Mamdouh Riad
The total mango production in Egypt reached 197 thousand tons. Production for Governorates located inside the valley was about 192 thousand tons which represented 97.5% of the whole production whereas production for governorates located outside the valley was not more than five thousand tons which represent 2.5% of the total production.

Production of lower Egypt Governorates reached 126 thousands tons (64% of total production) while middle Egypt Governorates produced 54 thousand tons (27% of total production).

The most producing centers are in Sharkia, Ismailia, Giza, Fayoum, Qena and Nobaria Governorates. The production of each Governorate was 75, 37, 36, 17, 6 and 4.5 thousands tons respectively.

The total production of these Governorates reached 175 thousand tons which represent 88.8% of Egypt total production. Yield per feddan in the above mentioned Governorates was 7.01; 2.35; 5.78; 6.55; 7.82 and 2.32 tons respectively.

The most important varieties are Hindi, Pairi, Tymour, Ewas Zebda, Langara. These varieties vary in fruit size ground color, pulp color, seed size, pulp weight, sugar, ash and fiber contents as well as flavor which is distinctly higher in Pairi.

Mamdouh Riad, (1997). MANGO PRODUCTION IN EGYPT. Acta Hortic. 455, 2-6
DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.1997.455.1

Acta Horticulturae