Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) gene pool in the Nikita Botanical Gardens
The jujube collection in the Nikita Botanical Gardens is one of the biggest in the world containing 123 cultivars and forms.
The first eight cultivars were introduced from China in 1953. Then the collection was replenished with new forms from areas of their natural growth and new selected cultivars.
Among other subtropical crops jujube maintains frosts the best (up to -27°C), and it is resistant to pests and diseases.
High and regular productivity is typical.
Jujube fruits have large nutritious, dietary and medical importance.
Their nutritional value is caused by high content of sugars, starch, protein, pectin, minerals and vitamins.
Cultivars with different terms of fruit ripening, weight (from 3 to 50 g) and taste, productivity, technological characteristics of fruits, content of biologically active agents are represented in this collection.
Based on the complex of economic valuable characteristics (early ripening, medium or large fruit size, good flavor, high and regular yield) the following cultivars and forms are distinguished: 'Kitayski 2A', 'Burnim', 'Vakhshski 40-5', 'Sovetski', 'Yuzhanin', 'Pervenets', 'Kitayski 60', 'Kitayski 93', 'Kitayski 45', and 'Ta Yan Zhao'. The main task of our investigations is formation and preservation of jujube gene pool for using in breeding, research work, educational programs, and expansion of genetic variability.
New cultivars with early ripening (II-III decade of September), fruitful (12-15 t ha-1), having fruit weight from 12 to 50 g are created.
Shishkina, E.L. and Litvinova, T. (2016). Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) gene pool in the Nikita Botanical Gardens. Acta Hortic. 1139, 113-116
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.20
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1139.20
Ziziphus jujuba, fruit, gene pool, genetic collection, breeding, new cultivars