The Working Group on Sap Flow belongs to the Commission on Irrigation and Plant Water Relations of the International Society for Horticultural Science. Below is some useful information on the subject. You are invited to send your suggestions to the Chairperson of the Working Group.
Methods: A document providing a summary of the main methods of Sap Flow is available for download. Use the link in the 'Documents' section at the bottom of this page.
Symbols: Some confusion was observed during the 7th International Workshop on Sap Flow (Seville, Spain, 21-24 October 2008) with respect to the use of symbols, units and physical quantities in presentations and during discussions. It was therefore decided at the end of the workshop that a technical note would be very useful with the aim to summarize the basics of the "Système International des Unités (SI)" and to focus on particular aspects that are relevant for sap flow studies. Starting from a number of standard papers that have been published in the past, an extra effort was made to put sap flow nomenclature against the physical background of plant-water relationships, of water flow in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and of transport equations for mass, heat and hydraulic flow. Information is given on the application of SI units and the main SI conventions. Tables are included for practical use of basic and derived SI units and for common abbreviations encountered in sap flow studies. An overview of a coherent nomenclature for sap flow studies, together with definitions of sap flow quantities, symbols and units is given as well. To access the full article go to
Publications: A list of references to key papers on Sap Flow is available for download. Use the link in the 'Documents' section at the bottom of this page.
Prof. Endrit Kullaj, from the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania) maintains a detailed list of papers on sapflow at
Dr. Michael Forster, a Plant and Soil Scientist from ICT International and Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Queensland, collated several techniques for presenting and analysing sap flow data into a single document which is available at Comments or suggestions are welcome at michael(at)
A paper on Granier's Thermal Dissipation Probe Method for Measuring Sap Flow in trees by Lu et al. (2004) is available for download. Use the link in the 'Documents' section at the bottom of this page.
Manufacturers: A list with the main manufacturers of Sap Flow equipment is available for download. Use the link in the 'Documents' section at the bottom of this page.