IV International Symposium on Plant Cryopreservation
April 25, 2023 (online submission)
September 06, 2023 (online submission)
Dr. Dag-Ragnar Blystad
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Division of Biotechnology and Plant Health
Høgskoleveien 7, NO-1431 Ås
Norway (47)90872588 dag-ragnar.blystad@nibio.no
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Division of Biotechnology and Plant Health
Høgskoleveien 7, NO-1431 Ås
Norway (47)90872588 dag-ragnar.blystad@nibio.no
Dr. Zhibo Hamborg
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Division of Biotechnology and Plant Health
Høgskoleveien 7, NO-1431 Ås
Norway (47)94-257170 zhibo.hamborg@nibio.no
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
Division of Biotechnology and Plant Health
Høgskoleveien 7, NO-1431 Ås
Norway (47)94-257170 zhibo.hamborg@nibio.no
This volume is currently in preparation. Contact symposium convener for details on the status of the review process.