBER®

Yaiza G. Padilla is a biotechnologist specializing in the abiotic stress tolerance mechanisms of horticultural plants and plant breeding for climate change adaptation. She is a postdoctoral researcher in the Horticulture Department at IVIA in Spain, where she studies heat and cold stress tolerance mechanisms of pepper plants to obtain tolerant genotypes that could be used as rootstocks for grafted plants to overcome temperature stress conditions in the field. In the awarded paper, Yaiza summarized the main physiological and molecular traits related to water stress mitigation for grafted plants using NIBER®, a hybrid pepper rootstock registered by the IVIA research group as tolerant to water and salt stress. The results demonstrated that the drought tolerance observed in the pepper variety grafted onto NIBER® was a consequence of both constitutive traits and activated mechanisms mediated by the rootstock. As a result of numerous heat stress experiments, the research group has obtained a heat tolerant rootstock whose patent application is in progress. With the use of patented rootstocks, farmers should be able to obtain better yields and superior quality fruit. In-field trials are usually conducted in collaboration with local farmers to test the newly developed hybrids under real stress conditions.

Yaiza G. Padilla won the ISHS Prof. Jens Wünsche Young Minds Award for the best oral presentation at the International Symposium on Sustainable Vegetable Production from Seed to Health Booster Sources at EHC2024 in Romania in May 2024.

Yaiza G. Padilla, Horticulture Department, Citriculture and Crop Production Center, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA), CV-315, Km 10,7, 46113 Moncada Valencia, Spain, e-mail: padilla_yai@gva.es

The article is available in Chronica Horticulturae

water stress
pepper rootstock
Young Minds Award Winners