New challenges for organic greenhouse horticulture in Sweden

B.W. Alsanius, A.K. Rosberg, K. Löfkvist, K.-J. Bergstrand, F. Fernqvist, S. Khalil, M. Dorais
Swedish consumers buy increasing amounts of organic food. Also, the Swedish Government aspires to increase food sovereignty and volume of organic food stuff in public meals from 36 (2017) to 60% in 2030. There is a substantial mismatch between demand and the production of organic vegetables. Today, 4.9% of the total greenhouse area in Sweden is used for organic production. The majority of organic production of greenhouse vegetables in Sweden is performed in containers and confined beds. The approval of the revised European regulation for organic farming in 2018 reinforces production in natural soil, leads to dramatic changes for organic greenhouse horticulture in Sweden. Confined beds need to be phased out. Cultivation methods that conserve or increase organic matter in the soil should be used. Thus, soil bound systems using crop rotations and soil fertility maintaining activities need to be implemented. This corroborates with increased burden of soil borne diseases and lower yields. Such systems, well established in southern Europe, cannot be translated to northern European conditions, due to constraints in climate and day length, as well as constraints due to greenhouse construction (permanent construction). This presentation displays the challenges and consequences to meet the changed legislation.
Alsanius, B.W., Rosberg, A.K., Löfkvist, K., Bergstrand, K.-J., Fernqvist, F., Khalil, S. and Dorais, M. (2020). New challenges for organic greenhouse horticulture in Sweden. Acta Hortic. 1296, 1079-1084
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2020.1296.136
EU regulation 2018/848, organic greenhouse horticulture, organic protected crops, prospects for Swedish conditions

Acta Horticulturae