I International Symposium on Growing Media, Compost Utilization and Substrate Analysis for Soilless Cultivation
December 07, 2022
February 15, 2023
Prof. Dr. Jean Caron
Dep Soil Sciences and Ag Engineering
Université Laval, Pavillon Envirotron
2480 Boul Hochelaga
Quebec, QC G1V 0A6
Canada (1)4186562131 (1)4186563723 jean.caron@fsaa.ulaval.ca
Université Laval, Pavillon Envirotron
2480 Boul Hochelaga
Quebec, QC G1V 0A6
Canada (1)4186562131 (1)4186563723 jean.caron@fsaa.ulaval.ca
Prof. Dr. Jacynthe Dessureault-Rompré
2480 boul Hochelaga
Canada jacynthe.dessureault-rompre@fsaa.ulaval.ca
Canada jacynthe.dessureault-rompre@fsaa.ulaval.ca