Impact of climate change on ‘Chenin blanc’ in the middle Loire Valley

E. Neethling, C. Coulon-Leroy, E. Goulet, V. Grondain
As a case study, our research assessed the impacts of climate variations on grape composition of ‘Chenin blanc’ in the Anjou-Saumur wine growing sub-region, France. A long-term assessment was made on the influence and relation between climate trends and modifications in berry compounds and ripening speed. From here, data were collected for flowering and veraison growing stages for various studied clones of ‘Chenin blanc’ in the middle Loire Valley. Study findings highlight the important trends in grape composition over time, providing an overview of climate change impacts on grape quality. While model performances may still require improvements, this study also is the first step towards quantifying heat requirements of different clones and how they can provide adaptation solutions for winegrowers to sustain wine identity in a changing climate.
Neethling, E., Coulon-Leroy, C., Goulet, E. and Grondain, V. (2023). Impact of climate change on ‘Chenin blanc’ in the middle Loire Valley. Acta Hortic. 1370, 83-86
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1370.11
climate change, ‘Chenin blanc’, Loire Valley, grape composition, genetic diversity

Acta Horticulturae