Nikos T. Papadopoulos, Dimitrios P. Papachristos, Charalambos Ioannou
The Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) is considered one of the most important pests for citrus fruits. Recent and older studies demonstrate a variable degree of sensitivity of citrus species to medfly infestations. It seems that the chemical properties of the citrus fruit rind are the most important barrier prohibiting survival and development of medfly immature stages. The toxic properties of rind vary a lot among different citrus species as a result of quantitative and qualitative (composition) aspects of citrus essential oils. Effects of fruit flesh on biological traits of larvae do not vary much among different citrus species. On the other hand, citrus essential oils affect, in a variable manner among different fruit species, a range of adult behavioral traits. For example, male medflies are attracted to citrus essential oils while exposure to them increases mating competitiveness over non-exposed males. Likewise, citrus oils regulate female ovipositional decisions. The current paper provides a comprehensive account on the complex interactions between medfly and citrus plants. Practical and theoretical implications are discussed.
Nikos T. Papadopoulos, , Dimitrios P. Papachristos, and Charalambos Ioannou, (2015). CITRUS FRUITS AND THE MEDITERRANEAN FRUIT FLY. Acta Hortic. 1065, 1009-1018
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2015.1065.126
host finding, citrus essential oils, plant resistance, sexual behavior

Acta Horticulturae