Value Added Tax (VAT) - Important: if you do not live in the EU you won't be charged VAT - information contained in this page does solely apply to EU member state citizens - following EU tax regulations, goods as well as services (such as membership or abstract submission charges) paid for within the EU are subject to VAT (Value Added Tax).
Note: most ISHS users/members act in their own private capacity as an individual and therefore must not fill out the VAT registration number field
Institutions, companies (or self-employed individuals) legally registered as VAT taxable entities in their own EU member state may want the transaction to be considered under the EU VAT "reverse charge mechanism". This means that they would not pay VAT to ISHS; instead they would settle VAT in their own EU member state by means of their company's VAT declaration.
For the "reverse charge mechanism" to be applied strict legal rules are in place. No exceptions.
The mechanism can only be considered for those transactions in the name of VAT registered and taxable customers who provide ISHS with their valid VAT registration number prior to the transaction being concluded and paid for.
By entering a VAT registration number and applying for the transaction to be considered under the "reverse charge mechanism", customer declares and agrees to be the legally authorized user of the VAT registration number for the purpose of the transaction concerned.
To prevent abuse and to allow cross-checking, EU tax regulations require ISHS to file and report all "reverse charge mechanism" transactions details to the VAT administration in the EU member state of the customer.
ISHS is registered for VAT in Belgium: BE0472 448 990 [Pastoriestraat 2, 3360 Korbeek-Lo, Belgium].
EU VAT regulations are strict and do not allow for ISHS to accept claims for the "reverse charge mechanism" to be applied to transactions that previously had been successfully concluded and paid for, inclusive of VAT.
VAT related transactions are therefore strictly considered final - no refunds - no changes - no exceptions.
To check the validity of an EU VAT registration number go to
For further reading on the subject go to
Conclusion: if you are in doubt, or you do not fully understand the procedure of VAT and how to deal with the reverse charge mechanism - do not fill the VAT field - filling the field means that you fully understand the VAT rules and that you accept to comply with the legal tax regulations of VAT and the EU reverse charge mechanism.